Chapter Forty Three | Border
Boom! Update.
Payne P.O.V
I wasn't supposed to get drunk from those drinks but staring at the two empty bottles and the remaining quarter bottle of liquid in the tequila I've accepted the term anything can happen.
Rising off my bed I was thankful I didn't get hang over headaches and those shit 'cuz I felt as good as new except I was starving. Hadn't eated since.....
Pulling my phone from out of my pocket I checked the time.
I hadn't eaten yesterday, my last meal was the diner Alexis made when we'd just arrived.
Oh, shit. Alexis.
That was when all the details of our last encounter came back to mind.
I was an awkward drunk.
Rolling off the bed, literally, then catching my footing just before I fell I got into the bathroom and showered and brushed my teeth.
Getting out, I changed into slacks and a white T-shirt.
Where was my slippers?
There you go.
Walking out of my room I landed exactly in front of Alexis' room.
Memories of the past few months where she'd sleep on the ground as opposed to the bed came to mind then I remembered how she'd slept peacefully when I was there.
Ah, memories.
Knocking on the door I noticed her room was eerily silent and because of my mate instincts or whatever I had a bad feeling she wasn't in there.
I walked right in and found her room exactly how I'd left it.
She wasn't here and because of the faint dust of her scent she hadn't been in here for a while.
Payge would know.
I hoped she did.
Crossing the hallway and getting to Payge's room I knocked again then just entered. She wasn't there either.
Stay cool, they're probably downstairs asleep on the couch.
I went down the staircase in a casual walk although I wanted to run throughout the entire house until I found her. I met the living room downstairs and found the two still missing.
So, that's when I checked the kitchen, the backyard, the gym even Payge and I's freaking office. Nothing.
Holy shit.
Where is Alexis?!
I streamed out of the house lightening fast and ran all the way to the pack house, there were lurking eyes following my every move but right now my main concern was Alexis.
O God
What if someone took her?
Payge would go after her first if she knew, so that explains where she is.
This is exactly what I was talking about!
I'm sure they're already hurting her.
Why was I headed to the pack house again?
Someone there had to know, You couldn't leave the property without someone in there seeing.
Then I'd check the gates. Wayne or Thomas would know, or whatever those two guy's names are.
I ascended the few steps in front of the mansion and as soon as I entered everyone stopped and stared.
Ah. Feels good to be home.
"Where's Alexis?" The tone of my voice was all to tell them I wasn't in the mood for bullshit and the gathered bunch of teenagers, all in one unit, pointed their index finger towards the stairs.
She's upstairs. Thank fuck.
I breathed out a breath of relief.
Payge and Alexis must have stayed the night here or something and I was too drunk to realize.
Fucking moron.
Climbing another set of fucking steps, the journey to Alexis never felt so long before.
Curse these fucking steps.
I could feel the eyes of the teenage group behind me and I didn't even bother turning. It was like six in the morning, aren't normal teenagers supposed to be sleeping?
Or, wait no, they had training for seven or something.
Turning into the hallway I went to Payge's room first and with a quick knock I let myself in.
Then almost broke the fucking door as I closed it shut.
Three heads shot up from on the bed, two I knew, one I wanted to murder.
"Luchas" I growled out as the scene before me unraveled.
On Payge's bed, Payge, Alexis and Luchas were previously sleeping.
The guy slept at the bottom of the bed, horizontally but I didn't give a fuck.
He was on a bed with my mate.
"Morning Payne," Payge groaned but Alexis was already sitting up and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.
"Payne I thought-"
Luchas groaned and twisted to the side, the sheets on the bed that were once covering his torso slid down revealing his shirtless form.
Was he naked?
The thought about what he was doing naked in my sister's room where my mate slept didn't really get a chance to settle.
Next thing I knew was I had that fucker by his neck against the wall.
I didn't even realize I was angry until I literally started seeing red.
Or maybe that was his blood?
Who knew.
"Payne stop!" Payge yelled from behind me and I could feel her trying to pull me away from behind. I didn't budge.
This fucker was dead.
Did he touch her?
My claws elongated and dugg into his flesh. I relished the sound of his screams.
I thought he would have atleast fought back.
No, he was trying, his hands were trying to pry mine off of his neck.
That voice. That fucking voice.
My head snapped to the side and I was met by Alexis' bright caribbean blue eyes.
I took in her appearance of cropped pants and a T-shirt and was relieved she was dressed. Payge was too.
The guy had on a pants.
I didn't like the sight of his chest.
"Payne let go." She calmly said, can she not see I was going off? How could she be so freaking calm? I could turn my rage at her!
As if by her command instead of my own brain commanding the limb, my hands slackened and I released him.
I stared at Alexis shocked.
Payge and I had a twin image as she turned to face Alexis and I.
Ha, twin.
Alexis broke our stare and looked from me to Luchas.
When did this idiot even come back?
Probably yesterday.
I knew he and my sister were close.
I wanted to go at his neck again but for some reason I wasn't even pissed anymore.
But I was worried.
Please fuck, tell me what I'm thinking isn't right-
"Nothing happened. The air conditioning in here is broken and he must have taken out his shirt during the night. I'm used to heat, Payge is in shorts. Relax."
I did.
"What the fuck man?" Luchas' weak voice came from the side of me. So he finally got his voice back. "I would never mess with your mate. Believe it or not I don't have a death wish."
Luchas rubbed his neck where an imprint of my hand stayed behind.
I turned and smiled at him. It was a crooked smile that was supposed to haunt his dreams.
"Good, this was just in case."
I could see the surprise slapped across his face.
"You talk?" He laughed out and shook his head. Alexis snorted same time Payge did.
They high five behind me.
I turned and glared at the two.
Luchas was saying something from the side of me but I zoned him out. My sole focus was Alexis right now. Her blue stare found mine and she flushed under my stare.
"You want to get out of here?" With an even brighter blush she nodded and I could see Payge and Luchas staring at us. What was it with it people staring at me?
Shit was weird.
Payge had stayed back at the pack house and Alexis and I returned to the house where I gave her time to get ready and after she was dressed in a light pink floral dress that stopped mid tight and a pair of white sandals with her hair in a messy bun with loose golden strands falling out that highlighted her face beautifully especially her eyes-
Yes I know I went into a lot of detail there but she looked beautiful.
Thank you whatever the girl's name was that bought the clothes. The girl had been shocked too when I contacted her, thought it was for Payge.
Alexis made an omlette for us and after eating we left the house and began strolling around the place.
"Where are we going?" I could tell she was nervous.
Hell, I was.
Didn't even know what to do.
"Thought I should give you a tour around this place, you know in case you want to buy something, or watch a movie or something."
Even though the way things were going with us, she wasn't going out without me ever again.
"So its truly like a village then? Is this where you grew up?"
I wanted to stay quiet, I didn't like talking about these things but yet still everything she asked the words came out.
"This was my father's pack, before when he had it, it was barely an acre of land and the people had nothing much, all they knew and did was fight and go hunting for rogues. When my mother died and I was brought back here, there was a house where the gate is now, he took us there and trained us in the forest right outside the gates." She stayed silent for a bit and I thought she wasn't going to reply to that but after a minute she spoke.
"Its beautiful, what you've done here? Amazing really."
"It was mostly Payge, she did the designing of the new place, I just worked on it." I shrugged.
Alexis locked her hands in mine and I stared down at out entwined fingers. Where she touched me I could feel sparks emitting from the spot.
"It still is amazing." She stated and I nodded.
After a long tour around the estate, the sun had came out with her hot shining rays and Alexis and I made our way to the pack house.
I intended on showing her the pool but then the thought that there were probably plenty half naked bodies in there right now came to mind and I changed my mind.
It was twelve noon now and with that tour I gave Alexis, including extra details and history of some of the places around here, she should know the place to a T.
Climbing the porch steps Alexis was about to loose her fingers from in mine but I tightened mine around hers.
Isn't this what she wanted?
Entering into the pack house people were hustling and running from all angles aiming to one area, the dining room.
"Let's go get something to eat?" I asked and she answered with a quick, "yes."
Even though Alexis and I spent the day acting normal, I could sence something was off about her. She was quiet, only asking things because she knew if she didn't it'll look weird.
Alexis was never quite.
Not like this.
Something was wrong.
Stopping just as we reached the kitchen door, I pulled her aside.
"What's wrong?"
She pulled the fake smile and shook her head. "Noth-"
"Alexis what's wrong? You're quiet." Taking her chin in my hand I tilted her head back so she'd be able to look me directly in the eye. Times like this I take detail of her shortness.
"Its nothing. Let's go eat."
Were all women so complicated or was it me just finding Alexis hard to understand?
She could talk to me, about anything, I might not know what to say all the time but at least I'd listen.
Aha, so maybe I'm exaggerating my listening skills a little but I'm somewhere around that area. Working on it.
"I'm not dropping this until you tell me what's on your mind." Closing my eyes trying to shut out an image I asked, "did he touch you?"
If he did, I'd chain him to the wall in my bedroom where I'd continually rip out bulks of his flesh, wait for his skin to heal, then do it all over again, then from skin, I'd go to organs, small at first, then I'd rip him apart limb by-
"No, he didn't. I told you this before. That's not, what's on my mind."
People were passing going into the dining room and for the hundredth time today, they stared!
For fucks sake leave me alone!
"Then what is?" I had to resist the urge to just drop it but I was dying to find out what had her so worked up.
Sighing she pulled my hand away from her chin and looked to the floor.
This wasn't good.
"Luchas mentioned the whole marking thing to me yesterday, it kind of got to me, I know that you wouldn't want to-"
I couldn't resist from groaning.
"That's it? I could have sworn it was something more serious." I felt my shoulders go lax and I laughed a bit.
I saw her mouth open to say something but as if changing her mind she just closed her mouth and stared at me.
She was upset, more visually so.
"What?" I asked and she shook her head.
"Its not important," she ground out through grit teeth, "its not like I expected you to actually say something about the marking, like you said, its not serious, just like our relationship."
"I didn't mean it lik-"
"You meant it just as you put it."
Moving herself from in front of me she stormed into the dining room and I felt really guilty.
I didn't mean marking her wasn't important, its just, what if we weren't ready for that?
But what were we waiting on then?
Timing. It was all about timing.
No, thats not it.
Sex with Alexis was going to push us to a new level. Marking her would make us connected in a totally new way, she'd know and feel everything I felt and it'll be the same for her.
Intimate was an understatement for marking and that brings me to wonder why is this even important to her?
Alexis sat with Payge and Luchas for lunch at the huge hundred and something seated table and I sat at the secluded one specifically for me at the back. The dining room was huge and in total could sit the thousand and something people that lived inside the gates.
I could see Alexis was still upset about our last conversation and she stayed mostly quiet at the table. She didn't look at me but I couldn't stop looking at her.
At the end of lunch Payge and Alexis disappeared into Payge's room where they stayed till darkness took over light.
The only reason I left her with Payge is because Luchas was no where near the room.
I wanted to talk to her. Explain that my words came out wrong but she was having none of it.
I was usually the one pissed at her, now that the tables were turned I didn't know what to do.
I knocked on Payge's bedroom door, I couldn't take the silence or being alone anymore.
I once enjoyed being by myself, silence was my hobby, now since Alexis is in my life, her silence has turned into torment.
Payge opened up.
"Yes?" She crossed her arms over her chest and rose a brow at me.
"I want to talk Alexis."
"Well Alex doesn't want to talk to you, asshole." She slammed the door in my face.
"Bitch." I muttered under my breath with my anger rising and a whole lot of shame coming on. I'd never been disrespected like that but count on Payge to get the deed done.
"I heard that!"
I could practically see her middle finger.
I knocked again and barged into the room.
"Hey!" Payge snapped at me but I didn't care. Alexis was sound asleep on Payge's bed and I hated that she was pissed at me.
"My mate, I could do whatever I want when she's involved." Payge watched me lift Alexis off her bed and calmly walk out of her room.
Alexis curled into me like a baby and nuzzled her face into my neck.
That was really hot.
Making my way down the staircase and out the front door into the coolness of the early night I made my way back to the cottage.
I needed to be with her alone right now.
By the time we reached the front steps Alexis finally woke up. I noticed this when her body stiffened up.
Inside I took her all the way up to my room and rested her on my bed. Before she could complain I climbed on with her.
I shut her up with my lips as I straddled her.
She was so small I was dwarfing her.
Her lips were soft and against mine moved in a swift pace. I hadn't been her first kiss.
She was mine though.
I could only hope that she was still a virgin and if not I hoped the guy was still alive so I could kill him.
I stuck my tongue in her mouth and let it explore her mouth as I tasted her. She was divine.
A sigh escaped her lips and her hands tugged on my hair.
I let myself sink down onto her and the moment we touched my díck went crazy hard.
I heard her moan at the contact and that didn't help my situation. At all.
Then it all stopped. She pulled away from me and with ragged breathing she said, "don't do this out of pity or to make it up to me because I'm upset with you!" She tried to push me off of her. I didn't move and I shook my head.
"I'm not doing that, I swear. I want to do this, with you. I want to mark you as mine. I thought about it after you left me, I can't stand being alone anymore Alexis, I can't be without you." I meant every fucking work that left my mouth.
I wanted her so badly it hurt. Literally, right now it hurt.
"Are you sure?" She asked with teary eyes and I had to make sure I wasn't hurting her with my weight on her before I realized she was crying for a different reason.
The things I put her through, hearing this must sound like heaven to her ears.
If I could go back in time I'd change every time I hurt her. It was all for her to hate me, it was all for me to hate her but neither of those things happened.
To answer her I claimed her lips once more but slower this time. I enjoyed the feel of her under me more than anything.
After a long passionate kiss that did wonders to my erection, I pulled away and trailed kisses down her jawline and then finally to her neck.
I kissed the spot where there was a sink and prepared myself for what I was about to do.
Fuck. This was going to be tricky. What would she think when she was able to read me? Everything.
"Do it." She whispered her tone dripping of how much my touch affected her.
I let my cainines elongate and I bite down on her skin.
She screamed but she held onto my shoulders for support, after the screaming a loud moan escaped her lips and it was the sexiest sound I'd ever heard.
It went straight to my díck.
Then her breathing began to pick up. Her chest rising and falling rapidly. I was supposed to be in her right now to prevent this.
Her heat had started and it was my duty to get rid of it, so that erection I had? Wasn't going to go until the job was done.
I pulled away from her and my canines shrank back.
Shit. Everything felt too real right now.
I pulled my T-shirt over my head and Alexis almost ripped her dress as she pulled it off revealing a matching pair of black panites and a bra.
I almost orgásmed at the sight alone.
Pants. They were still on.
I tugged them off and was left in my boxer briefs alone.
I was about to get on with it and get on the bed with her until my thoughts consumed me.
At least after this she wouldn't be pregnant but what if this ruined everything between us instead of made it better? What if I hurt her?
What if she hurt me?
Why was this suddenly so complicated?
"Payne!" She screamed and her thighs tightened together. She was sweating a lot.
I'd never seen a female in heat before but watching Alexis now it hurt to look. She must be in so much pain.
I got up on the bed and kissed her.
"I'll get rid of it." I hope I could.
I kissed along her jawline back to the red, teeth mark with only the puncture wounds on it remaining and she let out a moan in content.
Trailing down her shoulder and getting to her breast I couldn't believe what I was about to do.
I kissed the revealed cleavage from her bra and her entre body jolted up toward mine.
"Payne!" She groaned out this time and I skipped the teasing and went straight to her panties.
Holy shit.
The scent of her arousal made me dizzy for a second and my erèction twitched in my briefs.
Locking my fingers in the thin fabric I was about to pull them down until suddenly, the haze of arousal I was in drained out and one of my guards from the gate voice came through in my head.
"Rogues on the border!"
Told you it would have been before Saturday.
Its really long. I hope you guys enjoyed. :3
The next chapter will be in Alexis P.O.V...
Someone's in their heat and just her luck that there are Rogues on the pack border.
Vote, comment and follow.
Concerning the new book stuff I will start it probably over the easter holiday? Or whenever I get free time. I have The Vampire's bride and Vincent Territory to complete so I'm not in a rush to begin this one yet.
Btw... Yes I do reply to all of my chats on this.
I LOVE GOOD FEEDBACK! and I'm friendly so I'm just always for it. As long as I'm not busy of course.
Well ..
Until next update!!
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