Chapter fifteen | Name it
Back to Alexis P.O.V I hope you guys enjoyed Payne's though. Now let's see what's going on with her.
Alex's P.O.V
"Let's go," He said and I tried to contain the relief I felt.
He was here. He showed and after what happened last night I wouldn't have been surprised if he didn't come but he did.
Don't over thinking this Alexis.
His cold exterior was on and he looked like the stone wall I've been seeing since I arrived here so I knew aside from what happened last night, he's still the cold Payne.
Fixing my loose blonde tendrils behind my ears I got off the bed and straightened my clothes and followed Payne out the door. I had no idea what chore he was going to give me today but I was still happy I would be able to spend the day with him.
Yeah yeah, I know I'm messed up but come on... As if I could defy fate?
Walking down the dull hallway I glanced up at Payne. His face and jaw was hard and his face distant as he stared straight ahead deep in thought. I couldn't help but wonder what possible things could be going through that head of his.
"So what am I doing today?" I asked and he kept his form as he replied.
"Food. I haven't eaten yet." He answered and I nodded my head. Just like the made who comes and drops my meals for me I was his but I had to prepare it in front of him. The maid doesn't come until later in the morning so Payne wasn't the only one who hadn't eaten yet.
I've never been to the kitchen in here before and although I was used as a punching bag home I had a bit of knowledge when it came to cooking. Not much but at least I knew how to not set the house on fire. I couldn't mess up today, I made a huge mess of things last time with getting cut and all. Good thing was it was only a scar on my skin now, almost gone.
Making our way through the hallways Payne took a right and I followed after him. There was an upcoming door and I saw that there was a bright light coming from the room. When we reached to the door Payne reached for the knob and pushed it open revealing a very bright room. The room was painted in a cream color that illuminated the place beautifully. The appliances were a shiny black and the counters were made out of black marble. It was absolutely beautiful and the most normal looking room in the entire castle. There was a black with glass surface dining table at the corner of the room near a window where the veiw of the forest showed through.
I haven't been in here more than a few seconds and it had already turned into my favourite room in the castle and not just because it had food in it.
Payne walked away from me and took a seat by the table as he stared out into the woods. For a second I watched him like that. He was stiff but beautiful as he sat there. I got a view of the back of his head where I now noticed the hair was trimmed short whereas the top had the most hair with a bang that hung dreamily in his face.
The brightness of the room made his hair look even darker and the black clothes he wore made him look like a black dot on a blank page. With a little bit of blue thanks to the stripe in his shirt.
"What would you like to eat?" I asked trying to get something to do so that I wouldn't just stay standing there by the door being awkward as I admired him.
"A sandwich. Lots of meat, no vegetables except lettuce and tomatoes. I don't like onion breath so no onions, lots of ketchup and cheese," I smiled a bit and nodded my head. If he only knew how alike we were in sandwiches except I wasn't into that whole tomato stuff.
"Bread is in the oven I only eat home made. Cheese, meat, tomatoes and lettuce are in the fridge in the draw at the bottom...the ketchup is around there as well," He added while I made my way over to the appliances. I washed my hand by the sink and turned back to Payne. He had changed his position and was now with his two feet untop the table crossed at the ancles and his head was bent back with his toned tattooed arms covering his eyes. The sight of the tattoos brought back memories of the dream and the scars that laid beneath them.
Trying to shake myself out of my thoughts I turned back and got out the loaf of bread, I made two thick slices with a knife I found in one of the drawers and put them on one of the plates from the wall cupboard in front of me. Getting out the cheese, lettuce and tomato from the stainless steel black fridge that was filled with food on every row. I placed the ingredients on the counter and made slices and placed them evenly on his sandwich making sure it was perfect.
There was a chunk of turkey that looked no older than a day with only a few slices cut out of it and I placed it on the counter and began taking slices off of it too.
Lastly I applied the sauce and put the bread at the top completing the sandwich. It was fat and full and I hope he enjoyed it.
"Anything to drink?" I asked suddenly nervous of what he'd think of my sandwich and when he didn't reply I glanced over at him. His hands didn't even budge just like when we were in the forest and I was cleaning up the wires.
"Oh, sure, I'll take out some juice for you. Thank you for replying to me and not acting like you fell asleep over there," I mumbled growing annoyed that he didn't answer me.
"I heard that."
"You did?" My sentence was dripping of sarcasm yet he seemed to not catch it.
"Yes I heard you Alexis and I would have answered you before but your question was stupid."
I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see me as I went into the fridge and got out a mug of what looked to be orange juice.
"How was my question stupid? I asked you if you wanted something to drink." I snapped as I searched the cupboards for a glass to pour the juice in. Bingo!
"Oh, No Alexis I don't want anything to drink I'll just eat my sandwich and choke to death." He grumbled as I poured juice into the glass. Taking the plate and the glass in my hand I began to make my way over to him and as if he sensed me coming over he fixed his feet off the table and sat up. His hands no longer blocking his handsome face.
"You're such a drama queen," I groaned and placed the food in front of him and he smirked at me when I straightened up.
"You dare call me a drama queen when you're the one who sqeals like miss piggy while in pain," His face split into a full on grin and I wondered what it would sound like if he laughed. That husky, deep voice of his laughing? Maybe that's not even possible.
"Whatever. That's not even funny anymore." He gave me a look that says sure-its-not and shook his head then bit into his sandwich. I couldn't help but glare at him playfully for the look he gave me as he took his first bite and I rolled my eyes while I walked off. Then I realized I had no where else in the room to go.
"Why don't you have a seat Alexis?" He asked and his tone changed from playful to calm and leveled. It was amazing how he could control his emotions that way and be able to switch so fast.
"Sure." I walked back over and took the seat opposite him and I looked out the floor-to-celing window getting the beautiful view of the forest just beyond it. We sat in silence for a while then—
"What does your Alpha want with you?" Payne suddenly asked, his tone sharp and I turned and faced him. His sandwich and his drink was finished. His face was straight and business like with a hint of interest. None of the interest was directed to me exactly but more to the information he wanted.
"He's not my Alpha anymore and I truly don't know. I was never of use to them before other than for being a punching bag like I said... Yeah I don't know what they want .. " I let my sentence trail off thinking I told him what he wanted to know and there was no need to beat around the bush.
His eyebrows dropped low and a crease line formed on his forehead. "Why did you leave?"
His voice was soft as if he really wanted to know. He knew why I left. I told him before but he thought there was something else. There was but that was personal and why should I share something with him when he doesn't even want me saying his name it would be worse asking about his past.
"I already told you why I left." My voice unexpectedly grew hoarse and I had to clear my throat when I finished my sentence. I bowed my head and drew little circles on the glass table trying to distract myself but it just led to me getting sucked into my thoughts faster.
All those years spent there when my parents left or died, the names, bullying, exclusion from anything that would help me gain strength to be able to fight back when people tortured me and told me I was a bastard child that my parents never loved and couldn't wait to get rid of and while I ran errands around the pack house the other teenagers my age would laugh and make fun of my size and how malnourished I was. Staying there was like living in hell. So much so if I truly went to hell I wouldn't be surprised.
"Alexis." His voice called and I felt the wave of butterflies dance in my stomach by the way he said my name. Looking up to meet his eyes I found that my vision was blurry and there was a spot on the glass table showing where one tear fell.
Clearing my throat and changing my thoughts to think of something else, I closed my eyes and let the tears disappear. "I'm sorry."
There was a look of understanding on his face and it was well beyond unexpected but I didn't judge his sudden response.
He moved his stare first, moving his eyes to the forestry outside and then he cleared his throat and turned back to me with his cold expression back. The real Payne back.
"We're done for today, I'll come get you if anything comes up. You can go back to your room now and do what you please but I thought I should let you know that your past Alpha will be here tomorrow to see you."
My heart literally punched my rib cage. "What?"
"He has requested to see you and permission to come onto my land to do so. If I denied him he'd think something was up so he'll be here tomorrow." He cleared his throat and got to his feet.
"Please No! Wait, Payne! please don't make me do this!" I cried out and I felt a hot tear fall from my eye, my heart pounding hard in my chest.
Payne looked down at me, his eyes were darker than usual and very frightening. His mouth curled into a snarl and his jaw was clenched so tightly the bones were the ones highlighting his skin. I froze with fear because I'd just said his name.
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Long chapter because I'm updating late and I hope you enjoyed it, next one will be up soon!!
Until then ...
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