Chapter eleven | Girl talk
After Payne left, I sat there on the stool of the med room in silence.
I mean I couldn't deny the hurt I felt but I just stared off at the wall opposite me, flexing my hand and waiting for the cut to heal.
I didn't deserve this, I did nothing wrong to Payne but yet still he couldn't even do me the kindness of being nice.
He said for me to go to my room. I knew where it was but what was the point of that? To sit on the bed and stare at the walls till they changed color?
Getting off of the stool and flexing my hand a little a streak of pain shot through my palm this time but I didn't wince or give it any attention.
See the thing was he's my mate, you don't give up on your mate but what happens when your mate gives up on you? What happens when you don't even have motivation to try again?
Leaving the room I was met by the nauseating hallways and I began making my way to the room. There was no where else to go and I was terrified of what would happen if I ran away again.
When I made it to the door and I was about to turn the little knob to my roon I got the sense that someone was watching me and I turned in the direction quickly.
Payge, my mate's sister stood a little way from me leaning against a hall and a small smile was on her face. What's up with her?
"Uhm.. Hi?" I muttered unsure if I was even allowed to speak to her.
She began taking steps toward me and I felt my heart start to pound. Shit! She was coming to hit me too wasn't she. I shouldn't have spoken.
The dim lighting emiting from the lights in the hall illuminated her as she got closer. She was in a high waisted skirt and a black crop top showing off her toned stomach and the curve of her waist. Her hair was in a pony tail and it swayed as she came closer. Her face was the usual gorgeous looking even without make-up and the ghost of a smile still lingered on her lips.
"Alexis, I need help with something and since my brother has no use for you at the moment do you mind coming with me?" She asked as she came up to me. I eyed her suspiciously her tone was nothing I had ever heard from her before and it was .... Friendly?
"Are you going to kill me?" I asked cautiously taking a step back and she raised a perfectly shaped brow at me.
"I thought we were past that. My brother doesn't want me to kill you so I can't but I trully do need your help with something." She insisted and I still couldn't buy it. This was weird. Payge? The girl who wanted me dead the day I was brought here and still wondering why I'm still alive and she's obviously oblivious to the fact that I'm Payne's unwanted mate.
"You sure you're not going to kill me?" I asked again and she gave me a quick nod before taking my hand.
"Come on lets go." She insisted and pulled me roughly to wherever she was taking me.
She's definitely going to kill me.
"Pink, purple or green?" She asked pointing to the three dresses laid out on her bed. They were all beautiful and I couldn't even make up my mind which one was the best.
When Payge had insisted I help her with something and follow her I was sure that I'd be helping her chose which knife she gets to gut me with, helping her pick out dresses for a party their pack at home would be throwing for them as a welcome home gift to the twins was something I wouldn't even dream of Payge doing with me.
"I think the green would look the best on you. It'll bring out your eyes and your hair would look even darker and the way the light green contrasts with the simple silver linings with the beads on it. A pair of silver heels and matching silver jewelry would be perfect together with your hair in an updo. " I blabbed on and Payge stared at me like I just explained human's evolution to her until she did a girly squeal and clapped.
"That's perfect! I'm so glad I let you help me out. I asked the maid, Dalla or whatever is her name and she was like a fish. Her mouth kept opening and closing, nothing coming out and her eyes went wide." At this point Payge did an impression of Delia's reaction and I bursted out laughing. So Payge truly was the only one to show some type of emotion after all. Picking up the green dress and putting it away separate from her other clothes she came back and sat on her white very comfortable king sized bed. I sat opposite her and talking like this with her made me feel like Payge and I could actually be friends.
Propping her chin on her palms, grey eyes starring through me and with a mischievous grin on her lips she asked a question that almost made my heart stop,
"You're my brother's mate aren't you?"
I froze, I couldn't answer her. He'd kill me if I told his sister but she'd see through my lie so I stayed quiet.
"It's okay Alex. I won't tell but you need to understand something," She paused taking a look at the door then leaning in closer. Her smile vanishing as the conversation got serious. She was going to talk to me about Payne. Yes! I needed to know something, anything about him and why he's like this and why he doesn't accept me. I knew better than to ask her though so I'd let her talk. Let her share what she thought was good enough for me to know about who I'm dealing with. I needed to know, Something, anything.
"My brother and I are quite complicated. You might not understand our story but I can tell you this much. Payne is more difficult than what he shows you. He's actually lightening up a bit since he met you. He normally doesn't talk. At all. Not even to me. You can say he's broken on the inside because of personal matters which you probably already know but broken doesn't even seem to cover what's wrong with Payne. He's ruined."
My first thought was, its not me.
I haven't done anything wrong, I could sense there was more to him than he led on so him being scarred wasn't something that surprised me. I had scars too and who's to say we couldn't work out our issues together? But how do I even start? I didn't even like to face mine and I'd rather keep it that way. Most people faced it sometime in life? I didn't see it necessary to face mine, I was over it. Sometimes shit just happens to people, I was one of them, I got out, I'm not going to waste whatever freedom and peace I get by focusing on a bad past.
"What can I do? I mean he's my mate.. I want .." I let my voice trail off instead of saying that heartbreaking sentence out loud. Payge frowned.
"You can't Alexis... You can't fix something that's ruined. My brother is different compared to other people with issues but I guess there's a reason people have mates," She said and the sadness in her voice showed that Payne wasn't the only person that was ruined beyond repair.
What could have possibly ruined these two so badly?
Whatever it was, I was determined to find it out.
Don't forget to vote and comment guys. Next chapter will be up soon. I hope you liked this one.
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