~(Y/n)'s pov~
"I think she is dead." I heard a female said. "Let me check." I recognized that voice but not to who it belonged to it was the guy who knocked me out. "No she's still alive Toga." 'That must be the girls name.' I thought. I finally open my eyes to see a male right in front of my face. "Uh... w-where am I-I...." "You're at our base bestie!" The girl who I thought Toga was said. "A-Are y-you T-Toga..." "Aw my bestie remembers me!" "N-No he s-said y-your name..." "Aw." "Back away from her you guys. Now how is my new member?" "N-New m-member!? You g-guys are v-villains I a-am a h-hero!" "Really? But your "Dads" took you from us and you were going to join us? And what kind of dad hurts his own daughter? I would be a better father then him!" "NO YOU WON-!?" "Now now you aren't going to be mean to your new father!" That crazy bitch Toga slid her knife across my stomach. "Go to hell! All of you!" Everyone was mad but the black haired boy. He was scared and upset. But I couldn't say anything to him because Toga cut me over and over again. And that blue hair guy was trying to choke me but kept one finger off of me. "GUYS!? Don't kill her! She is useful for the LoV." Now I remember them. "I-I remember you bastards! Y-You killed my real family! FUCK YOU ALL!" They soon left after Toga made like 20 cuts on me. I felt something in my pocket luckily they untied the ropes so I grabbed it to see what it was and if was my PHONE! I was so happy. I called Shinso no answer right the entrance exam. Then I called Aizawa he answered YAY! "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!?" "I-I got k-kidnapped..." "BY WHO!?" "T-The L-LoV.... H-Help me..." "Oh bestie!" "I-I gotta go p-olease hurry!" I then ended the call. I was so scared but then the black haired guy said he would check on me. And Toga could go get food she was so happy. "Hey (Y/n). I'm not gonna hurt you. You probably still don't know my name. I'm Dabi." "I started crying and then Dabi did the most craziest thing he hugged me!? What kind of villain hugs a hero!? And I felt so warm! Heros aren't supposed to feel this way torwards villains! "I-I w-want t-to g-go h-home!" "I'm sorry you can't go home unless a hero comes and saves you." "Will y-you guys h-hurt me m-more?" I was so scared for if he said yes. "I won't let them." "Why did you guys kidnap me?" I was calming down. "I wanted to see you smile and they wanted you in the LoV your quirks are really strong." "Y-YOU KNOW!?" "I've been spying on you for a few years." "Will I have to be a villain?" "If you want to live Toga is crazy with her knives."
Hope you like this chapter! Bye👋💜
547 words
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