I didn't hesitate I put my hands up ready to be cuffed. "I-I understand I deserve this... I'm so sorry guys." I started crying. The police cuffed me and one was driving while the other was in the back asking questions. "Why did you attack them?" "I didn't mean to sir." "Then what happened?" "I was mad with a friend... can we just call him a friend right now?" "Yes go on." "I got mad and I accidentally activated my quirks Manipulation and Elements. And that's how it kinda went..." "Alright I won't ask anymore but I know the judge must." "Alright." Once we got to the court room I saw my family and my nabours who called the cops on me. "Welcome now we shall start." We started I wasn't listening to the beginning but when someone called me to the stand I started sah the I would tell the truth and shit. "Is it true or not true that you broke that man's bones and tried to kill that young boy." "Well yes and no." "Why did you break the man's bones?" "I was mad and I got teleported home by the LoV and I was really mad I didn't even know what I was doing..." "Can you please tell me what you mean by teleported by the LoV?" The judge asked. "Well I have a friend who got took away by the LoV and they tried to kill him at least I tried to stop them. And I wa shushed in a portal by the said friend and next thing I was home. And then I set a fire circle around me and my brother and broke my dad's bone." I looked at my feet because I didn't want to look at anyone. "So you ate saying you hurt your family because of a friend?" "Y-Yes... I-I mean w-when I f-feel..." "STOP STURTING IT'S ANNOYING!" I felt mad he had just yelled at me being nervous. The door slammed open and I saw Tenko. I stood up and started to make fire. But my fire wasn't noticed by anyone because there was more blue fire then my fire. "D-Dabi!?" "Hello princess!" I couldn't help but cry and blush at the nickname he gave me. "Come with me ok." Tenko appeared right beside me. "O-Ok..." Then a portal showed up. Tenko walked through the portal and Dabi ran into the portal behind him and I just stepped in. It looked like we were in the middle of the woods I didn't even know exactly where we were but I didn't care about that I was so happy that Dabi was ok. "Hey look at this." He turned to a beutiful waterfall. He made a fire ball and threw it at the water fall. The waterfall opened up and showed a lot of animals and an even beutifuler view.
~Le veiw~
"Do you like it?" "It's amazing!" I hugged him obviously wanting to do that for awhile. But we stopped hugging when my phone chimed. And then I got a call the text was from Shinso and Aizawa started calling me. I answered it.
"Hello." "Where did you go and why did you enter the portal with them!?" He was mad I could tell I mean he is my dad and I make him mad most of the time other than me it's Mic. "Because I wanted to!" "They are going to look for you please at least try and run to the nearest road. I don't want you to get hurt." Then my phone chimed again I got another text it was from Shinso again. So I hung up on Aizawa and called Shinso. "What is it Shinso? Why do you keep texting me?" "They are looking for you to send you to jail because they think your joining the Leahue. And once they find you and the League they are going to make the LoV pay for their crimes..." "What do you mean pay for their crimes?" "They are going to kill them (Y/n). Please if you want them safe run away from Japan or stay low until they give up. I just really want you safe and I know you care about Dabi and the LoV is like his family." "Ok we will hide for now!" I had it on speaker after he said that they will pay for their crimes and they heard everything that was going on and Dabi grabbed my hand and followed Tenko. "I hear something over here!" I heard s a faint soft voice say. Dabi and Tenko started to go faster and we were finally safe.
786 words
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