Tw: Talk of death, sexual references, asthma, language, violence?
Edit: I realize his name is spelled 'Wolffe' but I just didn't notice at the time and autocorrect decided to do its magic. I decided I didn't care enough to change it, so plz don't comment saying I messed up on his name.
"We're going to Coruscant," Anakin told her. "You'll be put to trial, so if I were you I'd start thinking about your case."
Kara nodded. "I've already been thinking about it."
"And?" Anakin quirked a brow inquisitorially.
Kara shrugged and pursed her lips. "I don't really have any thoughts on it."
"Really?" Anakin asked in disbelief. "You don't have any thoughts on whether you'll be executed? The death penalty hasn't been used in years, but there's always an exception."
"Wow, reassuring," Kara said sarcastically.
Anakin shook his head as he walked away from her table in the cafeteria, leaving her alone with her thoughts. Kara's hands shook as she reached for her bread.
So she was brought to face the senate
"General Madden, you have been brought here to face trial for your crimes against the Republic. Before we begin, do you have anything to say?"
Kara looked the Chancellor in the eyes. "No."
"Are you certain? You're being trialed for the slaughter of our soldiers for one."
Kara smiled pleasantly. "At this moment, I don't have anything to say on my behalf. I am well aware of why I'm here."
The Chancellor's lips thinned. "Then we will begin."
He droned on and on, and Kara felt the burn of shame in her as her face was broadcasted to the galaxy, her trial public. She knew she would be found guilty, because she was.
And she would be executed.
So she listened to the questions and answered them best she could, not too optimistic of her chances.
When the senate announced their decision, her ears rung and her vision was blurry with tears. The crowd murmured with disappointed faces. Kara stared numbly ahead, the blood draining from her face.
And Kara was taken away.
"Did you hear?" Fives asked as he burst into Rex's office.
Rex startled, dropping his helmet he had been polishing. "Oh, sure you can come in."
Fives plopped down into the chair across from Rex. "Do you haven't heard?"
"Heard what?" Rex knew what Fives spoke of, but was too nauseated to say it.
"Kara's verdict was decided." Fives threw his feet up onto the desk, but after a sharp look from Rex, dropped them to the ground.
"And?" Rex picked up the helmet, placing it on his desk. He focused on Fives, bracing himself to hear the words he had been dreading."
"She was found guilty." That part didn't surprise him, but what came next did. "She's being sent to work for the Republic. She's to work her sentence off."
"What'll she be doing?" Rex let out a heavy sigh of relief.
Fiver's lips twitched. "She'll fighting against her former comrades. They even assigned her to a legion."
"Which one?"
"212th." Fives smirked. "She'll be with Cody. She'll be under his watchful eye, guided by his wisdom as he teaches her how we do things in the Galactic Army of the Republic. I'm sure they'll get along great."
Rex rolled his eyes. "I'm sure they will. He always gets along with people."
Fives checked the time quickly on Rex's datapad that was lying out. "I think she's meeting them now. Because she's on probation, Cody has to watch her."
"Don't you have target practise to be doing or something?" Rex narrowed his eyes. "Why do you always have so much free time to bother me with?"
Fives grinned and spread his arms. "Wow, I'm almost getting the impression you don't want me here."
"What gave you that idea?" Rex turned back to his helmet and began scrubbing harder than before.
"Hey, Rex?" Anakin knocked on the open doorway. "I have some news."
Rex looked up and furrowed his eyebrows. "Yes, sir?"
Anakin chuckled. "Kara beat up Cody. Or she flirted with him? I'm not clear on what happened. So then they introduced her to Wolfe, who happened to be on world. I think she provoked him and he attacked her?"
Rex pinched the bridge of his nose. "You want me to go find Cody and Wolfe and ask them about it?"
Anakin paused, sucking his lips between his teeth. "Not exactly."
"Please tell me she didn't kill them." Rex lifted his gaze to the ceiling.
"She didn't," Anakin quickly assured him. "Instead, she's been reassigned to us."
Rex felt a rush of elation for some strange reason. "She's coming with us?"
"And you have to watch her since she's technically a criminal," Anakin confirmed. "She'll be here soon. Cody and Wolfe are both bring her here. They decided to personally make sure she left this planet."
Rex snorted in amusement. "Of course they are." He pushed his chair back and stood up. "I'll take care of it."
"Can I come?" Fives eagerly asked.
Rex shot him a sharp look. "No. This is important and I can't have you somehow messing it up."
"How would I mess it up?" Fives asked incredulously.
"I'm not having you accidentally convince her to return to the Separatists. You can't come with me," Rex said firmly. He shooed Fives out of his office. "I'll see you later."
"Don't forget to find her a place to sleep now that she's a permanent addition to our ranks," Anakin instructed.
"I'll see if we have an extra bunk," Rex said as he walked down the hallways, Anakin at his side.
"There better be one. I'm not having you two share a bed again," Anakin slyly said.
Rex's eyes widened. "Sir?"
"I hear everything that happens on this cruiser." Anakin crossed his arms across his chest. "I know that Jesse tried to steal my lightsabers, I know that Fives stole your helmet, and I know about the bet on you and Kara."
"To be fair, I haven't encouraged any of that!" Rex protested. "And all we did was sleep together! You're making it seem like we-"
"Slept together?" Anakin finished for him before sighing. "I don't care what you do in your spare time, just don't traumatize poor Echo. It's a shared room."
Rex rolled his eyes as they turned their separate ways. Rex eventually reached the hanger, where he could see three figures waiting for him. He immediately rubbed at his forehead tiredly.
"What did she do this time?" Rex asked, shifting his weight between feet.
"I surprised her coming up from behind and she flipped me over her shoulder," Cody explained, glowering at her. "Then she landed on me, elbows first."
Kara let out muffled cries of denial.
"That's it? I thought you're used to that with Boil," Rex remarked.
"Then she called me a bitch!" Cody shot her a dirty look filled with loathing and hatred. "Also, she kneed me between the legs."
Rex winced. "Ouch."
Wolfe looked down at her with a scowl. "Good luck with her."
Rex finally looked Kara in the eyes. "Have you learned your lesson?"
Kara was pinned to Wolfe's chest, with one of his hands covering her mouth, and the other keeping her tightly held to him. She kept wiggling to escape, and he would only hold her tighter, not willing to let her lunge at Cody again.
Kara glared at him, trying to jump at him.
"What did she do to you?" Rex asked, watching as Wolfe struggled to keep her arms pinned to her sides.
Wolfe grimaced. "Flirted. A lot."
"And you're keeping her close to you?" Rex raised an eyebrow. "Odd choice, but you do you."
"She has threatened my life!" Cody exclaimed. "She tried to strangle me!"
"Oh, she just does that sometimes." Rex tilted his head as Kara leaped to the side, throwing Wolfe off balance. She broke free of his hold and wrapped herself around Cody, repeatedly slapping him.
Rex buried his face in his hands as Wolfe grabbed Kara and pulled her off of Cody. Cody cursed and helped Wolfe restrain Kara, using their collective weight to push her against the floor.
"Kara." Rex tapped his foot impatiently. "We have to go."
Kara shrieked as Cody pulled her away from the blaster Wolfe had at his waist. Wolfe latched onto Kara's arm and yanked her away from Cody.
"Stop! You're supposed to be helping us now!" Wolfe seethed in anger.
"Then tell him he shouldn't-" Kara cut herself off with a cough. "Tell him-" She started coughing and bent over as her body shook.
"Kara?" Rex worriedly asked.
Wolfe released her and stepped away. "I didn't do anything."
Kara began wheezing and taking ragged breaths. Her knees buckled after a minute and she fell to the ground, clutching at her throat with round, panicked eyes.
"If she dies do I get in trouble for this?" Cody didn't sound doubled by the notion.
Rex picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. "I'll take her to Kix. Thanks, you two. And I apologize on her behalf."
"Tell her I'm absolutely never getting a drink with her," Wolfe requested. "And please never let her near me again."
"Seconded," Cody grumbled as he left with Wolfe.
Rex hurried to the medical bay as Kara struggled to take in air.
"What is it this time?" Kix asked once they arrived.
"I'm not sure." Rex gently put her down on an exam table. "She was fighting Wolfe and Cody, then this happened."
Kara coughed again. "I'm fine. It's just a bit of asthma."
Kix hummed and helped her sit up straight, instructing her to take longer breaths.
"If I could breathe properly-" Kara cut herself off with a cough. "If I could breathe properly do you think I'd be here?"
"She has a point," Rex commented.
Kix helped Kara through the attack after telling Rex to shut up since he wasn't the medical expert in the room.
"How come you seemed so panicked?" Kix asked as he gave her the inhaler to keep.
"I haven't had an attack in years," Kara replied. "I thought I grew out of it."
"Well keep the inhaler with you in case it happens it again. And get some rest," Kix ordered.
Kara nodded, already feeling drowsy. She leaned against Rex's side and closed her eyes. "Got it."
"I'll try and find you a bunk," Rex told her.
She blinked blearily and almost whined at the loss of his warmth as he moved away. Rex thanked Kix and they left for the barracks.
There was a spare bunk this time around, and Rex fetched her a blanket. She quietly coughed as she climbed into it, and he felt a twinge of concern before brushing it aside.
"Stay?" Kara asked with a small voice. "There's... a lot of people here. And I don't want to be alone."
He opened his mouth to say no, but when he saw her scared eyes, sighed and nodded.
Kara shuffled to make more room for him and opened her blanket cocoon. "C'mere."
Rex covered them with the blankets and listened to her breathe as she fell asleep, before joining her shortly after.
It's a shared sleeping room.
Someone's going to see them.
Hehe... haha... MWAHAHAHAHA
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