The Trio
Remade chapter! And the new start to this book. To anyone who's new here I scrapped my old beginning because I found it to be pretty damn bad. This is going to be one of my last starting A/Ns due to it looking pretty ugly. Trigger warnings in the book description! Enjoy my little gremlins
-Non specific third person POV-
Three people sat in a room. A large circular table in the middle of said room, surrounded by about 6 chairs. The three sat in a way where each had a single seat separating them. There on the table was a large map, it was semi-holographic as the little structures poked out of the flat surface. The table was made of dark oak, engraved with glowing green-blue vines. In the very middle of the table was an ender eye, perhaps to represent the tallest of the group.
Speaking of them, the tallest one was covered in a purple cloak. The same green-blue vines were stitched into the cloak. An ender eye looking clasp held the cloak onto their figure. They wore a semi-large crown, little green, purple and red jewels engraved into it. They had long hair that was tied into a messy bun, perhaps if they let the hair down it could reach their legs. The hair, just like their body was split into black and white, perhaps to represent the two sides of the majestic figure. Through the hair two large and pointy horns stood, a ring placed on the black one. Their eyes were split into two different colors, red and green. Purple swirled through the iris every now and then, the same purple as the particles surrounding their figure. They had two tails that swayed back and fourth calmly, one black with green spots and one white with red spots. They had paw like legs that bent in more of an animal way, perhaps to help them run faster than a normal individual.
To the beings right was a far shorter person, he had fluffy brown hair that covered his eyes. Two large ram horns stuck out of his head, accompanied below by two fluffy ram ears. A ring stood snug on one of these strong curly horns, matching the one that the split figure had. He had more of a light tan skin tone. He wore a striped brown and yellow sweater, little bee designs sewn into the sleeves. Though don't let the innocent design fool you as he had an evil smirk planted on his face. Unlike his companions he had two goat-like legs. His appearance similar to a Satyr, yet the two species were no where near the same in nature.
The final member was definitely taller than his ram friend, yet no where near as tall as his split friend. He wore a red bandana on his head, it covered part of his semi-curly strawberry blonde hair. Part of the hair was put into a braid, half of the braid was purple and the other half was green—it was tucked into his hair, behind his fuzzy piglin ear. He had a similar light tan skin tone to the ram but his was a big lighter. He wore an orange shawl, it draped over his puffy sleeved dress-like shirt. He had a belt in the middle as the lengthy sides fell down against his sides. He has large boots on, with large buckles across the front. His outfit as a whole looked similar to a pirate, a description that wouldn't be too off from what he does. His ears were pierced with long dangling jewels hanging from them.
The shortest of the trio let out a sigh before speaking up, breaking the long uncomfortable silence the three was sitting in. "So, the hero's recently lost to the DT.." Tommy, the Piglin hybrid looked up at that, he was previously spaced out staring at the eye in the middle of the table. "What does that have to do with us?" He spoke in a tone of annoyance, wanting nothing to do with the so called "Hero's". The ram grinned. "That means there has to be a reason they couldn't beat the lousy villain group. It means something made them weak." The two faced hybrid perked up at that remark. "Are you suggesting we take advantage of this possible weakness?" They spoke up with a monotone voice, slight hint of excitement hidden behind it. "Exactly that!"
The piglin of the group spoke up once more. "Hm, what's your plan? Are we gonna try and steal from HQ again?" He smirked at the thought of stealing from the hero base, last time they did that the hero's costumes were covered in paint splatters and glitter for weeks. It was a thing they loved to do, break in the base, steal and leave back a little chaotic mess to show they were there.
"Sounds like a plan to me! Chaos at dawn." The three unanimously stood up, heading out to prepare for their little attack.
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And that's a wrap! First chapter remade! And the old one is now unpublished. Thanks for reading! Drink water <3
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