Part Two: Don't
Aizawa walked into school grounds that morning, almost fearing for his life. Hizashi was bound to be in and quite hung over. He was still hurt from the previous night and yet, he walked to school. He wasn't going to wake up Nemuri to get to school in her car. Definitely not. He wasn't cruel. She needed her rest. Aizawa could just sleep in school as usual. But he did have trouble sleeping even in a bed because of his bruised body, God knows how hard it was to sleep on the floor or on a chair.
"Good morning Aizawa-Sensei!" Ashido exclaimed, skipping past him with the rest of her friends walking and talking.
"Morning Sensei!" Midoriya greeted happily, walking in with Uraraka and Iida who smiled at him.
Aizawa carried on walking into school, walking through the halls and to the teacher's lounge. That in his mind was the first mistake of the day. Walking to the place he knew Hizashi would come to sooner or later. Aizawa walked in and sat down on the couch next to Snipe.
"You look so out of it are you okay Aizawa?" Snipe asked, concerned about Aizawa. What Aizawa didn't notice was that he'd been shaking since he came close to the door.
"Hm? I'm fine..." Aizawa replied quietly and unconvincingly. See, Aizawa was quiet when he was lying or unsure.
"GUYS SHOUTA- oh you're there." Nemuri yelled as she burst through the door. "WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP!?"
"Because I woke you up at two in the morning you deserve sleep," Aizawa replied, not even looking at Nemuri.
"Wait. What did you think happened?" Snipe asked, making Nemuri go red.
"I thought he got like kidnapped or something," Nemuri answered embarrassedly.
"You doubt Aizawa so much. He is a professional y'know." Snipe said, shaking his head. Nemuri sat next to Aizawa and put an arm around his shoulders.
"So you never told me what happened last night. Why the hell are you so beaten up?" Nemuri demanded, making Aizawa become nervous and everyone else in the room concerned.
"Aizawa. What the hell happened?" Snipe glared at him, making Aizawa even more nervous.
"I-it n-nothing..." Aizawa stuttered. Yeah, his stutter was back.
"You never stutter what happened!?" Snipe slammed his hands on the table in front of him.
Aizawa couldn't tell if he was scared or grateful that Hizashi burst into the room. He started complaining about his killer hangover and then Snipe and Nemuri understood. Snipe put a hand on Aizawa's shoulder. Aizawa continued to look at his feet, ignoring Snipe's efforts to comfort him.
"Shouta! Where the hell were you? You just weren't home when I woke up!" Hizashi exclaimed, spinning around on his heel.
Aizawa stayed silent out of fear and Nemuri explained for him, leaving out why Aizawa stayed at her's in the first place. Hizashi was a blackout drunk and remembered nothing the next day. Nemuri knew that Hizashi would be hugging Aizawa the whole day if he knew what he did so she spared Aizawa the struggle.
"How was it at Midnight's? You two fuck yet?" Hizashi joked, turning to Aizawa.
"Shut up Mic." Nemuri rolled her eyes, smiling at Hizashi. "We're practically siblings."
"But you're not," Hizashi replied, laughing.
That was exactly the perfect time for school to start. As soon as the bell rang Aizawa stood up and walked as fast as he could to his class. For once he was earlier than his class because of that.
"Aizawa you're early..." Hagakure noticed, sounding slightly confused as she walked into the classroom.
"Are you feeling okay?" Ojiro joked, making his group of friends laugh as they sat down.
"I am completely fine. Just... Got here a bit early for reasons I'm not saying. Now all of you sit down. Nothing important is happening today apart from the fact I'll be checking the dorms after school so they better be tidy. I'll come over at six so if they aren't clean then you have a couple of hours to make them clean." Aizawa said, sitting in his chair.
The day went on as normal, students going about their days, going to lessons and teachers teaching and also going about their day. That is until lunch. Aizawa was as usual sat in the teacher's lounge, half asleep. He was scared out of his wits when Hizashi burst into the room, seemingly full of energy. Aizawa flinched but then stayed still and silent. Hizashi started going on about something and Aizawa continued to stay still out of fear. Hizashi suddenly turned to him with a look of confusion.
"Are you alright Shouta? You look kinda scared." Hizashi said, starting to get worried.
"I-I-I'm f-f-fine." Aizawa stuttered, starting to shiver.
"Come on! You can tell me things!" Hizashi exclaimed, throwing his hands around, making Aizawa flinch. "Shouta?"
"Don't..." Aizawa muttered quietly, subconsciously wanted to tell him not to hurt him. It was always something he had to do so he really couldn't help it.
"Hm? Are you okay? Like seriously, I'm worried Shouta." Hizashi said, sitting down next to him.
"F-f-f-fine!" Aizawa exclaimed, wishing he could just leave.
"No, you're not. What's wrong?" Hizashi demanded.
"Nothing Mic!" Aizawa told him sternly, standing up.
Mic stood up and moved in front of Aizawa, putting his hands on his shoulders, gripping tightly. Aizawa couldn't move or think of a way out of this. Then he remembered what Kurogiri had given him. That device thing. It was in his pocket. Aizawa slipped his hand in his pocket, staring Hizashi in the eye. He found the thing and pressed the button.
"-what is wrong?!" Hizashi exclaimed.
"I... had a run in with some villains on my way to Nemuri's and... they really did a number on me. I didn't wanna tell you because... I was... scared of how you'd react..." Aizawa made up the best lie he could come up with. Good thing he was a good liar and Hizashi believed anything he said. Aizawa was still terrified but the reminder that someone was coming for him kept him at ease.
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