Chapter I.
The two-hour bus ride from the city center to the final stop on the border of the two villages for Seulgi was one of the most terrible and unbearable. Not only that, this idea of the mother with the holidays in the village still could not fit in her head, so also the unexpected happened, the girl really had a stomach ache. Naturally, the driver easily remembered Seulgi and the rather extraordinary request of her parents under no circumstances to let her leave the transport before arriving at her destination. But who knew that the phrase 'I want to go to the toilet' would not be a lie for escape, but an attempt to save yourself from an irreversible embarrassment!
No matter how hard she tried to convince the man of the veracity of her words, not being ashamed of anyone, yet the bus did not stop. Barely surviving the road, mentally cursing everything and everyone, Seulgi ran out of the transport and rushed to the nearest gas station, not forgetting to shout to her grandparents about her suitcases in the bus trunk. As always, it didn't really start out in the best way... After experiencing the inconvenience and stress, Seulgi was even more indignant, all this is clearly an unkind sign! Although, seeing the smiles and outstretched hands of her grandparents in order to hug their granddaughter, the girl thought for a second, maybe everything is not so bad.
"Seulgi, sweetheart, we missed you so much!" the sincerely happy grandmother embraced Seulgi, who was a whole head taller than her, unable to rejoice at the guest's arrival.
"How did you get here? Is it all good? Where did you run so quickly? Did something happen?" grandpa was inundated with inquiries, in whose eyes glee and undisguised anxiety sparkled.
"It's okay, I just felt sick on the bus..."
"Are you feeling bad? My god! You need to rest soon! Grandfather, call the car," grandmother immediately raised a panic, not paying attention to Seulgi's words that now she is already better.
"Everything is fine, calm down," but the grandmother no longer listened to her granddaughter, but just dialed in the commotion the friends' numbers who had their own car.
Twenty minutes later, this 'car' arrived, battered by the life of the 'Zhiguli' of a vile yellow color. Looking around the car body incredulously, Kang still sat in the back seat, while managing to ask: "Does this iron know how to ride?" then she got a slap from her grandmother.
As it turned out, the piece of iron still drives, despite the terrible roads, if they can be called roads at all, very well. Only this did not save Seulgi from motion sickness, as it rocked them more than in the bus. That's what's called a rural roller coaster, worse than Disneyland.
Driving almost into the wilderness of the village, far from the bus stop and small empty grocery stores, the girl became a little uncomfortable. The car constantly turned left and right, as if circling in an endless labyrinth and looking for a way out of it, because of which Seulgi could not remember the way to the place where buses and taxis go, and mentally lost. It was just a matter of looking out the yellowed window of the car and, relaxing as much as possible, looking at the local scenery.
At first, along the path on both sides stood private houses: cute, modern, obviously expensive and made with taste. And the further 'Zhiguli' drove into the 'rural wilds', the more mansions were replaced by dilapidated, nondescript and unsightly huts, which frightened only with their appearance. From the base to the roof, they were overgrown with moss and other vegetation, looking as if they were about to fall apart into small pieces and turn into dust. Although in some areas there was a flat surface where nothing was built: apparently, there used to be someone's hut, but over time its condition became so terrible that it had to be completely demolished so that the ceiling did not fall on anyone inside or worse. From the 'beauties' of the village near Seulgi, goosebumps ran through her skin and she wanted to quickly get to the house of her grandparents, which in comparison with these ruins was just a palace.
"I've seen you have a lot of torbs with you," the driver said after the conversation with Mr. Lee, Seulgi's grandfather, who spent the whole journey giving out joke after joke instead of driving around deep pits and large stones. - I can call for help to unload them!
Indeed, there were a lot of suitcases with clothes, cosmetics, a first-aid kit and chargers - one girl and two old men will not bring all this mountain to the house alone!
"Oh, let's be very grateful," the grandmother smiled, appreciating the strength and size of the 'problem.'
"Then I'm going to call my stiff come and help me deal with them faster," the man said and pulled out an old push-button phone from the glove compartment, immediately dialing someone and putting the device to his ear.
Not really listening to the dialogue between the driver and the grandmother, Seulgi continued to stare out the window, wondering what to do in this village alone. The first and last time she was here as a child, so no clear memories of this region, unfortunately, have been preserved. In addition, there are hardly any interesting places where you could break away. It's the same village: no clubs, shopping and entertainment centers, restaurants, cinemas... Some lakes, fields and vegetable gardens.
The rage and irritation have already passed, only tension with misunderstanding remains. Getting out of the car, Seulgi closed her eyes from the bright sunlight, the rays of which did not pass through the tinted windows of the car. Looking around, she saw a cute and pleasant picture: the soft green grass around the house of her grandparents beckoned to lie down on her and forget about the previous negative emotions, the quiet and unobtrusive singing of birds somewhere in the distance caressed the ear, and the beauty of real nature pleased
Looking at this charm of country life, the brown-haired woman did not notice how someone approached her from behind and slapped her right on the ass! Who is this arrogant?! How dare he! From the surprise of the incident, the girl turned sharply and gave this pervert a savory slap, from which the palm instantly turned red and began to buzz unpleasantly.
"Aish!" that's all that was said by this insolent fellow. "You what?"
"Who are you?! What do you allow yourself to do?!" rabies and irritation returned.
"I came to help drag your bags into the house!" holding on to his swollen cheek from the blow, the boy said indignantly. "I also wanted to meet you! I've heard city girls like that."
What is this idiot talking about? Well, hold on! Nothing can stop Seulgi!
Frowning her eyebrows and clenching her fists so hard that her nails began to dig into her palm, leaving a trace, the girl run up to this self-confident fool at lightning speed and, no longer trying to control herself, snapped:
"Don't you dare touch me! Anyway!.. Don't get closer to me than ten feet!" the city girl screamed in anger. "And I'll bring my bags myself, okay? Now get out of here!"
A cheeky smirk appeared on the stranger's face. What's on his mind?
"Whatever you say, darling," he said without holding back his laughter, slowly stepping back. "Tell me what's your name?"
Darling? Does he have no brain at all?
"You don't have to know that, jerk, because we'll never see each other again! Leave me alone!"
"Well, it was nice to meet me," this unscrupulous villager began to walk towards the gate, as he finally added: 'My name is Jungkook! Let's meet at Oak at seven!
With God's help, rolling huge suitcases into the house, Seulgi pondered what a cheeky little boy she had met. No conscience, no mind. As they say, hope dies last, so the lady really expected never to cross paths with this stupid fool again.
When Kang brought the last bag, the swish of slippers could be heard from the kitchen – the grandmother was going to thank Jungkook for his help, but instead saw her granddaughter herself suffering with the heap of bags.
"Muffin, where is Jungkook? He should have helped you," Mrs. Lee looked around in disbelief.
"He had urgent business and had to leave, but it's okay, I'll cope myself," the girl grabbed one of the largest suitcases and was already preparing to go to the stairs to the second floor, when suddenly the grandmother called out to her:
"Wait, then grandpa will help you. I'll call him now!" a towel flew from the woman's hands onto the chair, she instantly turned around and walked towards the exit.
"Stop, I can myself..." but the grandmother has already disappeared from sight and did not hear the words of her granddaughter. "She's incorrigible," sighing, Seulgi sat down on that very chair, hanging a towel on the armrest.
As soon as grandpa took her belongings upstairs, he was escorted out of the room at the same moment, locking the door. The city guest wanted to relax after such a stormy adventure and at the same time discuss with her best friend all the nightmare that had happened to her over the past few hours.
"And you can imagine, I was taken to this wilderness for the whole summer without saying a word about it before!" lying on her double bed, which could not but please Kang, she was resentful on the phone.
"Come on, girl! How dare they do that to you?" Irene clattered into the cellphone. "Think about it, Jackson called me on a date!"
"So you were with Mingyu a week ago! Have you already broken up?" the brown-haired woman wondered.
"Oh, he's such a nerd, constantly chatting non-stop, I'm sick of him!"
"You've only been dating for a couple of days, how could he bore you so quickly?" Kang raised one eyebrow.
"I've figured it all out at that time. The man did not prove himself in the relationship, let him now meet with his basketball, and forget about me," the brunette rolled her eyes smugly.
Irene was never known for her loyalty to her partners, she had plenty of them. So even though this news was a reason for Seulgi to be surprised, it was not a novelty.
"By the way, an idiot molested me here. He slapped my butt and offered to meet at some Oak tree at seven. What is he hoping for?" Kang laughed and rolled over from back to stomach.
"Oh, girl! Tell me all about him! Is he beautiful? Brawny? And what does he do? Give out all the information, I'm waiting-u-uh!" Bae shouted emotionally into the phone.
"I don't know anything about him, except that his name is Jungkook and he's a moron."
However, Irene ignored the words of a friend and absolutely clearly gave out:
"Hook up with him!"
Seulgi stood in a stupor for a second.
"What?! Who do you think I am? That I, and the first rustic I met, will stroll together?" the city girl said in an indignant tone.
"You're bored there anyway, have fun! Go with him on a date today! And then you tell me everything, in detail!" scrolling her curls, Bae playfully suggested.
The mate's idea made the brown-haired woman hesitate... She is really bored here, and suddenly she got such a chance to entertain her VIP person. Brainstorming, Kang replied:
"And you know, I'll go."
Consuming another sugar ssiat hotteok prepared by her grandmother, Seulgi thought about the upcoming meeting with a new acquaintance. What awaits the girl? Where will this madman take her? But what really worried the brown-haired woman was that she could get lost on the way to her destination.
"Granny, where is the Oak?"
"It's not far from here, walk a block above and to the left one street. You will immediately notice it, the oldest and largest tree in the village. It survived Emperor Sujong himself!" Mrs. Lee waved her finger in front of the girl's face.
"Okay, okay, I got it," the granddaughter leaned back in her chair, dodging a relative. "Listen, do you have a lot of young here?"
"Oh, a lot, dear, and they are constantly having monkey business! Sometimes haystacks are collapsed, then in the evenings they turn on the radio to the maximum volume and go screaming under the windows! They don't help with the housework when you ask them, lazy cockalorums!" grandma gestured furiously.
"Omo..." that is all that Kang could utter.
That sounded disgusting! Such behavior by urban teenagers is unacceptable in Busan. Although Kang has already noticed from the behavior of Jungkook the whole essence of this rural tribe.
"Okay, grandma, it's time for me to get ready."
"Ready? Where are you going?" the old woman raised her gray eyebrow.
"I like to walk before bedtime, breathe fresh air. They say, it is good for health. Try it yourself,' Seulgi lied, got up from her chair and left the kitchen, not wanting to hear the negative reaction of her ancestors.
For half an hour, Kang had been waiting for her newly minted 'cavalier.' This arrogant man also dares to be late and makes a decent lady freeze in the cold! Out of boredom, Seulgi turned around and again fixed her gaze on the local landmark.
The trunk of the tree has been completely painted by all generations from the beginning of the reign of Emperor Sujong to the present day. The most recent scratched names at the very base of the generation tree were: Yuna, Xiumin, Hoseok, Jimin, Jisoo, Yeonjoon, Jenny, Taemin and, of course, Jungkook, but these were only those that Kang remembered.
At that second, the nasty horn of the old car was heard. The girl turned sharply to the sound and saw the familiar wreck that was carrying her this morning from the station, a yellow Zhiguli. The vehicle, which did not inspire confidence, slowly drove up to the young lady and lowered the front window with a creak, from which a satisfied Jungkook face protruded.
"Well, chick, let's hang out?" showing white teeth in his rabbit smile, Jung shouted.
In surprise, Kang took a gander at the old-fashion car. "How dare he?!" this phrase will definitely fly out at the sight of the brazen rustic. Snorting, the young lady walked around the car and sat in the front seat with a very dissatisfied expression.
"Firstly, hello," the girl tucked her hair behind the ear, 'By the way, where have you been? I've waited for you for half an hour!"
"While you were waiting, you should have dropped a curtsy, yet not wasted time!" the guy said with a serious look.
Seulgi was stunned by such a strange and blunt response, so she stared silently out the window. The silence did not last long, because the city girl remembered one hidden resentment:
"And don't call me a "chick", I'm not some rural girlfriend to you!"
"I still don't know your name, so I'll call you whatever I want,' he smugly looked at Kang, saying, 'How do you like that? What do you say, chick?"
"My name is Joy," Seulgi smirked enigmatically at the bucolic, because she was able to outwit him. "To the point, where are we going?"
"Joy-oh-oh, we're going to a sacred place, you've never seen anything like this in your life!" Jungkook smiled radiantly, pressing the gas pedal into the floor.
Twenty minutes of travel seemed like an eternity to Seulgi. Jungkook did not stop for a second. Now the girl understood the reason why Irene broke up with Mingyu. Jung told her how he almost fell out of the boat at the age of three, when his father taught him to fish; when he was kicked in the ass by Dottie, a cow of a certain Yuna; when he shaved bald because he was told that bed bugs would settle in his head because of his long hair and bite his scalp and a thousand other similar stories. Listening to the crazy antics of the boy, Seulgi definitely realized that Jungkook is still crazy, and at the same time laughed softly at all these stories.
Arriving at that very sacred place, Seulgi stared at the window with genuine curiosity and... She was taken aback. In the middle of the bush there was an old building of small size, from which multi-colored rays shone and loud music could be heard, and above the entrance there was a sign with blue letters 'Peace in Hell'. However, the letter 'e' seemed to be extraordinary and not even.
Kang couldn't contain her hysterical laughter from what she saw, and the guy stared at her in surprise. Without saying anything to him, the brown-haired woman got out of the car and looked back at the wall once more. Looking closely, she saw a dark trace of 'a' under the letter 'e' in the word 'hell' and realized that the name originally had a different meaning 'Peace in Hall', but one letter fell away and someone made another.
After Seulgi gazed through the territory near the institution and found several people standing at the door: a couple who entered the club, and five cheerfully laughing friends who, with undisguised interest and appreciative look, examined her. According to Jungkook, the city lady was not brave, since she just stood, not moving, therefore, taking the initiative in his hands, he began to push her straight to this company. Only Kang wanted to resent this behavior of this fool, as he got ahead of her and shouted:
"Hey, dudes! Here we are!"
Jungkook's comrades mutually greeted him and again turned their gaze to a person they did not know next to him. A dark-haired young man, standing at the head of the company, took a step towards the brown-haired woman and addressed her. "Are you the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee who came from Busan?"
"Yes, it's me..." pleasantly surprised by the adequate boy, in comparison with the behavior of Jeon, Seulgi intelligently bowed as a sign of greeting.
"Wow, and no one slaps me on the butt, suspiciously somehow," she said.
"I'm Kim Namjoon," the ringleader smiled affably. "That's my sister Kim Jisoo," he pointed to the cute brunette next to him. This was followed by a greeting from the guest, and then the rest introduced themselves: Xiumin, Wooyoung and Sana. Some names Kang remembered seeing scratched on the Oak.
Finally getting into the hall of the club, half of the company lined up near the bar, and two girls, Sana and Jisoo hurried to the dance floor. Only Seulgi sat with the guys, spinning a straw in her cocktail that Wooyeon had given her, and got bored again. The guys did not pay much attention to it, but only discussed the last football match between Korea and Thailand. She was tired of sitting and just watching the dancing youth, so she decided to join them, leaving her companions.
"Well, how do you like this city chick?" Jungkook raised his eyebrows, addressing the friends near him.
"Oh, Kookie, there you go again!" a confused Xiumin waved his hand and laughed at his friend's behavior. Forever this restless little one thinks only of the maidens.
"An ordinary girl, I don't see anything special in her." Joon replied, holding a glass of beer in his hand, looking at the dancing Seulgi. After taking a sip of a cool drink, he continued. "When did you get so close to her that she agreed to come here on your great-grandfather's wreck?"
This could not but make the foolish Xiumin laugh, but it also angered Kookie, again Namjoon calls his wheelbarrow a wreck!
"That's not funny at all!" pushing the elder in the shoulder and almost spilling his beer, Jeon blew up from his seat, as if he decided to walk and get acquainted with one of the visitors to the club, leaving three friends who continued to calmly talk about everything and look at the pretty girls.
Once on the other end of the dance floor, without even noticing it, Seulgi wanted to take a break and just stand against the wall after vigorous dancing, when suddenly a brunette appeared right next to her, who also leaned over and looked directly into her eyes.
"Hi, I haven't seen you here before," his hoarse and courageous voice after a couple of cocktails drunk by Seulgi sounded very alluring and inviting.
"I'm not a local, I just arrived today..." the city girl cut off, turning away from the interlocutor a little and looking for her friends from the crowd. It was unpleasant to even be around such a buck, because he smelled of alcohol more strongly than the others.
"It is understandable, with such a young lady I would have already had fun ..." it was clear that this lad is now just drunk and does not realize what he says.
Brown-haired moved away from him, dodging his kiss and giving him the opportunity to cling passionately with his chubby lips to the cold wall. Laughing out loud at the scene and continuing to walk towards Namjoon and the rest of the guys, Seulgi looked at the time, nine o'clock in the evening.
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