Chapter 3 - Bento Box
Error's POV
I leaned against my locker as I talked with my football friends. They were discussing about the game this weekend but I wasn't interested in the conversation. All I could think about was Ink. It seemed he was shocked that I was eavesdropping on his and the teacher's little talk.
My love for the little nerd boy known as Ink made me want to help him with his troubles. However, that was going to be difficult as he doesn't trust me because... well, me bullying him for years.
Suddenly, snapping of fingers drew me from my thoughts. Looking up, I saw my friend named Damien. He was a wolf with green fur and leather clothing. The fur on his head was pulled back into a ponytail.
Damien: Error, dude. You spaced out.
Then, a toothy grin appeared.
Damien: Thinking about a hot chick?
I almost laughed but I had to keep it in. Ink was no chick and never will be considered one. He had so much personality and I loved that. In my eyes, it would be a disgrace to call him anything less than perfect.
However, I couldn't tell Damien that I was thinking about Ink as being gay wasn't accepted among the school. Thank god I was surprisingly good at acting. At school, I was a football jock and at home, I was a gay nerd in love. So naturally, I had to lie.
Me: Yeah I was.
Damien laughed before hitting my back, causing me to slightly glitch out due to my haphephobia.
'Calm down, Error. Don't punch him.'
I awkwardly smiled back before heading to the cafeteria. A group of females, both human and monster, started to join my friends.
I looked around as we entered the cafeteria. Multiple students sat at the tables and talked with one another. Some people left the school to get food from the restaurants across the street. Personally, I would get food from across the street.
I broke away from my friends as I exited the building. Entering the courtyard, I saw students hanging outside as the weather was surprisingly nice. That's when my eyes landed on Ink.
Ink was sitting under a tree with a bento box. I guess he wasn't going to Sánchez's classroom today.
My emotions got the better of me and I began walking over to him. As I got closer, I saw a sketchbook laying on the ground next to him and a console sitting on his lap.
He didn't notice me approaching him.
Me: May I sit with you?
He instantly looked up since he recognized my voice.
He looked around, expecting there to be hidden cameras, like a prank. I could tell he felt a little fear but then motioned for me to sit.
We didn't say a word to each other but my eyes started to move around. I just happened to see the game he was playing on his portable gaming console. It was one of my favorite games, "Wonder". The game was a relaxing sandbox.
Me: Wow! You play "Wonder"?!
Ink stared at me with wide eyes. For a split second, his eye lights changed to multicolored hearts but instantly turned back to his iconic blue circle and yellow star.
I realized that I let my true self slip out so I forced myself to become an annoying jock once more.
Me: I mean... you play "Wonder"? That's cool... I guess.
I mumbled as I rubbed the back of my neck. A light layer of rainbow blush covered Ink's face. Then, a smile appeared as his blush became more apparent.
Ink: Wanna see my world, Error?
I felt myself mentally become a child. Maybe I can let my true self out, for a little bit.
Ink set aside his unfinished bento box and picked up his console. I leaned over as he gave me a tour of his world in the game. He had a lot less money and experience points than I did in my own game.
Me: There's a way where you can have infinite money.
Ink: Really?
Me: Yeah. There's a duplicating glitch located in the city entrance. You can use that to duplicate your inventory which you can sell to the store owners. It takes many hours of grinding but it's definitely worth it.
Ink: Wow... that's actually really useful. I'll make sure to remember that.
He took out a pen and wrote something on his brown scarf. His brown scarf looked pretty old as it had faded to beige at the end. His scarf went perfectly with his brown sweater and beige jeans. He looked adorable in it.
(Time Skip)
It was time for class and I noticed that I didn't eat at all because I was hanging out with Ink. For a whole hour, we talked about "Wonder".
I stood up and stretched before beginning to walk back to the building. All of a sudden, I heard Ink call my name.
Ink: Hey Error.
Me: Yeah?
Ink: Here.
He handed me his unfinished bento box. I was surprised because I would have never imagined him giving me his food.
Me: Um, thank you.
Ink: Just make sure you give me the box back tomorrow.
Me: Okay.
(Time Skip)
I sat on my bed while finishing the last of my homework on my laptop. As soon as I turned in the last assignment, I received a text from Vex.
Bavexie: Hey Void. Wanna hear something?
Me: Shoot.
Bavexie: Craziest thing happened to me today. My bully sat next to me during lunch! Then I gave him my bento box because he didn't eat. He's my bully so I don't know why I did that.
My eyes widened as I looked at Ink's bento. The one he gave me during lunch on the same day.
'Is Vex actually... no. It just has to be some crazy coincidence.'
Me: Huh, that is weird. Why do you think you gave it to him?
Bavexie: I don't know. By the way, want to play some online games? I'm already logged in.
Me: Yeah. Hold on a second.
Bavexie: K.
After logging on, I could only think about one thing.
Is Vex actually Ink?
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