(( Hey guys! Sorry it took me a while to update, I have been busy with school and sports and blah, blah, blah. Note that it may take a few more days for the next update to come, too, but please just stay patient with me people! ))
Every year, the province of Angeles flocks to the royal palace for a grand celebration. The festival began many years ago, and is still an event that many people of all castes look forward to. There's something for everyone to do, from carnival rides, to trying exotic foods, and enjoying the various performances throughout the day. Enjoy the Carnival!
The past few days have been difficult for Clarissa. She had been feeling very sick, and she was lucky if she woke up without having to puke. Despite her feverish conditions, the princess was still up and about, socializing at the Carnival. One thing she was looking forward to, however, was getting to see Mikey: Both of them had been busy the past few days, but he recently told her that he was requesting the day off. As Clarissa weaved her way through the crowds, she slightly gasped when she felt a hand grab her wrist and tug her between two vendors.
"God, don't scare me like that!" She exclaimed, giving Mikey a hard push into the shoulder. He was grinning and laughing, happy to see that she was still the same old Clarissa.
"What, are you not happy to see me?" He asked, leaning forward and kissing her. As of right now, he was thankful for such a big event like this; there was not as much attention on the princess, so that meant that he could spend some time with her without having to worry about being caught. "C'mon, we're wasting daylight!"
~ ~ ~
After watching the grande circus act, eating through at least three cotton candies and two tubs of cheesy fries, riding the mini coaster and lots and lots of cheesy (haha get it) jokes, the two sat on one of the side benches, Clarissa resting on Mikey's shoulder. "Hey, I would say that today was pretty successful she said, looking up at Mikey."
"Indeed it was." He smiled down at her before placing a kiss on her forehead. The guard was about to say something when a familiar voice piped up behind them.
".... Clarissa?!"
Day_Dreaming_365 and diamondpools
Nicolas stood behind the bench, holding two large slurpies. He had caught sight of the princess in the crowd, and decided to surprise her with the cold drinks. Clearly, though, he had interrupted something. Clearing his throat, the prince spoke quickly. "I'm sorry, I did not mean to interrupt your little make-out-session. Clearly this isn't going to work." The prince dropped one slushies onto the ground and turned on his heel, fury bubbling up inside of him.
"Wait, Nico!"
- - SKYLAR & JONAH - -
As Jonah looked around the carnival with a cheerful expression, he spotted Skylar and waved her over. The selected jumped off of her feet and bounded over, grinning from ear to ear. With only a few more steps separating the two of them, Skylar jumped and Jonah pannicked, but still managed to catch the girl.
"I TOLD you already, you have to let me know when you are going to do that before you do it!!" The prince said, smiling at the girl who was clinging onto his neck.
"That's alright, I figured you liked a surprise every now and then." Skylar said, placing her two feet back on the ground and looking up to the prince with a smile. "So, where to next?"
~ ~ ~
As they took their seats, the prince and selected made sure not to spill their popcorn and drinks. The energy from the crowd surrounding them was electrifying, as the show would be starting soon. To pass time, Jonah started flinging a few of his popcorn kernels at Skylar, which ended up turning into an all-out war between the two. They had to be scolded by an usher to finally end the battle and wave their white flags. As the show started, Sky and Jonah settled back into their seats, and Jonah not-so-slyly slipped his arm around the selected.
~ ~ ~
The circuis was a blast; Skylar's favorite act was the acrobats, while Jonah enjoyed the mini clown skits in between each performance. Durring intermission, the couple was caught off-guard, and eventually caught themselves on the big screen in the center of the arena. The image showed both Prince Jonah and Skylar surrounded by big bubbly hearts and text that stated "Kiss Cam." The crowd roared with anticipation, but the selected started to pannic.
"Um, no, no thanks, we don't have to do that, it's not required, I-"
"Oh, c'mon, don't you trust me?"
In a sudden act, Jonah leaned over and kissed Skylar. The kiss was a sort of salty-sweet, thanks to the large amount of buttery popcorn the two had devoured. The crowd around them released shrieks of joy, and the kiss was broken when Sky started laughing. Jonah pulled away, blushing slightly, and gave a soft smile to the girl sitting beside him. She was madly blushing and currently trying to hide her face in her popcorn bowl. As the show began again, the two exchanged small smiles, and enjoyed the rest of the performance.
Bearing a small bundle of flowers and a bright smile on his face, Jonah squeezed through and between the bustling crowd moving from vendor to vendor. Just as he was about to give up the hunt, he spotted exactly the woman he was looking for.
Eva was sitting towards the right side of the flow of traffic, watching with bright eyes and sampling a small dish of fruity looking appetizers. She basically dropped the plate though when she made eye contact with the prince. As he finally pushed his way through the stream, Jonah quickly walked over to the selected and brought her into a big hug, making sure not to crush the fresh tulips he had gotten for her.
"For you, m'lady." He said, bowing down and handing the flowers to Evalane in a grand sweeping gesture. The selected giggled, and took the bouquet from the prince with a grateful expression.
"You really didn't have to, you know." She admired the pink and yellow bulbs, and smiled as she traced the outline of one of the fragrant flowers.
"Trust me, it's my pleasure. Now, should we be on our way?" Without hesitation, Jonah intertwined his fingers in hers, and began to weave his way back into the commotion of the traffic, making sure not to let go of Eva's hand.
~ ~ ~
The two spent their brief time together going from vendor to vendor, accepting dares to sample a variety of different cuisines ranging from bitter-sweet to oh-so-salty. One of the best moments was when the prince popped a California Reaper pepper into his mouth, believing it was your average sweet pepper. He spent the next hour behind all of the tents gagging and chugging water while Eva sat next to him, comforting him as he fought through the pain. She was laugh-crying, and frantically wiping away tears as the prince sent next to her trying his best to not puke up his insides.
Once he was feeling better, Jonah apologized to Eva, and made up for the mini mishap by buying them both a large cone of cotton candy. They walked off to the side hand-in-hand and just chatted, making sure to devour the sweet, fluffy delicacy. When Jonah realized he had to leave, he heaved a long, exasperated sigh and stood, motioning for her to stand, too.
The prince brought Evalane into a big hug, teasing her by picking her up off of the ground a few inches. After putting her down and before slipping into the crowd, there was a brief moment where everything seemed to melt away. Eva stood on her tip-toes, and in an instant their lips collided, in a combination of sweet and spicy. Moments after it happened, Jonah pulled away, grinning, and slipped into the crowd with a simple, "bye."
- - VICTORIA - -
The yearly carnival was Victoria's favorite time of year, for her it might be better than Christmas. This year, she finally convinced her parents to have a pony riding arena, so she helped out there for most of the day. Everything is fine with that lil smol bean and she is such a cinnamon roll let her live <3
Both Sarafina and Jonah bumped into each other by accident; she had been carrying a large milkshake, which ended up all over the prince's shirt as they collided, walking different ways. "Oh, my god, I'm so so- JONAH!" The selected's face dropped in horror as she realized who it was, but was quickly reasurred that she wouldn't be in any kind of trouble when Jonah nearly collapsed from laughing so hard.
"Don't worry about it, this wasn't exactly my favorite shirt in the world. Very itchy." He said, pulling at the collar of the now ice-cream covered shirt. "Perfect timing, though, you're just the girl I was looking for." Jonah flashed her a bright smile, then took off with her hand clasped in his, looking for a small area to try and clean the mess off of his shirt.
~ ~ ~
After wiping with napkins and furiously scrubbing with soap and water, Sarafina and Jonah were still unable to get the chocolatey stains that ran down the front of his shirt off. In a sort of last-minute solution, the two were now browsing through one of the many clothing outlets that had been temporarily set up for the festival. They took turns pulling out weird and crazy shirts from the racks, seeking to get a giggle from the other person. The selected was setting aside a small pile of shirts that consisted of actual ones to consider, and ones that she just wanted to see the prince try on for sh*ts and giggles.
Both Jonah and Sarafina took off towards the dressing rooms, bearing a bundle of shirts in each hand. The woman assigning rooms gave an annoyed glance to Jonah, but let him in regardless to the "number of items" rule, regarding that he was in fact the prince.
One by one, Jonah came strutting out in various patters ranging from a bold leopard print to a not-so-subtle clown polka-dotted jumpsuit. Sarafina stood by the mirror, trying to keep herself from laughing as the prince walked out and put on his own little mini fashion show. When he had finally chosen a shirt to wear, the prince and his escort made their way over to the cash register and paid, walking out of the store hand-in-hand. ironically enough, they decided to make a pit-stop for ice cream, but made sure not to spill any on each other. Before Jonah left the girl, he brought her into a big hug and, for a bit of payback, made sure to smear a small amount of chocolate ice cream onto her cheek before escaping into the crowd, laughing as he went.
Maural and diamondpools
Prince Nicolas was slumped over a now liquid slushie, stirring it over and over again as he watched people walk by. They were all smiling and happy. That's all he wanted. As he stared at the figures flying past him, the Spanish prince barely noticed a woman sit down next to him. He was knocked out of his trance when the figure beside him leaned on his shoulder and spoke.
"I know how you feel, dude. Watching Jonah run around all day with all those little puttane has been getting on my nerves." Doreen, too, was stirring a slushie, and hers was melted as well. "I mean, really, what does he see in them that he doesn't see in me? I'm hot, am I not? And don't even get me started on my heart of gold."
"Um, yeah, sure, and sorry for your loss, but we have nothing in common." The prince shrugged Doreen of his shoulder and looked down at his feet.
"Really..... you mean that you're not jealous of Clarissa and that little guard boy of hers?" Nicolas immediately tensed and whipped around to look at the Italian beauty.
"You knew about that?!"
She shrugged, and continued to stir her slushie. "Nothing gets past these ears, sweetheart." Her expression began to soften, though, when she realized that it hadn't sunken in for him quite yet. "Look.... don't get too hung up on her, okay? You're a great guy, and if she can't see that then it's her loss. Cheer up, campione." With a swift movement, the princess ruffled Nico's hair a bit, then got up from her seat. "And you can always come talk to me if you need." Doreen turned and walked away, leaving the Spanish Prince a confused, blushing mess.
- - RIDA & JONAH - -
Jonah spotted Rida out on the main fairgrounds. She was currently showing her smol exotic birb to a crowd of enticed children; They shrieked in delight as the feathered friend mimicked the sounds of different animals. When Rida caught Jonah's eye, she quickly excused herself from her small audience and made her way over to the prince.
"What's cracka-lackin', JoJo?" The girl said, smiling ear-to-ear as she stroked back a few feathers of Peebles'. She seemed to be enjoying herself so far, which Jonah was happy about. After a brief exchange, the prince invited the selected to go check out some of the carnival rides. The couple strolled off arm-in-arm, briefly chatting about what they had done that day.
"I'm guessing Peeb's is a big hit with all the kids?" Jonah asked with a smirk, referring to Rida's small companion. She smiled a little and playfully pushed against Jonah's shoulder.
"Well she's not the only one who's been attracting attention, Mr. Princey-Wincey." Rida regarded, a slight blush coloring her cheeks and the brim of her nose. As they made their way clsoer to the rides, shrieks of joy and amusement could be heard from all around at different attractions.
~ ~ ~
After taking Rida on a few of the rides, Jonah decided to finish their mini-date with a ride on the carousel. Although childish, he had a certain love for the attraction. The two waited their turn until it was time to claim a horse. Rida sprang forward and ran around the exhibit, furiously searching for the perfect steed. She settled for a light grey one with dark speckling and roses in it's mane. Jonah took a space next to her on a smaller brown horse with an eagle decal in the saddle. The selected joked and noted that Jonah had chosen the smallest horse, and as the ride hummed into motion, the two fooled around and pretended to race each other around in a circle.
As the ride started to slow down, Jonah's horse was making it's way up as Rida's was coming down, and the moment seemed perfect. Without hesitation, Rida leaned in and stole a gentle kiss before having it broken quickly due to the movement of the ride. She gigled and turned pink, but took a serious tone as she saw Jonah turn pale. As they exited the ride, the prince took the selected's hand and guided her to a more private area. "We need to talk."
~ ~ ~
Jonah paced back and forth trying to come up with words for what he was about to say. Rida was an incredible person, but he had to come to terms with his feelings. She deserved someone so much more than what Jonah could offer, and decided that it would be better to tell her now than later.
"Hey, so, before you say anything, please just hear me out. I don't want you to think too much about it but.... this isn't going to work. You are such an amazing person, and I do not lie when I tell you that I have completely fallen in love with you. But I just- I see you more as a sisterly figure than a lover." Jonah grimaced at the words, knowing that it sounded oh-so-wrong but hoped she understood. "I've been keeping you here so that you can earn the money you get from becoming an elite to start up your veterinary clinic back in Honduragua. The way you talk about your job and your passion just amazes me, and I want you to go out and live your life to the fullest, it's just that.... THIS is not working out." He took a shaky breath and didn't bother to look at her face, knowing that he would be completely heartbroken. "I-I'm sorry, I can't do this right now." And with that, the prince wandered out of the shadows and back into the bustling crowd.
Sam found Jonah hunched over in a corner, sadly stirring a bowl of chili. (D:) She slowly and cautiously made her way over to Jonah and sat down beside him, rubbing a comforting hand along his back. "Hey, you okay?"
The prince sighed, and dropped his head into his hands. "No, I'm not okay, I'm such a sh*tty guy. Why am I like this? Why is the whole world against me?! Not even this crappy, watery chili can cheer me up." He said, giving the sad bowl of spice another sad, sad stir.
"Well.... to be fair, that is a pretty sad bowl of chili. You should have some of my mom's she makes the best chili known to man-kind." Samantha flashed a small smile, but it quickly faded when she saw that her attempt to cheer Jonah up had failed. "Seriously, though, what's up?"
Taking another deep sigh, Jonah propped himself up and spilled the whole entire story to Samantha. He felt so ashamed that he couldn't even look her in the eye, and knew that there was tension considering Rida was one of her closest friends. Hoping she wouldn't hate him for what he did, Jonah buried himself in his arms on the table and started taking short, shallow breaths.
"I hate myself."
After a minute of silence, Sam started tugging on the prince's shirt. She was mumbling something under her breath, but Jonah hadn't really been paying attention until she legit pulled him by his hair and made him stand up. "Listen to me, okay? You are not a sh*tty person, in fact, you are a great one because you are keeping her in this competition so that she can benefit even though you don't feel anything towards her. Look, it does hurt to know that there isn't really anything between you two, but seeing you like this is making me miserable. Let's go, I wanna go have some fun!" Before Jonah could protest, Samantha was tugging him into the surging crowd, and began to weave her way towards the carnival rides.
~ ~ ~
After waiting for a cart, Jonah and Samantha finally piled into one of the trolleys of the big Ferris Wheel. The girl quickly leaned to one side, looking over the edge of the seat as the ride rolled into motion. Jonah sat beside her, sprawling out and watching Sam. It was cute to see her face light up as the cart climbed higher and higher. Eventually, Jonah sat up and leaned over the edge, too. They were nearing the top of the ride when it came to a slow stop, and the couple stood there, gazing out on the carnival in wonder. The sun was beginning to set, and distant lights began to twinkle from the various vendors and attractions.
"Hey, Sam? Thanks, for, ya know.... everything." Jonah was smiling softly to himself, and looked over at the girl to see her reaction.
"No, thank you. If it weren't for you I wouldn't be here right now. Hell, I can't imagine what I would be doing if I wasn't here, with you."
She looked at him, and in that one moment everything seemed perfect. Jonah's troubles melted away, and he leaned over and kissed her. It gave him a warm feeling in his cheeks and in the pit of his stomach, and it just felt so right. After they pulled away, they both sat in the quiet, smiling and blushing and admiring the view. When the cart finally came to a stop at the bottom of the ride, Jonah opened the mini door for Sam and together they walked off the ride.
~ ~ ~
As they were walking away from the Ferris Wheel, Jonah couldn't wipe that stupid grin off of his face. He felt so giddy, but not just because of Samantha. The day had been perfect, and nothing could ruin it. Or so he thought.
They began to walk when they heard sudden shrieks of excitement fill the air. Expecting to see children chasing each other or a ride starting, Jonah looked over his shoulder. Instead, what he saw was panic. Fear. And her.
Nothing was louder that day than the first gun shot
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