Below is the list of provinces for each of the selected. If there is a blue circle next to a province, then that means that it is available, and if there is a red circle next to a province, then it has already been claimed. Only one selected is allowed to come from each province!
🔵 = available
🔴 = taken
PROVINCES ( 16/16 )
Allens - 🔴
Angeles - 🔴
Atlin - 🔵
Baffin - 🔵
Bankston - 🔴
Belcourt - 🔵
Bonita - 🔵
Calgary - 🔴
Carolina - 🔵
Clermont - 🔴
Columbia - 🔵
Dakota - 🔴
Dominica - 🔴
Fennley - 🔵
Hansport - 🔵
Honduragua - 🔴
Hudson - 🔴
Kent - 🔴
Lakedon - 🔴
Likely - 🔵
Midston - 🔵
Ottaro - 🔴
Paloma - 🔵
Panama - 🔵
Sonage - 🔵
Sota - 🔴
St. George - 🔴
Sumner - 🔵
Tammins - 🔵
Waverly - 🔵
Whites - 🔴
Yukon - 🔴
Zuni - 🔴
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