Jonah stood over the sink in the bathroom, staring back at the figure in the mirror. The prince didn't recognize himself, which scared him. He looked a lot paler recently, and heavy bags marked his eyes, seemingly weighed down like bricks. Turning the faucet on, Jonah splashed a bunch of cold water onto his face, hoping it would somehow magically change his appearance. He had to pull it together, to be strong for his family. The prince also had to face a mob filled with mourning people and press, and still seem composed. Taking one last glance in the mirror, he heaved a heavy sigh, then unlocked to door and headed outside to the large courtyard setup.
~ ~ ~
As the prince made his way down and around the gardens to the open stretch of grassy field, he made note that the weather today was actually pleasant; usually funerals and times of grief like this were depicted with black umbrellas and a light rain. It was oddly comforting that the sun shined a little brighter, and all the bugs and birds chirped in harmony. As he made his way down to the clearing, Jonah swallowed a knot in his throat when he caught sight of the massive crowd that had gathered for the funeral.
Taking a rightful place among his siblings and father, Jonah took Clarissa's hand and squeezed it tight. With everything going on about the baby and the whole situation, he knew that she had been taking this hard. With a small reassuring smile to both of his sisters, Jonah looked towards the priest and gave him a small nod, a sign to begin the service.
~ ~ ~
Originally the mass was only supposed to dedicate Talia Ryder and her son Lucas Ryder. That fact changed, however, when the prince spoke up in defiance. Now there were four caskets lying out in the fields, the other two belonging to Cassandra Martin and Rida Mayari. The whole service itself moved along as kind of a blur- many important figures stood to speak on the queen's behalf, and there were a few people in the crowds who said a quick word for the selected that had passed. After the service was finished, the Ryders left to go pay their final respects to their mother and brother before saying goodbye.
~ ~ ~
The press statement that Prince Jonah released the next morning shocked the whole nation. He stated that Lady Sarafina had been sent home, and that he would be selecting his future wife in three days. Who will it be?
Lady Evalane Bails?
Lady Samantha Greene?
(Sorry this took so long to get out, I promise I'm not dead tho!)
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