Chapter 4.
Chapter 4- Pom Poms and a Proposal
"So everyone who is here today has the chance to be on the squad." Charity looks around at each of the girls standing in front of her. "Whether or not you make it though, depends on whether you are prepared to do the work. To earn your place." She looks at each of them, challenging them.
Darla nods, her hair is pulled back into an extremely tight high-ponytail. Doesn't she know that that will just make her hairline recede?
There was only three girls left. The others took one look at the skanky dresses and bitchy girls and called it quits. Darla on the other hand, had been preparing for this day since middle school. She wanted the short skirts and drama.
"Okay, so we'll start with some simple cheers." Riley hits the music, "Naomi, can you show them how it's done?"
Then I see her. She's on the opposite side of the room. Her short blonde hair is braided beautifully and her dress fits perfectly. Too perfectly.
I catch myself staring at her chest. What has gotten into me? Shaking my head and rubbing my eyes, I take a deep breath. Naomi moves to the center of the gym and claps to gain the other girls' attention.
"Ok, so. Today we'll do the classic Buffy cheer." She starts. The other girls look at each other, but I find myself smiling slightly.
"Ok." She explains the routine and gives a few demonstrations. Soon it's time for the girls to try.
How funky is your chicken? How funky is your chicken? How loose is your goose? My goose is totally loose.
I smile at the words, remembering the hours I used to spend with Sam watching 80s flicks, such as Buffy the Vamiper Slayer.
"I think you could pull it off, Vicky" I jump. Turning to my left, I see Luke.
"Hey." I smile at him, "Who are you here for?"
"Maybe I just wanted to come down and watch the girls."
I roll my eyes, "You pervert."
"No, it's not like that. I swear." He laughs, "I just didn't want you to be alone."
I blush, I can't help it. There's something about a cute boy going out of his way to see me that makes butterflies swarm in my stomach.
"Why?" I ask, "Why would you want to talk to me?"
"I don't know." He appears taken aback, "You're a nice person... and you're pretty."
Now that is something I hadn't seen coming. I've never been the 'pretty' girl before. I'm just average looking. What is he up to?
He looks at me, a hint of desperation in his eyes. This is going to be good. He takes a deep breath and opens his mouth to speak, but before he manages to say the words, Trent appears by my side.
"Does anyone have the solutions for that math assignment due tomorrow?"
I deflate. Of course I haven't started the assignment yet.
"Yeah." Liam opens his bag and pulls out an immaculately organised folder with colour coded sections. "But if I let you read them, you have to agree to coming tomorrow night."
Trent groans.
"I have to work man."
"Well book the night off. It's not everyday your boy turns seventeen." Liam dangles the folder in front of his face, taunting him.
"You haven't even invited that many people though." Trent argues, "What would I be getting out of it?"
"Time with your friends... Obviously." Liam looks offended, "Not everything revolves around you tapping ass."
I giggle. It just slips out.
"Does it at least reach the quota?"
"There's a quota?" I practically screech. I'm not sure what I feel the most embarrassed about. How sexist this exchange is getting or how dumb I just sounded.
"Yeah, of course." Trent rolls his eyes and Beau steps in.
"If we can't decide who's party we should go to, we do a calculation of how many points can be applied due to who will be present. A ten is to be there, so there is ten points added, a five and five points added."
"Oh my gosh. That's terrible." I am getting pretty uncomfortable at this point.
"Don't worry, the girls do it too."
I gasp again. "No way."
"I'm an easy nine." Trent smirks.
"Shut up man." Beau laughs, then turning back to me he smiles "We don't actually know what we score, but the girls have a chart."
"But you know what I score though." I look at him in the eyes, daring him to tell me.
"Well..." Luke looks at Beau and it's almost as if they are communicating with their minds. "Not necessarily. Even if we did, we wouldn't just tell you."
"You're a six." Blurts Trent.
"What the fuck man." Beau slaps him across the back of the head. "Shut the hell up."
My stomach has dropped. A six?
I mean, I guess that that's better than a five, but wow. It still stings. Tears prick my eyes.
"Oh fuck Trent." Beau's eyes soften and he pulls me in for a hug. "Don't listen to him babe. He's a dick." He whispers in my ear. The soft breeze brushing my neck makes me shiver.
"What's going on?" Darla has run over, puffing, for a drink of water.
"Nothing." I wipe my eyes. "How are you going?"
"Yeah, good." She looks at me funny, head tilted and eyes analysing my every move. "Are you okay?"
"Yes, I'm fine." I clear my throat and reach for one of Luke's chocolates he brought with him.
"Are you going to the party tomorrow Darla?" Trent has his arms crossed. Back to the cool, calm and collected Trent everyone else knows.
"I don't know. I was going to hang out with Vicky." She looks at me, as though she's asking permission. I shrug, she can do whatever she wants. "Okay, I guess I could." She smiles at him. He smiles back. Jealousy grips me.
Naomi calls out for everyone to get back into position and Darla leaves.
"I'm in then." Trent laughs thumping Luke's back happily. "The score just increased by eight."
"Ewww." I cringe.
"Are you going Vicky?" Beau looks down at me, waiting for my answer.
"I wasn't invited." I try to make it sound casual, but I just sound like a sook.
"You can be my plus one." Beau offers.
"I was going to ask you anyway." Liam grimaces, "But then these idiots showed up."
Trent scoffs and Beau laughs.
"I'll think about it." I grab for another chocolate.
"Careful, or you won't be able to fit into your dress."
I look up. The passing comment came from Pat. I forgot to mention that she too was trying out.
"Fuck off!" Trent stood up and flipped her the bird. She just smiled at him.
Patricia had never really been the one for sports. She was always wrapped up in a hoodie or jumper, despite the soaring temperatures. She has a knock out body too by the way. Not fair.
"Sit down Trent. She isn't worth it." I swallow the chocolate, hoping this encounter was enough to distract them from the topic of how many points I'd be. Unfortunately that isn't the case though.
"Speaking of dresses." Luke starts, "Are you running for Prom Queen?"
"No." I blurt, surprising myself with my lack of hesitation.
"Why not?" Luke appears genuinely interested.
"For the exact same reason that I'm only worth six points." I look at Trent, "I'm just not good enough."
"What?" Beau laughs, shaking his head. Trent looks uncomfortable, guilty even.
"We all know that prom is just a popularity contest."
"Yeah, but-"
"But what? Why bother when I don't even have a chance?" I feel tears stinging my eyes. Wow, I am emotional today.
"Who cares what you look like, it's what's on the inside that counts." Luke tries. I just glare at him.
Then Darla is beside me again.
"They'll let us know who got in later on in the week."
"We all know it will be you Darls." I offer her a chocolate. She denies.
"I don't know, Patricia has got some moves." Beau says, indicating to where she is standing. Naomi, the vice captain of the squad, is having a nice conversation with Pat. A very flirty Pat.
"What the heck?" I'm watching the homophobic girl flirt with a straight girl?
"You can tell she isn't interested." Darla laughs.
"Well, we all know how desperate our little Naomi can get." The boys chuckle.
"Guys, what the heck. Don't shame her. She can do whatever she wants with whoever she wants." Naomi has been nothing but nice to me since I starting hanging out with the group.
"What we mean is that she doesn't really have many options."
"She's gorgeous, of course she does."
"Oh my God Vicky, you're so naive sometimes."
+++++++++end of chapter4+++++++++++
Hey guys!
Sorry this chapter is so short.
Please comment, I want to know what you think so far.
Thankyou for reading!
Lots of happiness,
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