Chapter 1.
Chapter 1- I Lose My Best Friend.
"Who's taking you to the dance?" I turn to Pat as she takes another bite from her tuna sandwich.
"I don't know. I was sort of hoping we could go together." She blushes.
"As friends?" I ask, low-key starting to panic. I mean I'm not a homo-phobe or anything, but I'm pretty sure I'm not gay either...
"That is what I said." She rolls her eyes and I find myself annoyed by her response. "Plus, you aren't exactly my type."
"Your type being someone with a Y chromosomes?" I tease her, nudging her arm with my elbow.
"More like someone who could actually be considered attractive."
"Oh." I feel like the air has been knocked out of me. I had thought I looked fine until she dropped that little comment. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Well, you aren't exactly run-way material. Its not like you have a boyfriend, no-one's ever even hinted at having any interest in you. I mean, what do you expect. You play the bass. It's not even a real instrument." She laughs.
Did she seriously just say that?
"Brutal." I chuckle, attempting to laugh it off.
"You wanna hear brutal?" Her eyes narrow. "You turned sixteen two weeks ago, yet you still haven't had your first kiss. It's kinda pathetic if you ask me."
"Um... I didn't ask you though."
"You think you're sooo smart, don't you?" She sneers and I get the feeling that she isn't just teasing anymore. She is serious.
"What do you want me to say?" I scrunch my food wrappers into a ball and shove them in my pocket. The other girls at our table have stopped chatting and are now sitting in an awkward silence, waiting for us to finish.
"I just want you to stop being so toxic!" She spits.
"How am I toxic?"
"You just are. I have no reputation because of you. Nobody even knows who I am."
"How is that my fault? Whenever we're invited places you're the one that turns them down. Not me. It's been like that since middle school."
"Whenever we get invited places? We don't get invited. Nobody knows who we are!"
"What are you talking about? We were invited to Darla's 17th just last week."
"That doesn't count. She invited the whole class. Besides, she's a total loser. No one's going to turn up."
"That was rude Pat." I glance over at Darla and see that she is packing up her things across from me.
"It's the truth Vicky. The only reason Darla has any friends is because I begged them to include her."
"She had only just arrived in the country! Of course she was having trouble fitting in!"
"Well she's still a loser." I feel like punching her straight in the face. There was nothing wrong with Darla. She was a pretty girl with dark hair and olive skin who arrived at Green Hill about a month ago, after her step-father's business went bankrupt and they couldn't afford to send her to her London-based private school.
"Pat, just shut up."
"Don't you tell me to shut up. You should stop trying to defend people who aren't worth defending. Darla is a LOSER. Get over it. I'm sure she has."
"Did you ever stop to think that maybe you're the loser Pat? Maybe that's why you feel like you need to be constantly putting down people? To distract yourself from the fact that you are the loser?" She opens her mouth to speak, then closes it again. She looks like a fish.
"You wouldn't last five minutes out there without me Victoria. You've got nothing going for you. You're too skinny, big nosed and broke. You're the loser." She says. Tears sting my eyes and I bite my lip. "You dress like a hobo and you always stink of that perfume that I hate. And your music isn't 'alternative', it's crap."
"Its called indie." I try to hide the pain, but my voice betrays me.
"No, its called being a Try-Hard."
Tears erupt, rolling down my cheek. I want to argue with her, point out all of her flaws, but she's my friend. I don't want to hurt her. I wipe my cheek with my sleeve and pray that my mascara hasn't smudged.
"If you thought I would give you a ride after school today Pat, think again."
I stand and leave the cafeteria.
Hey guys I hope you like the story so-far! Vote and comment your feedback!
So this was my first ever book on Wattpad and it's been changed recently, but I'll basically re-upload them slowly :)
Looking for a new cover btw ❤❤
Lots of love and friendly hugs,
Authors note 2018
Huge amount of editing being done. Still need another cover though guys!!!
Thanks for reading,
Soph xxx
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