~22 Victor X Yuri - The Piano Man
"You play each diminished note as if it were second nature. Smashing the keys like harsh waves to a silent beach."
- An ignorant being ♡
There's this man. He plays the piano.
He's not famous or anything- but he's good at what he does. There are so many street performers these days that no one really pays them much notice anymore.
With his long fingers elegantly pressing down the keys to the set pattern, he plays the final note. There is no standing ovation, no encore, in fact there's almost no one there listening to the melodic tune.
Except for one.
A flustered ravenette steps out from a street corner- a leather satchel is slung over their right shoulder, a coffee mug is in their left hand and their phone is in their right.
Their fogged up glasses are halfway down the bridge of their cold, red nose- but despite that- a broad smile is still on their face.
"I would clap but," He lifts his occupied hands up slightly. "My hands are full. Sorry."
The piano player stops, his hands leaving the instrument and just hovering in the cold air.
He turns to the ravenette and smiles back, his ocean colored eyes squinting and his white teeth showing clearly.
"Thank you." The platinum haired male stands up and leaves the piano, waking over to the stranger. "So, what brings you here to listen to me playing so late at night?"
The man with the glasses just stares at the blue eyed man, completely infatuated by him.
"I-ugh-its because- oh shit!" The darker haired male suddenly jumps upwards as the coffee in his hand decides to fall onto the floor, spilling its hot contents onto the lightly snow-dusted pavement. "Dammit. That was the last of my change too." He shakes his head. "Well, I've gotta go. Your playing was amazing by the way!"
The shorter male turns around and starts to walk away, the white frost now starting to fall in larger clumps from the grey sky.
"Hey, I was gonna play one more song, then go get a coffee anyways. You...wanna wait then come too? Its on me?" The lighter haired one said softly, stuffing his cold hands into his coat pocket.
The musician makes their way back over to the piano, the stranger following behind. He pulls out the street pianos stool and sits down. Closing his eyes, he carefully places his hands onto the keys and lets out a breath creating a small cloud of icy cloud which soon dissipates. Shortly after, the music begins.
It starts off a slow, melancholic tune- one perfectly compatible with the sound of the snow gently landing on the ground. The mans fingers dancing on the ivory white notes, occasionally switching in sequence to the smaller charcoal colored sharps and flats.
And then.
And then the piece switches into a minor. The mans posture changes as he leans forward closer to the keys. He is so passionate. Dark and ominous, its a shame no ones around to hear the musical wonder.
At last the piece ends and whether its a piece of snow in his eyes- or genuine tears, the darker haired male wipes his eyes then claps loudly. The sound echoing just as the music once did.
The other man stands from the piano and faces the other, taking a bow while smirking widely.
"Now. Lets go get that coffee..."
The sound of their chatting voices fade away as the piano still stands in the street, white snow now settling over it, covering it in a sheet of winter.
Okaaayyyy, important announcement real quick. Until probably the next season of Yuri On Ice, this book will be marked as complete. I'm really happy with what I've written here, so I think its a good place to end. Possibly I'll update it if a new season comes out but until then this booook isss complete! Yay!
Thank you for reading, I'm so happy with all the funny comments and feedback I've got for this. Thannnkk Yooouu sooo muccchh!!!
- I_Drugged_Yo_Cereal
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