The group waited in the hall for Sam and Deena. They were only waiting for a few minutes before Sam and Deena finally came around the corner "took you long enough" Emilia groaned leaning off the wall. "k let's get this show on the road" Emilia said throwing her hands up.
Emilia helped Kate put the doll in the stall and she poured the liquid all over the floor. Emilia took a mop and started painting her trail of blood.
Emilia wasn't exactly sure of this plan. Everyone else seemed to be okay with it but her. She thought that they didn't know enough about the zombies to be doing this. Sure they think they were only after Sam but, what if they were wrong, and the zombies just wanted everyone dead.
It was too late to turn back though, Emilia knew this as she watched the man with the large axe stomp towards her.
Her eyes lingered on the axe, was that the same one he used to kill her sister. The same one that stopped her from ever knowing what she was like. Was it about to take hers too.
Her thoughts stopped as he walked right past her only causing her to let out a long breath of relief. Her moment didn't last long though because she still had to warn the others that he was coming.
Emilia dropped her mop and sprinted down the halls back towards the bathroom.
Once Emilia reached the end of the locker by the bathroom she slid up against the wall holding her breathe in hopes that Tommy would run right past her and into the bathroom.
Tommy had entered the bathroom and moments later Sam was crawling out of the vents yelling "go, go, go, go" as she hit the ground.
Kate tied the ropes and Emilia helped her tighten it, deena poured extra flammable stuff in front of the door and Simon lit the lighter dropping it down on the puddle. The second it set fire the group backed away.
Everyone sat against the wall as the screams of the zombies could be heard. Eventually the fire burst through the vents causing everyone to jump Kate's hand suddenly rapping around Kate's.
Slowly the fire disappeared and the group stepped away from the door slowly moving inside.
Kate had let go of Emilia's hand as they stepped away from the wall and she grabbed a fire extinguisher.
"Come back from that mother fuckers" Simon said as he entered the bathroom examining all the black slime on the walls.
"don't jinx it" Emilia mumbled as she walked further into the bathroom.
The group started looking around in amazement, but something had caught Josh's eye and Josh's sudden curiosity in it caught Emilia's.
"guys" Josh said stepping closer to the black slime that was kinda moving. Emilia slightly tilted her head as she stepped towards the boy.
Suddenly a hand came out trying to grab the boy, thankfully Emilia had a faster reaction and grabbed his shoulders and pulling him backwards "run!" Emilia began yelling pushing everyone out of the bathroom.
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