"I can't believe you're wearing that" Deena said looking at the two girls as they put on head lamps.
"I can't believe you're not. We are in the middle of the woods, in the middle of the night, and dead psychos are after us" Emilia said Kate nodding in agreement before the two walked off following the others.
The group stood in front of the car watching sam as she started explaining what happened the night of the crash.
Emilia and the others watched as Sam felt around for something before her hand sunk into the ground "I feel something" Sam said before pulling on the thing, revealing a chain. Sam continued to pul on the chain until it turned into a skull "holly shit that's gross" Emilia mumbled stepping closer.
Emilia reached her hand towards the lock that sat beneath the skull her eyes traveling to the writing on the lock "Fier" she read out loud a cold shiver going up her spine.
"it's her" Josh said "it's her grave" Josh said grabbing the lock from Emilia's hands, Emilia gave the boy a quick side glance before she went back and started to dig up the ground with the others.
"No, no, no, no, this is bad! This is really bad!" Simon said as he beginning to panic again. "no wonder the witch is pissed at us. I'd be pissed too. Sam disturbed her grave" Kate said looking at sam. "and now she's sending her henchmen after us" Josh sighed.
"Excuse me" Emilia paused looking towards the boy "are you saying every signal one of those people on your board are coming after us" Emilia asked her eyes wide.
Suddenly Josh's head snapped over in the other direction "did you hear that" Josh said standing up. Emilias thoughts froze. "hear what" Emilia asked standing up along with the boy.
"hold up. She's mad because we disturbed her grave right?" Simon said as if he was solving the mystery. "yeah so" deena said confused. "so let's un-disturb it" Simon replied swinging his hands around "just put the bones back, rebury them, and put her to rest!"
"that's so stupid" deena said rolling her eyes. "no actually that's kinda smart" Emilia stepping away from Josh for a moment "yeah" Josh agreed "yeah, in poltergeist-" Simon started before getting interrupted by the sound of a twig breaking in the distance.
"Ok let's just do it quickly so we can get out of here" Kate said as Josh and Emilia began looking around again "preferable alive" Emilia mumbled as her eyes scanned the woods.
"guys" Josh yelled to the group behind them "guys I think there is someone in the woods" Josh said causing Emilia to widen her eyes "did you see something" she asked. "we need to hury" Josh yelled completely ignoring her question.
"Did it work" Kate asked walking toward Emilia who was focused on the woods "do you hear that" Emilia asked giving the girl a short glance before looking back into the woods.
She knew she heard something. It was a rhythm of thumps, spaced out almost perfectly from one an other. It was loud enough so you could hear it but just quiet enough that you had to be listening for it. "it sounds like someone is running" Emilia whispered a confused look on her face.
Suddenly the source of the footsteps came into view as Josh's light flashed over the man running towards them with a large axe. Tommy.
"run!" Emilia yelled rapping her hand around Kates wrist and sprinting threw the forest and back towards the ambulance.
Kate jumped into the driver side, Emilia hopping into the passenger side while the others climbed in threw the back. Once Kate was sure everyone was mostly in she hit the gas and sped off, leaving the dead boy behind.
"That was the camp nightwing killer" Josh yelled through the panic "oh really, i couldn't tell" Emilia said sarcastically.
"that was a bust" Kate said "yeah maybe because it's not like the movies, okay. It's not as easy as putting bones to rest" deena said.
"it should've worked it always works" Simon said running his hands through his hair.
"maybe it has something to do with her missing hand" Emilia said walking in the back of the ambulance with everyone else "who gives a shit? It doesn't matter. Hey how do I not die" Kate yelled looking over at josh.
"we! How do we not die and I'm looking at you witch nerd" Simon said pointing at Josh who looked just as confused as them. "I- I don't know" the boy stuttered.
"they're not coming for us" Sam yelled Breaking the argument. "they're coming for me". The group paused all eyes falling onto sam.
"what" deena said "I saw her again. The witch." Sam paused "She—I disturbed her grave. She wants me" Sam said.
"yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Nightwing ran right by me." Josh said "I jumped out of his way and it was like he didn't even see me. He went for her"
"guys no! Ruby attacked Simon and skull mask came after us at home. And while you guys were babysitting" Deena said suddenly the ambulance came to a sudden stop and Kate appeared in the back "no he didn't" Kate said
"skull mask didn't care about us. K, he wanted this" Kate said unzipping simons sweater which revealed an odd splash of red. "Sam's blood"
"that's gross" Emilia mumbled giving Simon a disgusted look. "yeah, from the crash when Sam puked period! It's jaws dude! A shark smelling blood." Simon scrambled "Kates right! When we found skull mask he was all sniffy and weird with my shirt like a perv in a pantie shop!" Simon said earning a weird look from Emilia "that's and interesting example" she hummed to herself.
"yeah, but he came to our house too!" Deena said trying to back herself up. Emilia glanced the girl up and down her eyes falling on the slight red on Deena's shoe. "Deena, your shoe" Emilia said pointing to the red spot on deena's shoe.
"Sam bled on her bones and now the witch wants more of her blood" Simon said "okay so what do they do in jaws" Sam asked hoping for a positive answer. "well I'm pretty sure they don't go skinny-dipping with the goddamn bait" Kate yelled.
"she's not bait" Emilia said glancing over at Sam.
"They're right" Josh said as if it was an idea "Seriously if we're right and they are after her, then let's give these assholes what they want" Josh said.
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