Six years have passed since Florence Harrington lost her mother in a devastating tragedy on the streets of Small Heath. Since the day she departed the town she once called home she has been living in London with her husband, her six year old daughter, and three year old son.
Free of Birmingham's shackles in which she had once been restrained Florence has managed to make a life for herself in the city that never sleeps. Content with the life she leads and the changes made to her lifestyle since arriving in the city, she is adamant that a return to Birmingham would never happen.
Until a letter from Luca Changretta finds its way to her doorstep, leading her straight back to the one place she vowed to never return, home.
(trailer on tiktok: sweetfreakrry)
Freddy Carter as Vincent 'Vinnie' Dawson
trigger warnings:
violence, blood, death, sexual content, mentions of historic child abuse
author's note:
hello! we're back and we're heading straight for season four!
part of the reason for the six year jump is that I wanted to honour Tommy's marriage to Grace as it's a major part of his character development, while also giving the characters time apart to heal and grow in ways that we might not expect.
this volume brings with it a new wave of challenges and characters who I'm excited for you to meet
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