So yeah, this child literally went out on a Monday morning, thinking this church was fucking open. I mean, they were the ones who weren't paying attention while Sarvente was speaking. And yes, this 4-year-old bean of a child would understand the words, "See you Sunday!" But not like the child was overly listening anyway. Eh, you snooze you lose.
Like usual, Lou woke up pretty early, watching their parents just step out the door without saying goodbye. This morning they seemed to be rushing out, which could be a little suspicious to some if this wasn't a normal occurrence. Sadly, it was though. As if their parents desperately wanted to leave the house as soon as possible, preventing the child to make conversation with them. Wonder what that could be about?
Thinking there was church yet again that morning, they decided to dress very nicely. Well, with what they had. Nice black leggings that were barely worn, complimented by a white blouse and a black vest with purple buttons to go with. Scurrying around their room for anything else, they came across a cute hat, a pale purple bow attached to it. Lou didn't really remember ever getting the hat, nor did they care at the moment as they quickly dusted it off, placing the hat on their head.
Stepping outside of their room, they glanced at the hallway mirror, looking themselves up and down. A soft giggle left their lips, overfilled with joy from how nice the entire outfit was. Their purple and black hair even matched the outfit, their blue eyes standing out nicely. Though something was missing, and that something wasn't something they had themselves.
A purple tie.
A shiver went up their spine as they slowly turned their head into the direction of their parent's bedroom. That was the only place ties were ever kept, as their father was the only one who would wear them. Apparently, he was required to look professional at his work. If that were the case, would their father even have any purple ties left? Well, only one way to find out.
Creeping slowly to the door, the child placed their hand on the door handle to their parents' room. They gulped hard, their heart pounding furiously in their chest. The act Lou was about to perform wasn't one they even thought of trying, knowing fully well this was a sacred place of privacy for them. Even if their parents were never home. Pushing their rushing, loud, thoughts aside, they turned the door handle, gently opening the door.
The bedsheets on the bed were sprawled out across the bed in complete disarray, some of them draping down to the floor. Pillows were scattered across the room in various places, only one body pillow in the center of the bed. It was a white one, laying diagonally on the messed-up sheets. Clothes were all around the room, littering the entire floor with dirty belongings. Lou didn't even want to search the room, due to how messy and filthy it was. However, they were filled with determination, and would stop at nothing to find the purple tie they desired.
Stepping inside the room, they attempted to step over the clothing and over to the drawers. Of course, this was a hard feat to accomplish, as there was much of it. Sure, Lou had their room with the odd thing misplaced, but this was a little much. Good thing they didn't have to stay in this room all the time, or it'd be a disaster. Eventually, Lou was able to safely get to a dresser without stepping on the dirty clothes, immediately diving into the drawers.
All the clothing in the drawers appeared clean and untouched, which filled Lou with ease. They didn't want to risk wearing any of the dirty clothes on, so this surely earned a relieved sigh out of them. It only took a few moments before they saw a bag filled with untouched purple and black ties, grasping them in their hands. Never opened and completely sealed.
"I found them!" The child cheered, punching their fist in the air as they ran out of the room with them. At this point, they didn't even think about the dirty laundry, slamming the door behind them with a huge bang.
The child ran off to the kitchen ran off to the kitchen, grabbing a pair or scissors from a lower drawer, using them to cut the package open. They were already aware not to play with such objects due to umm...some interesting scenarios, let me tell you that. After they were done, they put them back, taking out only a purple tie and leaving the bag with the five others on the counter. With the help of a stool of course.
Lou ran off to the big mirror again, looking at the tie and figuring out how to use the thing. Wrap it around the neck? Tie it in a not? Both? Is there a clip to this thing?! It took multiple failed attempts to figure this out, almost ruining the tie in the process. But they somehow succeeded, silently celebrating to themselves.
With that taken care of, they put on some dark grey dress shoes and ran out the house as per usual.
Now remember this. It's a Monday morning. This child is expecting to go to Sarvente's church, the exact one that was in the previous chapter. Now, I am aware that churches can be open on Monday's, but this one isn't (For reasons due to different ideas and bullshit :>). So yeah, Let's see how this rolls out.
The child walked down the bustling streets of their own city, something they were starting to get used to. Vehicles of all sorts driving down the streets, pedestrians walking down the sidewalks and business's up and running. Lou was getting used to it at this point, feeling a little comforted by it. Imagine a car crash just happens-
Anyways, they soon approached the church, which seemed much quieter than yesterday. No people were around the church with their families, getting ready to enter, and the nun from yesterday was nowhere to be seen. Or the other guy. Whoever he was.
This left the child befuddled, tilting their head confusingly in response. They just...didn't understand. Why was there no one around? Did the child make some sort of mistake? Or was the session already starting? Determined to find out, the child stepped up onto the steps, grasping the door handles before tugging hard onto them. They continued for a short while before letting go of the handles, having enough of this.
It was obvious the doors were locked, and it only became apparent now that the church was indeed closed.
Now what was Lou going to do? Their parents weren't home, and they didn't have any siblings they could converse with. And of course, the church wasn't open. A sad sigh escaped their lips as they walked sullenly down the steps, head leaning downwards in disappointment. The child even got ready for this event, desperately hoping that such a wonderful experience would reoccur again.
Moping to themselves, Lou dragged their feet across the pavement through the city. They weren't heading to anywhere in particular, too focused about how their new favourite place was closed. Though through their travels, they heard voices. Tons and tons of voices, ranging from young to old. Lou didn't want to look towards the noises, afraid that it'll only be an illusion made up from their own mind. But the noises continued to pressure them, banging against their skull furiously as if seeking for their attention. It didn't take long before they finally gave in to the loud noises, averting their attention towards it, their blue eyes soon blooming with excitement.
The sounds Lou was hearing were from a nearby carnival, which was up and running and full of people. Their heart pounded harshly in their chest, the sight of the theme-park already exhilarating. With the determination to ride a few of the rides there, they just casually walked inside the gates, passing by the stands where tickets were sold. Due to Lou being so tiny, they got in undetected. Let's just hope this child doesn't get caught.
The child was astonished by the large array of rides and carnival games, eyes widening at the mere sight of this all. The child had only seen carnivals in movies – like they had the church – as they were never able to go out to one. Especially because of their parents' frequent absence.
As Lou walked on, they found a few coins astray on the dirt beneath them, reaching down to grab them. They didn't know what they were for, so they thought of placing them inside their own pockets for safe keeping. Y'know, just in case they needed them for later.
Lou watched the children on the rides scream at the top of their lungs, their smile only growing at the sight. Maybe Lou will be able to ride them sometime. I mean, they seemed pretty fun honestly. Though, the child moved on and walked over to a nearby carnival game, seeing a mother with - what seemed to be - their daughter there.
As they walked up to game, they watched the mother give the exact coins Lou had to the person running the game before explaining the rules to the mother and daughter. However, this child didn't really pay attention much to what he was saying, staring off to the young daughter. She seemed to be about their own age, having golden hair and pink eyes to go with. Lou found it cool that this girl had pink eyes instead of hazel, green or blue like their own, wishing they had them themselves.
While Lou was looking in their direction, the girl felt eyes on her, looking over to Lou in response. She had a confused yet interested look in her eyes, looking over Lou's almost professional attire. Lou didn't expect this, shying away behind the game stands and hiding behind it. They cowered in fear, not exactly wanting to be noticed. Turns out they were, and all they could do is take off their hat and hide their face in it.
"Umm...hello?" A high voice called. The voice seemed close and directed at the young child. The child decided not to answer, as they began to shiver vigorously from horror. The person who was trying to speak to the child only huffed and poked Lou's shoulder. This person wasn't going to leave Lou alone until they got an answer. So, Lou took down their hat from their face, only to be met with the exact, pink-eyed girl from before.
"I saw you looking at me before," The girl spoke once again, a small pout on their face as they crossed their arms. Guessing they didn't enjoy Lou's starring from earlier. As to be expected.
"S-Sorry, I didn't mean to," Lou replied, getting up from the grass underneath them and standing up in front of the girl. Indeed, they were about the same height.
"It's okay," The blonde replied, a smile soon replacing their frown. Wow, that was fast. "What's your name?"
Lou hesitated, not exactly wanting to say their name. But they didn't want to be rude, so they gave the girl an answer. "I'm Lou. What's your name?"
"I'm Sky! Nice to meet you, Lou!" She replied, grabbing Lou's hands as she shook them almost violently. Must be out of excitement to have met another child though.
The name Sky didn't exactly ring a bell to them; however, the name was pretty in itself. Not to mention the girl was nice too. Maybe Lou didn't have to be afraid of her at all.
"N-Nice to meet you too, Sky!" Lou replied cheerfully, laughing playfully. "Want to be friends?"
"Yeah! Wanna play a game together?" Lou nodded. "Great, let's go!" Sky replied, pulling Lou back to the front of the game that her and her mother were playing. Somehow, Sky's mother didn't notice her child's absence.
"You throw the ball at those bottle thingies, and you get points for stuffies." Sky explained, holding a ball, and demonstrating it. However, none of the bottles fell over with the attempt, as Sky missed the throw. She whined before handing Lou another ball. "You go."
Lou took the ball from Sky's hands, looking over at the bottles in front of them. They used their other hand to point at the place they wanted to hit, which was the top of the bottom middle bottle. They were arranged into a pyramid – three on the bottom, two on the second layer and one on the top. Once Lou felt ready to throw, they released the ball from their grip and hit the exact point they wanted to, causing the top four to collapse on the ground. Three of the bottom ones remained.
"Wow! You're really good at this!" Sky cheered. "Do it again!"
Lou smiled before taking another ball, doing the same thing as before. Instead, they aimed at the middle of two of the bottles, hoping to get two of them instead of one. Once the child was ready, they threw the ball at the bottles again. Unfortunately, Lou didn't succeed. Sure, both bottles were hit and moved, but the bottles did not fall. "Aww..." Lou let out, their smile turning upside down in an instant.
"That was so cool!" Sky applauded, impressed at Lou's work. It was also an attempt to cheer them up a bit, but Lou was unaware of that. Even if it did make them smile again.
"Do you want to cash in your points for a prize?" The person at the game asked, chewing on gum as they spoke. The mother looked down at the two children next to her for approval.
Sky looked over at Lou. "What do you want? There's a cat, dog, fox and even a shark!" She replied.
Lou smiled but only shook their head no. "You can have a stuffy." All they wanted was for Sky to have a stuffy, not themselves.
"Aww, come on! It'll be a symbol of our friendship!"
Lou soon sighed. "Okay. I want that one." The purple-haired child pointed over at a blueish-gray shark, which appeared to be quite cute. Sky's mother nodded and the guy running the game gave the stuffy over to Lou. And let's just say the first thing they did was hug it tightly. "Thank you, Sky."
"You're welcome!" Sky replied. "Wanna go play some other games?"
"I have to go now." Lou replied, seeing the sun get closer and closer to the horizon. Not to mention they were hungry as hell.
"Aww...okay." Sky mopped. "Mom? Can Lou come to our house some time?"
Her mother smiled softly and pet her child's head. "Of course, dear. Anytime." The mother looked over to Lou, before taking out a small sheet of paper and a pen. A few moments later, she handed the small paper to Lou. "Here's her number so you two can talk with one another."
Lou nodded, tucking the piece of paper in their pants pocket. They didn't overly understand what Sky's mother meant by that, but they'd figure it out soon enough.
"Bye-bye, Lou!" Sky said, waving bye towards her new-found friend. And to Lou, their first friend. Lou waved back, watching as Sky and her mother walk off to play more carnival games. And soon, it was time for Lou to leave. The child put their hat back on their head and snuck out the way they came, venturing back home.
But through their travels, they walked past the church again. Its doors were still shut, like they were earlier that morning. Lou would check back tomorrow, determined to go back there again. And if not, they'd do it until the church opened again. Whenever that may be.
Hey, guys! Arii here.
A small thing I would like to point out. I made Sky have blonde hair here, as she's about 5 years old in this timeline, and I thought that she dyed her hair to look like Boyfriend. Originally, I tried to get some confirmation on this, but I couldn't find anything. Apologies.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and stay tuned for Chapter Three! If there's anything you wish to have happen in the fanfic, leave some ideas in the comments and I'll be sure to read them asap! Until then, take care!
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