Chapter 29- Safety (?)
Warning!!!: This Part In The Story Takes A Dark and Emotional Turn. Read At Your Own Discretion!!
Ghost Pov- I feel like I'm falling for some reason. I don't know why. It's cold and dark. I have to be dreaming now. Where's Toast? Collon, Spooker? Anyone! I-I don't know where I am. Oh lord. . . I hope their alright. Wait, now I remember. I was, arguing with Johnny. About his eye. I completely over reacted. Oh lord, the thought makes me feel sick to my stomach. Now I feel horrible. But that's when I woke up beside him on a bed of flowers in a place called the ruins. . . . . Yeah, then Baldi's Basics. That was scary and it was so difficult with all the hard math problems. Ugh. . . . my head hurts. I can hear Casket giggling. I just want out I want out I want out I WANT OUT!!
"NO!!" I cry out, shooting up from where I was laying. I look around frantically. I was in my room. In the P.I.E. . . . Head quarters. . . . what? This made no sense. . . . Last I remember was Toast and I running from Baldi so we wouldn't get caught. . . . This has to be Maxwell's doing. It just has to be. . . . Or some messed up real life Matrix where reality is jumbled and screwed up. . . . That's when the thought hit me. Toast. Where's Toast. I quickly jump from my bed and onto the floor, snagging my hoody from his hanger as I ran out of my room.
"Johnny?!" I say, calling out to my partner. The hall was dark, it must have been night time, or close to dusk. I look around, then rush to the front desk. Toast always left notes on where he was going. He always did. And my guess was correct, he did leave a note.
I quickly ran up to the front desk, spying the note. I snatched it up and read over it.
"Dear Ghost. Collon, Spooker and I have left to go answer a case. We are leaving at 10:45pm and we should be back soon. Take care and hope you feel better. -Toast" I set the note down. 10:45pm. . . I glance to a clock. It was 4:58am. . . . They haven't come back yet.
I turn and sprint quickly for the door, grabbing my satchel and rushing out to the other car we have. I jump into the driver's seat. I buckel and flip a couple switches, then push a button, making the engine start and I slam on the gas, speeding down the street. The tracker that's been put on Toast should lead me to him, Collon and Spooker. But what caught my attention, was that one of the lights. . . . was red. Someone had been killed.
Collon Pov- I start to shift again and I can assure you that I was running from this ink monster with Spooker, and before that, speaking with some creepy psycho girl who had a crush on me. Then I was answering a paranormal case with Fred and Toast. But for who? And where? I then manage to open my eyes, looking around.
I had my hands tied behind my back and I felt two other bodies touching both my shoulders. I take a glance at both sides of me. On my left was Spooker and on my right was Toast, both knocked out, or unconscious. The sight made my heart start to race and I started to breathe quickly in panic. I squirm around, only to find that my hands were also tied to Collon's and Toasts. We all had our hands tied behind our backs and we were all tied together, was the conclusion I drew in my mind. I look to Spooker first.
"S-Spooker. . . Spooker!" I said, trying to wake up Fred. He doesn't respond in anyway shape or form. I was starting to shake as my mind started bringing me to the horrid conclusion that Spooker and Toast were both dying. I quickly turn my head to Toast.
"T-Toast!" I see Toast shift, unlike Spooker, then open his eyes slightly. My mind starts to calm down a bit, knowing that another brain was about to start strategizing on how to get out of here. And save the three of us so we can go home and eat pancakes at whatever time of day it was.
"O-Oh my lord! Toast! You're awake! Great! L-Listen we gotta get out of here!" I explain as Toast lifts his head up and looks around. His eyes then widened as the realization of where we were, was not where we were supposed to be, hit him. He quickly looks to me then to Spooker, then back to me.
"Collon!? Where Are We!? Weren't We Just Running After Casket In Miss Jingleberries Mansion!?" He says, struggling against the ties on his wrists, and along with Fred's and mine. I simply nod.
"Y-Yeah. . . We were. . . . B-But I think that was a trap. . " I turn my head down in defeat as I continue to feel Toast struggling against the ties on his wrists. He looks around more.
"Collon. What time is it. We left for Miss Jingleberries at 10:45pm." I simply shake my head. Then a crooked and cold sounding laugh broke both Toast's and my silence of thinking. We shoot our heads up. And there stood no one other than Maxwell Acachalla, Gavin Toast, and Jimmy Casket. As Casket continued laughing at us, I felt Toast's hand slowly pull something out of one of his arm pockets and started cutting along the ropes, holding the three of us together.
Toast Pov- I had managed to grab the small knife I had hidden in my left arm pocket, and I had started cutting my part of the rope so I could get free. I glared at the three vigilanties that stood before us.
"How DARE You attack us!" I shout, glaring at the three as I continued cutting along my rope. Maxwell laughs at me.
"Well. Might as well get you all out of the way. So then Ghost will have no choice but to surrender to us." Maxwell lets out a cackle, smirking at me. Casket smiles insanely, looking at me. I glance to my brother Gavin, who was eyeing Spooker.
"Is your one friend still not awake yet?" Gavin says in a to cold like tone for me to trust, approaching us. I feel Collon flinch and move in front of Fred in a defencive way.
"B-BACK OFF YOU ENTITY FREAK!!" I look to Collon, he had fear plastered in his eyes and I could feel him shaking.
"Collon, don't be afraid." I say, then I manage to break my part of the rope. I stop for a moment, Gavins closer to us now. I then slide the knife to Collon, then stand up and sock my brother in the face with my elbow.
Gavin stumbles back and falls to the floor. And I see Casket go ahead and run at me, and I see Maxwell disappear.
3rd Person Pov- Casket lunges for Toast. Toast just barely dodges, he grabs the killers arm and throws him into Maxwell, who had appeared behind Collon. Maxwell and Casket both fall to the floor. Collon pulls his arms in front of him after getting free, then quickly turns to Fred and starts to shake him. Toast in the meantime, grabs his knife again from off the floor and takes a stab at Gavin who was approaching from behind. Spooker doesn't respond from being shook.
"T-Toast! H-He's Not W-Waking Up!" Collon cries out. Then pulls Spooker close to him, trying to feel, listen, hear. Anything. From Spooker. Tears start to make their way down Collon's face as he shakes his head. Toast stops, he flinches and looks down to Collon and then Spooker and Toasts face drains of color. Spooker lay motionless. Collon pulls Fred into his arms, crying.
"NO!! DON'T LEAVE US!!" Collon cried out, holding Fred close to his chest as Maxwell, Casket and Gavin all stand up, recovering. They all wear cold, dark and cruel looking smiles on their face. Toast's eyes water up, as he stands where he is, frozen in place. Collon buries his face in the crook of Fred's neck, crying out his eyes out. Collon clutched his hands to fists, closing his eyes tightly as tears continued streaming down his face.
Toast stands there for a moment longer, then looks to the three villains. Their all backing away, going back through a sewer pipe. Tears fell from Toasts eyes and ran down his cheeks. He was frozen, in complete fear and he had a horrified look on his face. Toast slowly then looks back to Spooker as Collon held Fred's body close to his chest.
Spookers face and skin was slowly going pale. . . . . . They had actually done it. The vigilanties actually managed to pull it off. They Killed Off. An Investigator.
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