\. AMBER ./
[hahahahah not me getting attached to this character I know something is going to happen to...]
Easily Swayed
Hopeful for the worst people
Retired Lumberjack (was one for 5 years, hated it)
Horse Rider
Cinnamon roll protection needed
Also smells like lavender
Has committed
(other than hating birch trees /j)
Chapter Two; Sent Away
A knock on my door awoke me, I blinked in confusion and got out of bed, slipping on my slippers and walking to the door, I swung it open only to look around, and nothing there.
"These kids ding dong ditchin' me, I mean why I'm just a humble Baker tryin' to sleep!" I announced to the world, shutting the door I took a look around my room, the Lanvian region wasn't very safe, break-ins were normal, and my house was right on the street of it. I don't know why everyone is like this when they could just be good! Right?
But my room was the same, yes it was the first room from the front door, no I don't have a living room. But my room was the same! ~
The birch wood floors still layered the ground, the dusty blue walls still stood tall and had no signs of damage, the single blue and white canopy bed on the shaded part of the left wall, (on the right side of it) was still there. The birch supports still held the navy blue ceiling covered with little white stars up, the reinforced windows on the left wall still stayed closed and sturdy, the curtains designed with seagulls all over still stayed open, bound to the sides while the white blinds did some work to keep the light out. The bright white lights that hung from the ceiling gently swayed from the AC vent pushing out cold air into the room. The small in height but wide in length birch bookshelf in the corner with the windows on the left side. Tons of different varieties of pride flags hung on the middle wall (the wall you see when you come in) ranging from gay to intersex to omnigender. All types I could find were hung on the wall, I greatly supported the LGBTQIA+ (which stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual and all included)! I mean, I myself was a non-binary asexual! The right wall had the birch doors to the kitchen and bathroom, in between was a birch wardrobe that had all my clothes in.~
You'd be surprised to know that, for all the birch in the room, I didn't necessarily...I'm not quite fond of birch...? It's just a very plain tree! Like you have such a decorative outside why not one inside? It's odd. But nonetheless! I am hungry and need to get changed for the day! I took to my wardrobe, opening it and taking out a white tee and some plain ol' light blue trousers. I slipped of my slippers grabbed a pair of underwear and socks, went into the bathroom, flicked the white light on and took a shower. I wrapped my sadly bone straight blonde hair, that was down to my waist, in my second towel and dried myself off before putting on my underwear and clothes. I looked into the mirror to quickly observe myself. ~
My Sapphire blue eyes in monolid frames (which made me look calm all the time) stared back at me, and slowly looked at my tanned skin, my button nose had a small reddish tint on the tip, my rosey cheeks littered with dark freckles, my bow shaped dusty pink petal coloured lips on my oval shaped face with that would be framed by my hair if it wasn't in a towel. The white T-shirt was kind of baggy on me but that's the ascetic, the light blue jeans slightly lose on my lower half. ~
I nodded to myself before clicking off the light and shutting the door, I entered the kitchen, grabbed an apple...two apples and left. I slowly ate the apples while reading a book, it was a murder mystery but with a twist! I read it a couple times so I knew that the character that would be deemed a killer was one! It was so interesting!! I re-read the entire book by the time I finished my apples. I opened my window and dropped their cores in a composter just outside before shutting the window again and locking it. I smiled to myself and my door knocked, I gently put my socks on because I forgot to and opened the door, to my surprise someone was their! They wore a white robe with golden lines through it. And that was the only thing I could see of their body, but their head? They had mousy brown hair, that's it, because they had a plain white mask on.
"Amber Canary? Is that your name?" The person asked.
"Yes, that is who I am." I replied simply.
"The royals have requested that you are sent to help out on the quest to defeat Davrain. Your house, bakery and things will be kept safe while you're away." The person I now suspected as a guard said.
"I- what? I barely know how to fight!" I declared gently, panic raising in my chest.
"You'll learn, the group you're in will help you learn." The person stated.
"O-okay..." I stuttered.
"Right, follow me. We'll get you fighting clothes and stuff, we'll give you a horse and you'll be on your way to the meeting place!" The person said dragging me out side.
"Okay..." I muttered locking my door.
The person proceeded to drag me all the way to a mansion type thing, and pushed me in, my knees buckled and I fell to the floor with a yelp, I closed my eyes and darkness enveloped my vision...
"Are you okay?" A voice blandly said.
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