Story I did for English OC X MITHZAN
This is trash and I feel bad for my English teacher (500 words minimum and it's 8600 :/) new type of writing style experiment tell me if you like it
Sirens blared in her ears as a loud, repetitive banging followed shortly after. Yelling scrambled through her thoughts as red, white and blue lights became the only thing she could see. Everything became blurry, she felt so blind and helpless. Two hands grabbed her and started dragging her away. A breeze passed through and made her small, aching parts became colder. Crinkling and scraping replaced the sirens as aching took over her whole body. She could feel her heartbeat drumming in her ears and the slow pulling of her to the left turned into an embrace. Her captor cradled her in their arms making her bounced up and down in their arms as they ran, to where, she wondered. Liquid dripped down her face, going over her eye, which made her close it. Her body throbbed and ached as adrenaline pumped through her veins.
Brianna awoke with a start, tears flooding down her cheeks, her body drenched in a cold sweat. A muffled voice called over to her from down the hallway, informing her breakfast was ready. She called back, telling the voice she would be there soon. Pushing her maple syrup brown hair behind her ears, she slowly climbed out of bed. Her light blue duvet pooled at her waist as she sat up, propping herself up on her hands. After her feet landed on the hard, cold, dark oak floors, she turned and made her bed. Her room was the cleanest in the house, being the only girl and all. Brianna opened her alabaster white wardrobe, grabbing a pale blue, long sleeved shirt and a pair of baby blue shorts. She wore the long sleeves to hide the ugly scars that marked her arm in an unreadable pattern, never wanting anyone to know she's blamed herself everyday since the accident happened. She finished changing, avoiding her scabbed cuts that were taking forever to heal, and walked out of her room, trotting down the hallway. The floorboards creaked under her weight as she walked down the hallway, full of family portraits, and over to the kitchen. Brianna took a seat at the table, the chair dragging on the tiled floor as she pulled it back. Two pairs of blue eyes and a pair of green ones, similar to her own, focused on her as she took a seat between two of her brothers. The twins, Dustin and Dominic who were 18 years old, smiled and teased her like any normal older brother would do. Axel, who was 21, and Brianna's oldest brother, placed a plate of pancakes in front of her and kissed the top of her head. She smiled, greeted and thanked him before eating a bit of the pancakes. Axel told the three to hurry up, telling them he wanted to get to work on time. Brianna nodded, munching on her pancakes. Once finished, she ran down the hallway and into the bathroom. She battled the knots in her hair and brushed her teeth. After putting her socks, thin hoodie and backpack on, she waited with Axel by the door. Once the twins came jogging down the stairs, the four piled into the car, speeding off to the school. Axel dropped the twins and Brianna off at the school before he sped off to the diner.
Brianna tapped the end of her pencil on her desk in a repetitive motion as her teacher droned on about her cat. Her green eyes sparkled in the fluorescent lighting, the flecks of blue in her eyes standing out. When the door creaked open, her eyes turned towards the chipped cyan paint on the door. A ginger haired boy walked into the room, her eyes scanned over his appearance. His hair was mostly hidden in his black beanie that had a white stripe going around it. He wore a pair of sunglasses and a scowl rested on his features. A cheap looking coal black leather jacket and a pair of dark, ripped jeans. He had one strap of his backpack over his shoulder and hunched over slightly, his black shirt blending in with his jacket. Brianna wondered how he hadn't gotten heatstroke from wearing so much black and such a thick jacket, seeing as it was the beginning of summer. The teacher called him out and asked him to introduce himself. When a simple, "No," left his lips, Brianna looked at his questioningly. She watched his hand grab onto the one strap over his left shoulder. His response caused Miss Patterson to stutter over her words, not knowing how to respond to such an attitude. Then decided on having the boy take a seat next to Brianna, much to her dismay. She already knew she wouldn't like the boy, he seemed like the 'breaking the rules' type who was the opposite of Brianna's type. She was told to raise her hand since the new kid didn't know anyone in the classroom. Reluctantly, she raised her hand slowly. The boy's judgemental eyes, hidden behind his sunglasses, swept over the room before landing on Brianna. The scowl on his face didn't falter as he strolled over to her, making her question if his face was stuck like that. He took a seat next to her, slumping back in his chair and put his feet up on the desk. Brianna grabbed all her supplies and started putting it away, not wanting the new kid to get grass all over her papers. She packed her bag, the ginger boy's eyes glaring at her, he burned holes into the side of her head. She so badly wanted to snap at him, asking him what he wanted. She felt uncomfortable under his gaze, a feeling of insecurity washing over her as she zipped her backpack closed.
Last class of the day couldn't have came slower. Every class but one , who she found out during one of those classes, she had with Maxwell Dean. Also with their last names so close together in the alphabet, they sat next to each other in all two of those classes. During that time, she learned that Max loved to stare and had no shame when doing so. When Brianna would lock eyes with him, she would be the one to look away and get back to her work. Sometimes she wondered if he had fallen asleep some time during the lesson. She couldn't tell through the thick black lenses, since he would sit back in his seat with his arms crossed and only his chest moving when he breathed. When Brianna went to shake Max, his head would turn to her before she even touched him. Brianna hoped she didn't have this class with him, wanting to stop awkward encounters with him. Sadly, all hope she had vanished as the beanie wearing delinquent walked in right before the last bell rang. Brianna didn't know if he was one, she just assumed so. She breathed out a sigh of relief as he took a seat on the other side of the classroom. She set her completed homework at the edge of her desk as she thumbed through her textbook, looking for her beloved bookmark she had since she started reading. Once she found it she smiled, on it her father wrote the names of her family (mom, dad and her brothers) on it as well as everything she loved at the time. He had wrote down the name of each stuffed toy and imaginary friend she had. Once the teacher started talking, Brianna placed her textbook on the desk and dropped the bookmark into her bag. Mr. Teddison, Brianna's favourite teacher, introduced Max to the class just like every other teacher except for Miss Patterson. A chorus of greetings bounced around the class as all eyes landed on him. Max sat back in his seat, just like he had been the entire day, his desk free of papers and any sort of writing utensil. The relaxed smirk on his face never faltered as he sat in his desk, lazily waving to the class. "Today," Mr. Teddison greeted his class, "we will be starting a partner project on a landmark that is over 100 years old, you get to choose the landmark." Every student looked around the class, trying to lock eyes with a friend of theirs to assure they'd wanna work together. "But, I will be choosing partners." Everyone groaned, not bothering to hide their disappointment. "You guys know the drill, name on paper and pass it to the front. I will be choosing from my fedora today," Mr. Teddison grinned before grabbing his fedora out of his bag and throwing it up in the air. He caught it behind his back before throwing it like a frisbee. It landed on Max's desk, a confused look coming across his face. Everyone shouted to throw it and he did, tossing it back to his Social Studies teacher. The fedora landed on the teacher's head of spiked up black hair, everyone cheered loudly. Brianna let out a soft giggle as a confused Max received high fives from the kids around him, not knowing a single one of their names. Once all the papers were passed forward, Mr. Teddison started assigning partners, writing the pairings on his attendance sheet. Brianna only looked up from her paper when her name was called. Mr. Teddison pulled a slip out of his hat, accidentally dropping it afterwards. He swiped it off the floor before reading out the name. "Brianna Dawson will be paired up with... Maxwell Dean." After getting pestered by the twins at lunch and Axel checking in on her via text nonstop, her wish for a peaceful and calming afternoon was quickly crushed. 'Whelp,' Brianna thought to herself, 'binging my favourite book is going to have to wait.' The assignment was simple, make a poster of a landmark that was 100 years old. As everyone shuffled around the class to meet up with their partners, neither Max nor Brianna made a move toward the other's desk. Instead Max pulled out a laptop from his bag, and Brianna pulled out her phone and went on the internet to see what landmarks were a possibility to base the project around. Brianna knew she would have to do most, if not all, of the project on her own since she didn't expect Max to help at all.
Before the end of class, Brianna took a paper and wrote a note to Max. Basically telling him to meet at 'Dawson Diner' before it closed for the night, knowing she'd have to wait for Axel to finish cleaning up around the diner. Since he was the owner and all, the diner was her father's dream and Axel took it upon himself to make his father's dream come true. Brianna folded the paper carefully and tucked it into her pocket. Brianna drummed her fingers on the desk, she watched as the clock ticked down. When the final bell rang, she rose from her seat quickly. Her bag was already slung over her shoulder as she placed the note on Max's desk. When she stepped into the hallway, prom posters was the first thing she saw. She knows she'll never get a date to it if her brothers have anything to say about it. Moments after stepping into the hallway, her twin brothers took their usual spots on both sides of her, blocking the prom poster on the wall from her view. Brianna looked up at her older brothers and glared at them. Dominic's caring blue eyes shone down at her, Dustin's pale green eyes glinted with mischief and clouded with curiosity. Their eyes were the only way to tell them apart. Their shaggy, messy brown mop like curls on their heads. Broad shoulders holding up their chiseled faces. Styles similar as well, jeans of some sort and a graphic tee of some video game or movie. Their matching, different coloured, custom sweaters their mom made for them either on their shoulders or around their thin waists. The twins started wearing them more frequently after the diner opened. They walked down the hallway in silence together, students avoiding going near the twins as they strolled to Brianna's locker. Dominic and Dustin were tall, not tall enough to hit their head on the doorframe but were pretty close. Dominic and Dustin leaned on the lockers in between Brianna's, sandwiching her between them. Since this happened every day, they scared off any potential friends for Brianna. The girls usually used Brianna to get close to her Greek God looking brothers. The boys of her grade were terrified of the twins, especially after one boy received a black eye from Dustin.
Brianna sat in a booth, waiting for Max in the diner. She picked up the poster board she picked up before arriving at the diner. The shiny bell above the door chimed, alerting the staff that there was a customer at the door. Brianna turned her attention toward the door only for a familiar black and white striped beanie to come through the door. The ginger hair that escaped his beanie were gelled in place, not moving as the tall, lanky boy walked. She was met by dark brown eyes piercing into her shining green ones. Axel stepped forward, informing Max that the diner was no longer serving food since it was about to close. Before Max could speak up, Brianna called him over and informed her eldest brother that they were working on a project together. Axel nodded before turning around and disappearing into the kitchen. Max waltzed over to the table, a bored expression on his face. He sat across from Brianna in the booth at the corner of the diner, he set his laptop on the table before throwing his worn out bag on the bench of the booth. Brianna asked Max if he had a place in mind, he replied with no and that he was fine with whatever.
Max rose from his seat, asking Brianna where the washrooms were. After he left, a spike of curiosity came over Brianna. She checked to make sure he wasn't coming back yet before she spun the laptop around and looked at the screen. Her mouth fell agape when she noticed he wasn't looking up anything about the leaning tower of pisa, but instead was looking at exam answers to Miss Patterson's exam. Before she could keep looking, the laptop shut quickly almost crushing her fingers. Her gazed traveled up the hand that rested on the laptop, her eyes met a very aggravated ginger. It was until now did she notice the light yellow circle around his right eye. "Why the hell were you looking through my laptop?" Max growled at Brianna, frightening her. "I was wondering why you weren't writing anything down," Brianna tried to lie, her voice faltering as he leaned towards her face. She tried to raise her hands in surrender but her sleeves slipped down her arm, revealing three lines popping up from her skin where she cut too deep. Max grabbed her arm before she could retaliate, yanking down her sleeve to reveal a dozen more. The back of Brianna's eyes burned, indicating her tears were coming. An evil grin spread across Max's face as he looked over his shoulder, the twins talking with Axel by the host/hostess booth. "Do they know?" He asked darkly, Brianna shook her head 'no' with tears brimming her emerald eyes. A lump formed in the back of her throat as she tried to calm her racing heart. "If you don't tell the school about what was on my laptop, I won't tell your brothers you cut." Brianna nodded quickly, tears threatening to spill. "Do we have a deal?" His twisted voice snarled, Brianna nodded again after swallowing the lump in her throat. "Great." Max finally released Brianna's arm from his grip. She hurriedly pulled her sleeves down and wiped the tears from her eyes. She glared at Max, the fire in her emerald eyes dimmed ever so slightly. She forgot how quickly guys piss, always wondered how it was possible.
Since she caught Max, Brianna became extremely anxious. She became quieter, more closed off. The teachers noticed the dimming in her normal, peppy and enthusiastic attitude. She didn't raise her hand to answer questions, didn't give the teachers' her full attention. When she got called on she didn't answer, just sat in silence and waited for them to choose someone else to answer the question. Mr. Teddison had tried to help her by pulling her into the hallway during class, asking her if she was okay and what happened. "I'm fine," a lie slipped past her lips easily, "just tired is all." She said it more like she was trying to convince herself. All he could do was tell her to get more sleep and come to him if there was something wrong. After the diner opened, Brianna would spend lunch in the guidance counselor's office, bawling her eyes out. Mr. Teddison was the only teacher she could trust with what happened. It wasn't like everyone else didn't know, it was all over the news for days. The suburbs were a quiet and uneventful place so when her family showed up in the papers twice, it was the only thing people talked about. When Max locked eyes with Brianna, her hand would fly to her arm. A scared look lingered in her eyes when they met, Max had her right where he wanted her. It was the first time she had experienced blackmail, and hell, it wasn't very pleasant. Having the fear of someone who only wanted to hurt you, their knowledge taunting her and kept her in place. Her mouth remained shut her mood went from content to terrified when Max walked in. He had control over her with what he knew, yes she had leverage over him but fear stopped her from ever trying anything.
Once she got home with her three brothers, Axel called for a family meeting in the living room. Brianna changed into her pajamas and met her brothers in the living room, mind raced as she wondered what it could possible be about. Brianna took a seat on the floor, leaning back against the couch. Dominic sat on the couch, Axel and Dustin chose individual chairs for themselves. The first word that left Axel's mouth was college, he glanced between the twins when he said it. "I don't want you guys to think you have to work at the diner for the rest of your life. If you guys want to go to college or university and have a good paying job, go for it," Axel said smiling, the dimples on his face showed. "Only problem is, we don't have enough saved for you both to go." The room fell silent as Axel scratched the back of her neck. "I don't want to have to choose who goes and who doesn't so, some sacrifices will have to be made so both of you can go." The group nodded, Brianna wondering why she was there if this involved the twins. "Everyone has to pitch in. Timed showers, go through everything in the fridge before we go grocery shopping and everyone has to help with the diner. That includes you, too, Bri," Axel turned to her. "You're going to have to help as well kiddo." Brianna nodded and looked up at Dominic, a conflicted look on his face. Turning to Dustin, he swallowed nervously. "If worst comes to worst," Axel said softly. "We will sell the house and move into an apartment with enough money to start Bri's college fund as well as send you both to college. That understood?" Everyone nodded reluctantly, getting ready to adjust their lives to fit the financial criteria. "Alright, bedtime everyone," Axel dismissed everyone. The boys heading upstairs to their rooms and Brianna heading down the hall to hers. When she got to her room, she went to her bed and laid down. She stared at the ceiling, stress piling on her. With everything happening she didn't want to burden her brothers anymore than she already did. Her problems could wait, she was strong, she could get through this herself. She pulled down her sleeves and traced the bumps on her arm, the mistakes she had made because it was all her fault. She caused her brothers' suffering and she deserved to suffer because of it. When her fingers traced some scabs, her arm itched. She scratched it, pulling of the scabs causing dark red dots to form on her arm. She sat up and walked to her bathroom, not wanting to stain her sheets crimson and raise suspicion to her brothers that something was wrong. Even if they saw it, she'd just say it was period blood while avoiding their eyes. It wasn't like they were going to question her further.
It seemed like the world was turning on Brianna, wanting to make everything worse. Each day, Brianna came home with five pages of homework with two project's due dates coming up too. She spent her nights doing homework after she came back from the diner, only sleeping when she passed out from exhaustion. The dark bags under her emerald eyes made her eyes seem dimmer. It turned into a vicious cycle, wake up exhausted, go to school, focus on not passing out in the middle of class, work herself into the ground at the diner, go home, do homework until she passed out to do it all over again the next day. Pressure to be perfect resulted in food being the last thing on her mind. It became so bad she couldn't remember if she ate anything that day, living off energy drinks and sugary treats. Sugar to calm the headaches and caffeine to keep her going. She almost slipped up twice, almost telling the teacher about Max cheating. On the second time, Max confronted her after school, stopping her at the top of the stairwell. He accused her of giving the teachers hints on what was going on, claiming that she was going to get him expelled. Max had noticed her breaking, how tired she became. He felt slightly bad for her, he could tell what the secret was doing to her. She avoided talking to anyone as best she could, afraid she would spill and everyone will know how much she hated herself. But, Max didn't tell her he wouldn't tell anyone since he couldn't. So instead, he tells himself it's her fault for being so nosy, telling himself she didn't need to get involved but she did. 'It's not my fault,' Max would tell himself, 'it's not my fault she's so fucking nosy, that'll teach her to keep her business to herself instead of peeking her head into other's'. In the short time Max knew Brianna, he became slightly fond of her. Every time they brushed shoulders in the hall a spark would fly up Max's arm. It would usually leave as quick as it came, made Max question if it was ever there in the first place. She caught his eye in every class, always wondering what she was like and wanted to know more about her. So many questions he wanted to ask her yet, his cold side would take over before he open his mouth. Just like those all times before, it was happening again. Max started shouting about how she was going to get him expelled, how it was her fault. "I know it's my fault," Brianna snapped at Max, "it's always my fault. Maybe if I didn't take forever, things would be different." That caught Max off guard, he questioned what tainted her eyes ever since he could see the shell of what used to be. When he first saw her, her eyes intrigued Max the most. He could see the flecks of blue, but he could also see how hollow she really was. Her smile was usually fake, something Max used to mistake as a real one before he moved, a broken heart was the only thing that could follow him. Feelings he tried to bury to the back of his mind, feelings he once felt for someone else. Snapping out of his thoughts, he turned to Brianna with a raised eyebrow, his cold attitude taking over once again "And what would one of those things be?" Max asked with amusement in his tone, the person his broken heart formed started shining through. "Maybe if I didn't take so long and actually let them help me, maybe they'd still be here," Brianna said softly, internal conflict showing on her face. She turned to leave, shaking her head as tears welled up in her eyes. "I've said too much, I should probably get going-" Max grabbed Brianna's arms before she could leave. A spark of electricity flew up both their arms, Max brushing it off as nothing and Brianna tried to ignore it. "Let go of me!" Brianna shouted, wiggling her arm trying to escape his grasp. "Not before you tell me why you you hate yourself," Max said quietly. It had always been bugging him why such a pretty girl would intentionally inflict pain on herself. "It's none of your business, now let me go!" This had been the loudest she had raised her voice all week, startling Max slightly. "Let me help you!" Max tried, his kind side of his former self started to show but Brianna ignored it. Brianna turned to him with an annoyed and aggravated expression. "You can help by leaving me alone!" she snapped at him, struggling in his grip. In a blink of an eye, Max went from holding her wrist to hugging her from behind with her back to his chest. His mouth was close to her ear, her hair stood on end as his hot breath tickled her neck, shivers ran down her spine. "We both know you can't get out of telling me so you might as well spill and make it easier on both of us," Max whispered in her ear. "Why are you so insistent on knowing?" Brianna bit back, trying to keep her voice from wavering. This had been the closest, physically, she had been to someone who wasn't a family member. "Because I wanna know why such a pretty, smart, strong girl could be hiding something so dark," Max whispered in her ear again before he could stop himself. "If you showed up earlier, you would know." "Well I didn't so you'll have to explain." Brianna bit her lip hard, a metallic taste filling her mouth after her teeth pierced her bottom lip. Tears filled her eyes as she loosened her grip on Max's arms. "Fine!" Brianna shouted, caving in. "I'll tell you but, could you let go first? Kinda uncomfortable being this close to someone." When Max released his grip on her, Brianna debated running away or actually telling him. Running away seemed tempting but she knew, if she didn't tell him now he won't leave her alone about it. Brianna took a deep breath, sliding down the wall and brought her backpack to her chest. "Dawson Diner is my family's restaurant, my dad's dream if you will," She paused, taking a deep breath. "It was the grand opening and I couldn't find my jacket. I was running around the house looking for it and we were going to be late to the grand opening. My dad asked if I wanted help but I refused, wanting to do it myself. Once I found it, we were definitely going to be late. My brother Axel was picking up my twin brothers from their soccer game and then were going to meet us there. Dad was rushing, not only was he excited but he didn't want to be late. Speeding down the road, we tried to make it past a yellow light and- and," Brianna started stuttering, tears clouding her vision, "next thing I knew, we hit another car. The- the imp-act k-k-killed them both!" Brianna rushed the last part before bursting into tears. "It's my fault! It's all my fault! If I didn't take forever to get ready my parents wouldn't have died. I'M NOT EVEN SUPPOSED TO BE ALIVE!" Brianna started shaking, Max's facial expression went from sympathy to confused. "What do you mean you're ,not supposed to be alive'?" Max asked furrowing his eyebrows together. "I should've died from blood loss," Brianna whispered, tears raced down her cheeks. "My seat belt slit my throat." Brianna tilted her head back, a light line went across the middle of her neck. Max moved towards her, attempting to trace the scar with his finger. When his finger touched her neck, a familiar spark flew up Max's arm starting at his fingertips. Brianna jumped back when he touched her neck, leaving Max to wonder if she felt it too, He just thought of it as, he startled her, dismissing the thought quickly. "It didn't happen too long ago so, it's still a bit of a difficult thing to talk about," her voice trailed off as she hugged her bag again, attempting to calm her heart that was beating in her ears. "Bri Bear?" Brianna's head snapped up at the nickname, whipping her head around to see Dustin walking up the stairs. "Why are you crying kiddo?" Dustin said softly. When Max came into view, a wave of anger passed over him. "YOU!" Dustin shouted, pointing at Max. "Did you make her cry?" Dustin asked, not bothering to hide his furious tone. Dustin's pale green eyes sparked with rage as he waited for Max's response. Technically, he did push her to tell him why she cut. Slowly, Max nodded and in a blink of an eye, he was pinned up against the wall. Seconds later, a sickening crack followed as Dustin punched Max in the nose. "Fucking cunt! That'll teach you from even coming near Brianna again! Next time I'll break your arm!" Dustin shouted, Dominic opening the door at the top of the stairs where the three were standing. Scooping up Brianna in his arms Dominic walked out of the school, Dustin trailing behind carrying Brianna's bag. Max sat in the stairwell alone, his hand cupping his node as crimson liquid dripped from it. He watched the twins take Brianna away, his finger and arm still tingling from that brief moment. Max didn't want to fall in love again, not after being used and humiliated at his old school. He wasn't ready to love again but Brianna wasn't giving him much of a choice.
The next day, Max showed up to school with two black eyes and tissues stuffed up his nose. Dustin dislocated Max's nose, the punch causing bruising under his eyes, and came to school after his nosebleed started up again. His parents kept asking him what happened, he just told them he pushed someone a bit too far. He had everyone's attention that day, no one dared to go up to him but everyone was talking about him. He misplaced his shades and didn't want to go to school with his sister's pink ones on. He walked into his first class of the day, his brown eyes scanning the room only for a wave of disappointment to wash over him. Brianna wasn't in class yet, which was weird since she was always here before him. In the month and a half Max had known her, she was always on time and never missed a class. Confusion washed over him as he took his seat, the one next to him strangely empty, just as the late bell rang. None of the Dawsons showed up at school that day, Axel calling the diner and saying they had a family emergency and that the manager was in charge he was gone. Dustin asked what was wrong, ending up with the most gentle and kind twin, Dominic, to take over. It was getting hot so he helped Brianna take off her sweater, Brianna completely forgetting about her wrists. Dominic got a glimpse at her wrists and quickly grabbed it before Brianna could cover them up again just as Max had done over a month ago. Not knowing what to do, Dominic called for Axel and that only made things worse on Brianna. She got asked questions a mile a minute by Axel and Dominic, Dustin coming up and adding to the madness from cursing under his breath and saying how he was going to kill Max for this. From being so overwhelmed, Brianna's anxiety spiked up and she fainted on her bed, from a panic attack, minutes later. Axel made the call for a family meeting tomorrow, calling the school to excuse Brianna and the twins from their classes, later calling the diner. The next day, the meeting starting shortly after everyone woke up. Brianna was the last person awake, thinking she was late for school only to find her brothers in the living room with it being two hours after school started. All attention was on Brianna, much to her dismay. The first question she was asked was the one she dreaded the most, "Why?" Axel asked his 'baby' sister softly. No matter what, she would always be his baby sister no matter how old she got. "Why'd you do it?" She explained to them that since their parents death, she blamed herself. She blamed herself every single day, her mind turned on her and reminded her she should've died instead of them. She hated herself and that was when her self confidence disappeared, replaced with scars on her wrists. Then bringing up the twins, how their mean comments on her appearance and how she looked didn't help at all. The twins then explained to her that they didn't want anything to change even though their parents had passed, then apologizing shortly after. That was when they started consoling her, reassuring her that it wasn't her fault and their parents were in a better place. Later on that day they made a trip to the cemetery to visit their parents. Not only were their parents well know around the neighborhood, they were also liked by many people. Almost the everyone that knew the Dawsons showed up to the funeral. Axel received help from some neighbors with cooked food and groceries, as well as tipping well at the diner. The four spent some time talking to their parents grave before heading back home. Axel decided on lightening the mood with a game of Monopoly. "Are you trying to bring us together or tear us apart?" Dustin asked making everyone let out a laugh, even Brianna let out a little giggle. As a way of helping Brianna, she would get watched pretty much 24/7, getting her wrists constantly checked by her brothers. Axel feared that her wrists weren't the only places, adding short shorts and a shirt exposing her stomach was added but was only checked once a week. Once the plan was set up and established, everyone eased up a bit. When the twins were asleep, Brianna was doing her homework, Axel on his laptop at the kitchen table providing company. After an hour of silence, besides Axel typing away, Brianna spoke up. "You're doing great, Axe Spray," Brianna said softly, teasing him with the hated nickname. "If that was true you wouldn't have lines on your wrists," Axel said, not looking up from his laptop screen. "You know you don't have to lie to me to make me feel better about myself Bri Bear." "Mom and Dad would be proud with how well you're looking after us, you know. Yes you're an adult but, now you're more of a parent than a brother. You make time for us, you make sure that Dust, Dom and I are happy and well before looking after yourself," Brianna paused, a laugh leaving her chapped lips. "You and I both know, if Mom and Dad were still alive you'd still be working at the diner having no idea what to do with your life." "Hey!" a chuckle left Axel's lips as he looked Brianna in the eyes with his sea blue ones. "Just because that's true doesn't mean you can rub it in my face!" The two smiled at each other before settling into a comfortable silence once more. Axel glanced at the clock before shutting his laptop. He turned to Brianna and told her it was time for bed, she nodded and put everything back into her binder. They walked together before splitting off at the staircase and went to their own bedrooms. Brianna laid in bed, pondering about the day before this one. The tingling on her back, where Max held her to his chest, disappeared and the spark she felt when he grabbed her wrist and touched her neck faded as well. Before she could ponder any longer a wave of exhaustion passing over her, leaving her with heavy eyelids and questions filling her head.
Axel went to pick up his siblings at school the next day. He waited outside Brianna's last class and waited for the bell to ring. When Brianna walked out Axel told her to get the twins and head to the car, after he gave her his car keys. Brianna nodded before leaving, Axel walked into the room and approached the ginger that was still packing his bag. After the quick introduction, Axel asked Max a favour. Since the twins didn't have any classes with Brianna, and after getting told Max had most classes with her, he asked if Max could keep an eye on her. Axel knew Max already knew about Brianna's scars and winced slightly when he saw what Dustin had done. After some begging and apologizing Max agreed reluctantly, caving in when Axel said he'd give his family a coupon for the diner. Even though Max had only gone once, besides meeting Brianna there for their project, he loved not only the food but they had some classic arcade games that were decades old. The next day came quickly, Max was happy he had an excuse to be close to Brianna and for her not to get mad at him for staring. What she said ran through his mind and he couldn't imaging having his older sister take care of him and their younger brother. In this class Max sat on the other side of the classroom from Brianna. He was back a row, from Brianna, on the other side of the class. Brianna walked in before the bell rang, setting up her desk for class like always. Brianna could feel his gaze on her and turned to him with a raised eyebrow. His eyes softened and he gave her a small wave, a kind look glinted off his brown eyes. His older sister covered up the black eyes he got from Dustin with foundation this morning, Max resisting the urge of wiping the stuff off his face, not being able to stand the feeling of it on his face. He couldn't understand how girls could stand it for an entire day. All confidence Brianna had built up in the past couple days came crumbling down, it had been almost a year since her parents passed. She didn't think it was that close but the date on their tombstone told her differently. Max wasn't helping in the slightest with his sympathetic glances and his constant staring, she thought she would be used to it by now but she was wrong.
Screeching of tires, crash from the collision, boom from the motor of the car and smash went the windows. Brianna tried to steady her breathing as she felt a liquid dripping down both her neck and her face. She opened her eyes, her head felt like it was being split open, she looked around the car. Her dad was over the steering wheel and wasn't moving. Her mom was leaning against where the window used to be, getting held upright by her seatbelt, also not moving. A muffled voice was shouting her name multiple times as she started closing her eyes. Her body felt weak and she couldn't move. Her heartbeat pounding in her ears as her thoughts were scrambled in her mind. One thing the papers left out was that they crashed right outside the diner. The Dawson Diner was on the corner of the intersection and balloons whipped around outside the building. Grand opening was supposed to start a new and amazing chapter in her life, not one that left her orphaned and almost dead.
"BRIANNA!" Her science teacher shouted, breaking her out of her trance. Her mind raced as her anxiety heightened, all eyes on her. Before the teacher could ask her if she was okay, Brianna grabbed her stuff and ran out of the classroom with tears streaming down her face. A worried look came across Max's face as he stood up and asked if he was allowed to go after her and check on her. The teacher said to wait a couple minutes before trying to find her, giving her enough time to come back on her own. Max nodded and sent a text to Axel telling him what happened. He bounced his leg anxiously, watching the clock tick down and waited before chasing after her. After ten minutes, Max shot his hand up and asked if he could go look for Brianna. Once the teacher said yes Max shot out of his desk and ran out of the classroom, his bag already packed from waiting in anticipation wanting the time to go by faster. Those short 10 minutes felt like hours to Max as he waited, never feeling more worried in his life. Max ran down the corridors, hoping she wasn't in the girls bathroom so he would be able to comfort her. He craved for the maple haired girl to be in his arms, feeling a sense of purpose flow through him as he held her close to his heart. When he turned into the stairwell to check upstairs, he found her as she cried under the staircase. Not knowing what to say, Max took a seat next to her and gave her a side hug. What she thought was an embarrassed blush flush over her cheeks, actually had something deeper to it. When the twins tracked Brianna down and found the two as they hugged under the stairs, their assumptions had been correct and they knew had to put a stop to it.
Brianna had a very aggravated expression on her face as she confronted Axel in his office at the diner. Continuously saying that the twins were insane and had no control over her life. She told Axel that they couldn't just forbid her from seeing Max because of some 'stupid' crush. Axel could only agree with the twins, telling her she shouldn't get a boyfriend or girlfriend until she had a job and had already graduated from high school. She huffed before storming out of his office and over to the back room where she was working on homework. 'They can't control me,' Brianna thought to herself, 'but they can hurt Max... DAMNIT!' She smashed her hands on the table in frustration, pulling on her hair lightly. She felt conflicted, her anxiety kicked in making the situation 10 times worse. 'Maybe I should just stop trying, it would be better for everyone and make things so much easier.' Brianna told herself, giving in to her self hatred like always. Next thing she knew, she was back in her shell of her antisocial self. She went back to being quiet in class and at home, she raised her brothers' suspicions and sadly they all led to Max. While Brianna was shaking the glitter off her hoodie from a prom poster she bumped into in the hallway at school, her brothers were in the diner managing customers. It wasn't until Axel went around the diner to make sure everyone was satisfied, that Max's family walked in through the door. They were sat at a table in Dustin's section of the diner, which made everything worse. Dustin was more physical when mad where Dominic was more verbal as a way to protect himself, definitely more mellow of the twins. When Dustin saw Max, he tried to keep his customer service attitude. He took their order, Dustin glaring at Max the whole time, and took it back to the kitchen before collecting their drinks. When Dustin came back, Max was out of the booth and came to talk to Dustin. Max asked if he could have a word with him, his twin brother and Axel. Dustin complied, asking the other waiters and waitresses to cover for the three of them while they took care of personal matters. Max was on edge, already knew it would be difficult to ask his question without them worsening his black eyes or actually breaking his nose this time. "May I take Brianna to the dance?" Max asked, a hopeful look in his eyes. The Dawsons turned to each other before huddling in the corner of Axel's office to discuss it. Since the twins were already going with their dates, they thought it would be alright. "You are pretty brave to, not only come to the diner but to ask for such a thing," Axel started, a warning look in his eyes. Max swallowed nervously. "You can take her but on one condition," Dustin spoke up, cracking his knuckles. "You hurt her, we will break your limbs," Dustin finished, all of them nodded in agreement. "She's over there," Dominic said, pointing to the employee's only area, "now go ask her."
Mrs. Dawson was a short woman, her and Brianna were around the same height before she died. So instead of spending a bunch of money on nice clothes, the twins wore one of their father's many suits and Brianna wore one of her mother's dresses. Which dress was what set her and Axel back half an hour. Axel loved seeing how Brianna went from dress to dress, bringing him back to when before his siblings were born and their parents were going on their first date since he was born. Once she was ready, she looked absolutely stunning. Her brown hair was curled, the sky blue dress bringing out the flecks in her eyes. Brianna knew she couldn't walk in heels so she wore a pair of white flats that went with the dress nicely. They got into the car, Brianna twiddling her thumbs anxiously. Axel pulled up to the school, a certain ginger waiting outside for them. He wore a black golf shirt and black pants with a tie matching the blue of Brianna's dress, his hair gelled into a quiff hair style and a charming smile rested on his face. When Brianna and Max hugged, Axel asked to get a picture of them before he left. The two posed for the camera, the sun setting behind Axel. After snapping a quick picture on the camera he brought, Axel drove back home by himself. Halfway into the dance, the two walked off to the snack table for a break. The theme for the dance was Paris and the Gym was decorated beautifully with fairy lights strung across the room and an eiffel tower paper replica taped to the wall. "I'm really happy you're brothers let me take you to the dance," Max said as they stood next to the punch bowl, both with a paper cup in their hand. "Wait," Brianna paused, an angry expression replacing her one of enjoyment. The night was going too well, of course something had to go wrong, it was too good to be true! "They had you ask them for permission to take me to prom?" Brianna asked, annoyance obvious in her tone. "Yeah- don't get mad at me, I'm willing to take a pummeling from your brothers' if it means I get to spend the evening with you," Max said, putting his hands up in defence. "They seriously can't see that I'm capable and old enough to make my own choices! I'm 16 damnit!" Brianna shouted, no one noticed but Max over the blasting music. "They seriously can't get over their egos and see that I'm completely able to do things myself." "They only have your best interests in mind," Max said, trying to calm her down. "No, they only want to control me for the rest of my life and I'm sick of it!" Brianna shouted, her angry stance caught by Dominic. He and his date walked over, asking what was wrong. Brianna ended up snapping at Dominic before running off, when she ran off she was spotted by Dustin. Dustin came over to Max and Dominic, ready to punch the ginger in the face. Right before Dustin could open his mouth, Max blurted out that it wasn't his fault. Dominic explained and when he was finished, Dustin asked why Max hadn't gone after her yet.
Max ran out of the gym and back to the school's main entrance. When he stepped outside, he noticed the sun had set and the moon had taken its place. The stars shined bright but to Max, Brianna's eyes shone brighter than any star in the sky. His brown eyes scanned the area for her, his head snapped to the side when he heard quiet sobbing. His stomach churned as he looked for the girl he had fallen for. She sat under the moonlight, leaned back against the building. She had her head on her knees and sobbed into the crook of her elbow. The tear streaks on her arm glinted in the moonlight. Max came over to her and kneeled in front of her, not caring if the dress pants got dirty. He started to compliment her, telling her just what she needed to hear. He told her she was strong, gorgeous, intelligent, kind, talented and caring. By the time he was done she was blushing like crazy. "They only do it because they care but, if you ask me, they just care a little too much," Max said, earning a small giggle from Brianna. He smiled at his success of cheering her up and making her feel better. "Let's go back inside then, m'lady." Max stuck his arm out for her to take after helping her up. When they got back inside, Brianna went to the bathroom to clean herself up. As Max waited outside, a smile lit up his feature. When she came out, they walked hand in hand back to they gym. Electricity shot through their arms, starting at where their hands connected. The smile on Brianna's face made Max's smile grow wider. When they got back the gym, a slow song was playing. The people that came with dates were dancing while the people that came with friends were stuffing their faces with various chips and other junk foods. "Shall we?" Max asked gesturing to the dance floor. "We shall," Brianna replied and walked with him. He put his hand on her waist, she put hers on his shoulders. They swayed to the music in sync, never breaking rhythm. "Did you really mean everything you said earlier?" Brianna asked softly, it felt like they were in their own world and not the middle of their school gym with almost a hundred other kids. "Every word, why?" Max asked raising an eyebrow. "So you like me as more than just a friend?" Brianna asked and Max looked at her like she was insane. "If I didn't, why would I ask you to be my date and go through all the trouble with your brothers?" Max asked and Brianna shrugged. "I'm just checking so I could do this." She had a smirk on her face after she finished talking. "Do wha-" before Max could finish, Brianna pulled him in for a kiss, fireworks exploding in their heads.
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