Mithzan-Big Brother?
"Mom? Why are you packing everything up?" Olivia asked walking through the front door after school. It was the start of summer vacation and Olivia had already preplanned the summer with her friends.
"Your father got stationed in Italy so we have to move again," Mom said and Olivia had tears in her eyes.
"We are moving again! I thought we were going to stay in Louisiana! Mom I have friends here who care about me! I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE!" Olivia cried out stomping her foot on the ground.
"That's why your not coming with us," Mom said.
"WHAT!" Olivia screamed, was she really going to just abandon Olivia like that?
"Let me explain please Olivia," Mom said, Olivia turned quiet. "You are going to live with your brother in Washington. You won't have to move anymore because I don't think he will," Mom said.
"But- I've never really met him aside from holidays! Even then I don't talk to him- wait who am I staying with?" Olivia asked.
"Your staying with your brother Max," she said simply. Olivia huffed and exited the room to go pack her room. "You won't have to move anymore Olivia! It's for your own good!"
"It's for your own good HA!" Olivia mocked and started packing her clothes into boxes.
"Hello?" A deep male voice said once it stopped ringing. "Can you hear me?"
"I can hear you. Can you hear me?" Olivia asked looking at the screen. She turned on her webcam and her camera was at the bottom corner. The male turned on his camera and smiled at Olivia.
"I can hear you! Hey kiddo," Max greeted Olivia with a kind smile. "You excited?"
Olivia shook her head. "Honestly, I'm scared Max. I've never been to Washington! And I won't get to see Mom, Dad, Aimee or Raymond anymore!"
"But you will get to see me more!" Max said pointing both thumbs at himself. "What? Am I not good enough for you?"
"Max I'm not going to lie, I barely know you! We hardly talk and I don't remember you since you left to work as an editor," Olivia said sadly.
"I'm not going to lie either, I don't really know anything about you either," Max stated ashamed of himself. "I don't even know your middle name!"
"It's Ava," Olivia said tapping her fingers on the desk of her computer. She could see Max getting up.
"Why don't we use this call as a way to get to know each other," Max said and walked into his kitchen. "You ask questions first."
"Who else lives with you or do you live alone?" Olivia asked.
"I have two roommates, their name are Ross and Tim. Ross has a cat named Kitty Purry and I have a dog name Galileo," Max said opening his fridge.
"What are you doing?" Olivia asked tilting her head to the side.
"Getting something to eat, haven't had dinner yet," Max said and Olivia nodded. "What time is it there?" Max asked and Olivia looked at the bottom right of her computer monitor.
"Midnight," Olivia said simply and Max nodded.
"Shouldn't you be in bed?" Max asked and Olivia shrugged.
"I need to finish packing and I wanted to get to know you better. What time is it in Washington?" Olivia asked.
"10 o'clock PM. Why is Mom only making you move and not Raymond or Aimee?"
"They are perfectly fine making new friends when we move. This time around, when we moved back, I only talked to one person and that one person included me in their friend group. I'm becoming more shy and moving all the time isn't helping that in the slightest," Olivia said and yawned.
"Now I ask a question," Max said and Olivia nodded. "What are your hobbies?"
"I like to draw, play on the WiiU and I play on the softball team," Olivia said and stood from her chair. She grabbed a medal that hung from her shelf and showed Max. "This is the first medal I won, granted it was third place but it's what made me continue playing."
"Wow, that's pretty cool. Your turn," Max smiled as they continued talking all night, asking questions and getting to know each other better.
Eventually Olivia fell asleep at her desk around four in the morning in Louisiana.
"Good night kiddo, see you soon," Max smiled and ended the call, seeing that it was two in the morning in Washington. Max turned off his phone and fell asleep seeing as he was already laying in bed.
~ ¤ ~ ¤ ~
"Olivia, please don't go!"
"Have a safe flight! We all will miss you!"
"Not all of us," Gabriel hissed. I felt my heart snap in two. I always had a crush on Gabriel, guess I now know how he feels about me. Sidney and Catherine knew about my crush on him and gave me a hug.
"If you don't have anything nice to say Gabe," Catherine hissed at her cousin, hitting him on the head. "Don't say anything at all! This might be the last time we see Olivia in person and you don't even care!"
"I'll miss you Olive," Aiden said hugging me.
"I'll miss you too Den," I smiled and hugged him back.
"I have something for you Olive," Aiden said pulling away and digging into his pocket.
"You didn't have to," I said with a kind smile, on the inside I was dying to know what he had for me. He pulled out a lilac box with purple tissue paper. He opened the box to reveal a teddy bear holding a heart necklace.
"But I wanted to, never forget about us." Aiden placed the box in my hand and unclipped the necklace he brought it around my neck and clipped it on. I fixed my hair and pulled him into a hug again.
"Thank you," I whispered with tears in my eyes. "I have things for you guys too." I pulled out two bags and took the presents out. I gave Sidney a ocean themed charm bracelet and Catherine a new pair of PB&J earnings. I took out the oversized new leather jacket and gave it to Gabriel and took out a new watch and gave it to Aiden. I carefully hand picked out things for everyone.
Sidney loves the ocean and when it's her turn to pick where we hang out it's usually the beach. Catherine can practically eat out the worlds food supply if she really wanted to. Gabriel was a 'bad boy' breaking rules and looked 'edgy' all the time, sometimes he looked more emo than edgy. Aiden was a nerd that loved robots and SciFi. He was always working with electricity and showing us he electric planes, helicopters and gadgets.
"Olive you didn't need to," Catherine said with tears in her eyes.
"But I felt it was right, never forget me 'kay?" I said and hugged Catherine. We ended up in a big group hug except for Gabriel who just stood on the sides looking at his new jacket. "Keep in touch?"
"Always!" Sidney said as I took the last present out of my bag. There was identical clay figures of all five of us. We were all laughing in the model, smiling and having a good time. I handed one to everyone before picking up my figure and folding the empty bags.
"Here this is from me and Sid," Catherine said handing me a box. It was decorated in shells and beads with a stack of photos inside. Tears rolled down my cheeks and I hugged them again.
"Thanks guys," I said and looked over at Gabriel and Aiden. "I have to finish packing now," I said as tears rushed down my face. "Good bye," I whispered and ran back home.
"Olivia! OLIVIA WAIT!" I heard one of them call but I kept running. I burst in through the front door of my house and ran to my room.
I jumped onto the mattress in my room and wiped my eyes. The sheets were already packed in boxes and on their way to Washington, along with all my other belonging I couldn't take with me on the plane. Mom went to go pick up Max from the airport because she didn't want me flying alone.
I heard a knock at the door.
"Aimee!" I yelled. "Answer the door!"
"Mkay!" She yelled back as I heard the front door open.
"Is Olivia here!" I heard some on frantically panic.
Is that Gabe?
"Yeah she's in her room-"
"Thanks!" I heard him yell, I'm guessing he pushed past Aimee. I sat up in my bed as Gabriel slid past my door frame. He backed up and walked into my room.
"What do you want Gabe?" I asked standing up from my bed.
"I came to give you your gift and properly say good bye," Gabriel said, pulling a box out of his leather jacket. I saw that he was now wearing the one I gave him. He took a black box out of his pocket and dropped his jacket on the bare mattress that was on my bed frame. He dropped the box on the bed and came close to me. He put his arm up and spun me around. I could feel his hands on my back and I felt my cheeks warm up. I heard the click of my necklace and it was removed from around my neck.
"What are you doing?" I asked and turned around to face him. He placed the necklace on the bed and opened the black box. He took out a wolf charm and added it to the necklace Aiden gave me. Inside the box I could see another necklace chain that was silver, the one Aiden got me was gold.
"Turn around," Gabriel said and I did. He brought the necklace in front of me and clipped it on again. He took my hands in his and looked me in my brown eyes with his brown eyes. "I'm actually really going to miss you Olive. I just didn't want to admit it, especially in front of all the guys," Gabriel said, tears brimming his eyes and his breathing was uneven. "I also wanted to do this."
"Do what-" I was cut off as his lips crashed into mine. Butterfly erupted in my stomach and it was becoming hard to focus on anything but Gabriel. His dirty blonde hair and charming smirk he always had on his face. Every time he teased me or pulled me away from the group to talk, just the two of us. I almost completely forgot I was leaving soon.
Gabriel pulled away and gave me a small smile before pulling me into a tight embrace.
"I'm really going to miss you," Gabriel whispered. I could feel his tears seeping into my shirt. "I should probably get going, your brother is coming and I should be getting home now," Gabriel took a deep breath, tears threatened to spill out of his eyes. "I'm not very good at good byes, and it's not like we won't ever see eachother again, so I guess I'll see you later Olivia," Gabriel said grabbing his jacket off my bed, taking a step backwards and walked out of my room. I stood in the middle of my room like an idiot. My hand slowly went up to my lips, the feeling of his lip on mine lingered and more tears rolled down my face.
My first kiss with the guy I fell for... and now I'm leaving him for who knows how long...
"Hey Olivia," I heard someone say at my door frame. I looks up to see Max standing there. "Ready to go?"
I nodded and placed the chain of the necklace from Gabriel into the box from Sidney and Catherine, as well as the clay figures, slipping it into my carry on bag. Max came over to me and picked up my carry on bag, taking my hand and we walked out to the car after checking to see if I had everything.
I looked back at my house and whispered a good bye.
"So all we need to do is wait to go through security then wait by the gate to board our plane. Don't worry, Mom already gave me all your medicines and things I'll need to take care of you. And if one of my roommates bug you tell me, I'll take care of it," Max said with a grin on his face, I nodded as we removed our shoes and went through the metal detector.
No turning back now...
"Just let it be~. Why don't you be you and I'll be me... and I'll be me..."
I sat in my window seat as Max bobbed his head back and forth, blasting music in his headphones. I looked out the window and sighed.
I'm really going to miss it here...
The plane jerked forward and started taking off. I rested my head back on the headrest and watched the plane leave the ground. The sun started setting and the sky turned orange and red. I tapped my fingers on the armrest waiting for this two hour plane ride to end.
Should I be this nervous? Max's roommates will like me right? It's not like they can kick me out because then Mom will hurt Max but what if he lied to her? What if he ignores me for the rest of my life? What if he just gets up and leaves without me? He's not going to do that. He said he wouldn't. No he didn't because I never mentioned it so it's still a possibility... What if I have a panic attack and he starts panicking instead of helping me? What if I'm allergic to dogs or cats? Will I die from stepping into their house? I'm probably over exaggerating everything.
I take a deep breath and start calming myself down.
It's okay, I'm fine I'm fine! Nothing is going to happen to me.
"Hey kiddo?" Max asked beside me, I turned to look at him. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah," I said taking a deep breath. "I'm fine."
I'm not actually fine...
"You sure?" He asked and I nodded. "We'll be landing in... 'bout 5 minutes."
"Olivia might stop talking for a while at a time when you move there. She's just adjusting to the new environment and is studying her surroundings. Don't push her to talk during that time, it will only make things worse," Mom told me and I nodded. We stood outside of the airport and started walking towards the car. "She has to take three pills a day for a month. It's because of some infection she has, nothing too concerning. Make sure you give her the space she needs. When she wants to be left alone leave her, just make sure she doesn't leave the house. If she does she will return in a day or... three. Just show her she is loved and she is safe," Mom told me as we pulled up to the house.
"I'll take good care of Olivia Mom," I said running a hand through my hair. I opened my door to see a boy around Olivia's age walking out of the front door and across the lawn. He looked over at me and glared.
"I know sweetheart, I trust you. Hello Gabriel," Mom greeted the boy and he gave a half smile.
"Safe travels Mrs. LaPlume," the boy said and walked off. He had tear streaks on his cheeks and a sad look in his eyes.
"Thank you Gabriel!" Mom said as we walked into the house. There was a bag by the door that Mom grabbed and handed to me. "This is all her medical things you will need. If she has a panic attack just assure her that she will be okay and to calm down."
"Do you have like a hand book on this kind of stuff?" I asked sarcastically and she nodded. She opened the bag and took out a book.
'How To Better The Care Of Olivia'
"Mom what the heck!"
"I just care, is that so bad?"
"You care way to much."
"We will be landing in Washington DC, Seattle Airport shortly. Thank you for flying with us." (I've never been on a plane before so bare with me)
The plane landed and I walked out with Olivia behind me. I carried the carry-on bags in my hand and walked out to the front entrance. The only things we brought with us on the plane was the Olivia's carry-on and medicine bag. We walked outside and immediately Olivia clung to my arm. She must not be used to the colder climate. I hug her and take my phone from my pocket.
"Hello?" I heard Ross say on the other end of the phone.
"Hey bud, I'm outside the airport now. Can you come pick my and my sister up?"
"Yeah, I'll be there bit."
"Thanks Ross, I'll see you in a bit."
Holy fuck was this long :/
2863 words without authors note.
Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I got a flower from a guy friend and had the next class with him *ī~ī*
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