Mithzan-(2)Medieval Madness/Forest Child (still deciding title)
The black haired girl dug into his pockets and pulled out some iron, a pocket knife and a scrap iron spear head and placed them into a pouch in her belt. Just as she was about to leave she looked up at the sky.
It was turning to night time.
Knowing it was barely survivable at night awake, she knew that if she left him here she would be leaving him to die. Sighing she picked up his unconscious body and put one of his arms onto her shoulder. She stumbled a bit when she walked, almost dropping him a couple times.
She makes it over to an abandoned entrance she used when she was too weak and little to climb up the tree and set him inside, closing the log door. She climbed up the vines and lowered the lift she used to haul large amounts of food into the fortress. She stood on it and, using the rope, she lowered herself down to the entrance below her.
Having to move quickly as the sun started to set quicker over the horizon, the girl laid the boys body on the lift and pulled up as quickly as she could, standing next to him on the platform. Once the girl got to the top of the fortress lift she locked the lift in place and gathered the rope back into its holder on the tree branch. Once fully locked in place the girl picked up the boys body again and dragged him over to the cobblestone fire pit and set him on a near by cot, throwing a wool sheet over him.
The black haired girl rekindled the flame of the fire and climbed onto a branch above the fire pit. All the trees were over grown and over a thousand years old. Surprising all at full health, strong and sturdy. She took off her hood and pulled the pocket knife out of the pouch of her belt. She started to sharpen and reshape the butchered iron spear head the boy had made.
She skillfully carved the spear head sending sparks on every other strike. Normally you would have to use big machinery or gadgets emitting hot flames but, with her experience, it wasn't needed.
She looked down at the boys state and guessed he wouldn't wake up until morning. She hopped out of the branch and ran to grab her set of iron armour that she had left down on the ground.
She place the helmet on her head and pulled on the chestplate and leggings, grabbing the boot and climbing back to her fortress. She sets the armour on it's stand and returns to her perch above the campfire.
"Red fire, warm and tall. Keep me safe in this forest tonight. May the Lunar princess and Solar prince smile upon me ever day and night. Keeping me living, keeping me breathing." The girl sang quietly. Her melodic voice created a calm aura around the fortress. "Feasts for plenty, the feasts for things big and small. The bounty we share is the greatest of all. The bonds we form and the trust we build. Nothing is better than the meal for two, three, four or five, its the stories we tell that is treasure enough. For the death of one, there was a family of two. Till death do I part from the earth I bound to, I sing thy song to thee."
Smileing to herself she leaned back gainst the bark of the tree trunk and gazed up at the starry night sky.
~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~
The morning sun started peeking in through the thick underbrush, creating small amounts of dots of sunshine all over the fortress. Down below you could hear the siziling of zombies burning in the sunlight and the crunch of blazing skeleton bones. The hiss of creepers geting caught in the cross fire of skeletons dueling it out as it passes by.
The fowel stench of burnt rotten flesh filled the air as the monsters below take their last breathe before departing to the Nether world to become one of the millions of wondering soul.
"May you join Notch in another world," the girl whispered, standing on the branch with a hand over her heart. "None of you deserved this..."
She new that the monsters at night were once people, living life like the village people before they died. They are then turned into a monster or mob, seeking revenge on what killed them only in a weaker state, in most cases it's humans they go after.
Zombies are simple people that died from a wound or illness. Leaving them in the tattered and shredded clothing they favorited the most when alive. Skeletons are warriors that died on the battle field gripping their weapon till their last breathe, torchered to the point of death or have no skin left to live in also know as eternal suffering. Spiders are the innocent that got caught in the cross fires of war that spread to where they last rested. Finally, Creepers, they are royalty or important people who died in cold blood, murdered senselessly or died from betrayal. They are senceless tyrants that want nothing more than to watch the world burn, or destroy everything in sight by blowing up in the attackers face.
The girl jumped off the branch she was standing on and picked up the boy in the cot. He stayed unconsious as she carried him back to the lift, laying his body on the platform. She ran and grabbed a piece off thin, dry bark and ink container. She dipped her finger in the ink and dragged it on the bark.
She quickly scribbled it onto the bark and ran back to the boy. She tucked it into her belt and lowered the lift down to the ground. The girl put an arm around his shoulder and carried him back to the grounds she attacked him at. She laid him on the ground and rolled up the bark and put it in his jacket. The girl turned in attention when she heard the low groan of a zombie. She equipted her sword and scanned her suroundings. Looking around she heard the groan behind her. She turned around only to see a horde of monsters. She pulled her hood over her head and heard a new groan.
The boy was waking up... His chocolate brown eyes fluttered open as he studies his surroundings. He yelled loudly and the girl came over to him and covered his mouth.
"Shut up," she growled at him. "You'll only attract more numbskull. Take my dagger and don't get killed."
"Earier said than done," Max growled back, not used to the informality given to him.
"No dirt."
A groan came from around them as glowing red eyes surounded them. A mischievous smile danced on the young girls lips as she drew her diamond sword. She took stance as a zombie started towards her. She sliced the zombie in half and stabbed a spider, driving its head into the ground. (My dad just walked over and asked what I was doing so I told him, he doesn't approve :x)
Max never got a close look at the girls face, all he could see was her flowing night sky black hair. Max looked at the dagger that was placed in his hands. Before he could get a good look at it a hissing sound came from behind him. He turned around and was face to face with a Creeper. He backed up and fixed his hold on the dagger. Before he could hit the Creeper it blew up in his face. Grass blocks and dirt exploded everywhere; Max shielded his eyes as he debris came flying at his face and into his eyes.
He flew to the ground and sprung to his feet, wincing in pain.
Suddenly Max felt healthier than ever. He could see the broken glass on the grass and the dark pink residue that surrounded it. He heard a groan from his side and he spun around, lodging the dagger into the zombies head. Max removed the dagger to see a black goo coating it, he shivered at the sight.
Max looked over at the girl only to see corpse after corpse of monsters laying next to her, never did the small smile leave her face. She looked over at Max and smiled before a look of horror washed over her face. Max looked confused before a cold hand was placed on his shoulder and he was dragged backwards, his heath dropping at an alarming rate. The girl was a ways away from him as she started running towards him.
"Help!" Prince Max called out, reaching towards the black haired girl.
His vision turned from blurry to black.
The girl slashed at the zombies, making an opening to him. She grabbed him and killed all the surrounding mobs. She picked him up and, as best she could, carried him up a trunk and into the trees. She gave him some instant health potions but it didn't seem to help in the slightest. She set him on her back and started tree hopping. She cut a vine off a tree and tied it around the both of them. As quickly as she could, she ran down branches and swung from vines. She jumped from tree to tree.
She could see the smoke in the distance and quickened her pace. She could feel his heart rate dropping and becoming more faint as she ran.
She jumped from the trees onto the ground, pausing from absorbing all of the impact. She stopped in front of a large stone gate, guards stood ontop of the walls and looked down at her. She cut the ropes that binded them together and layed him on the ground.
"Isn't that Prince Max of the Casen Kingdom?" a guard asked the guard next to him.
"Oh my Notch it is! Hey you!" the guard shouted and the girl looked up. "Hault! In the name of the Klawrian Kingdom!"
The girl looked up at them as the gate opened. She took the dagger from Max's hand and ran off.
"After her!" the head guard of the Klawrian Kingdom yelled. "Take the Prince to the doctor at once!"
Half the guards went after the girl while some stayed and the others went to get medical assistance. By the time the gate opened Prince Max was rushed into the Kingdom and the girl was no where to be seen.
The message was sent to the Kingdom and panic erupted quickly.
"Mother? What's wrong?" Prince Ross asked walking in with his cousin, Princess Shelby, behind him.
"Your friend, Prince Max of Casen, was left at the gates of our kingdom in fatal condition," The Queen of Klawrian told him.
"What! We must visit him at once! Come Shelby, let's go," Prince Ross ushered as the two walked out of the castle door, over to a horse drawn carriage. Prince Ross hopped on and, being the gentleman he is (tip tip), help Princess Shelby into the carriage. The driver made the horse start walking as they made their way over to the hospital located in town.
"Where are we going your majestys?" The driver asked.
"Hospital! On the double!" Prince Ross almost shouted. The driver nodded and made the horse gallop faster.
Once they arrived the two were escorted to Prince Max's recovery room. He wore a silk shirt and black shorts, most of his skin was covered in bandages. There were different coloured mixtures getting put into his blood stream with his previous clothes on a table next to the bed. Prince Ross walked into the room and walked over to the table.
"What are you doing Ross?" Princess Shelby asked standing next to him. Prince Ross pulled out a rolled up piece of bark.
"Whats this?" Prince Ross asked and unrolled the dry piece of bark.
Part two! Might make a part three or turn it into a book idk. I wrote a chapter yesterday at 1600 words and Wattpad decided to be a butt and delete 1200 of those words so here is rewritten chapter for y'all!
Instead of 1600 words you guys get 2070 words. (This is including authors notes)
Have a good day or night my Ladles and Jelly Spoons!
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