Living on the streets/Theiving for a living (Adopted by NetNobody) Part 1
I walked around the park, pulling on my leather gloves as I picked my next target.
I saw a man with curly brown hair, a nicely trimmed beard, no rim glasses and a tattoo on his hand that is holding his phone to his ear. I look down at his pockets only to see his wallet half in and half out of his jean pocket.
I quickly ran by, looking as if I'm in a rush and bump into the man.
I don't say anything and quickly stuff his wallet into my jacket pocket, zipping it shut. I continued to run only to hear shouts from the man, now realizing his wallet is missing. I picked up my pace and rush down the busy Seattle sidewalk.
"Someone stop her! She has my wallet! STOP HER!" I heard the man yell as I ran across the street, slidding over the hood of a car that just slammed the brakes, and continued down the sidewalk.
My breathing became shallow as I looked behind me, instantly regretting it.
Two more people joined in the chase as I turned into an alleyway.
I made quick work of grabbing a fire escape ladder and swiftly started climbing to the roof. I could hear the pitted patter of their footsteps racing behind me two sets down. I reach the roof and stumble to the ground, scarping my knees and ripping holes were my knees are on my leggings. I create as much distance I can from them and ran over to the edge of the roof.
I turned around to see the curly haired man standing with two others. One man had red hair and a beard to match and the other had fluffy brown hair with no rim glasses as well.
"Just give us back the wallet and we won't turn you into the police," the red head said as they inched closer.
I turned around only to see I was three feet from falling off the roof, or that's what I want them to think.
I had to struggle to keep my smirk from creeping onto my face.
I just looked at them with a bored expression, they think this is my first rodeo.
As they inched closer I took steps back, reaching into my pocket and pulling the wallet out.
"Just toss it over here, alright?" The curly haired man spoke and a small smile creeped onto my face. I continued to step back, becoming one and a half feet from the edge.
"Woah, stop you're going to fall!"
One foot away from the little waist high divider that was supposed to stop people from jumping down. Did I mention we are five stories off the ground?
I continued to walk back and took a quick peek behind me.
As fast as I could I took the bills from his wallet, threw it at him and jumped to the building next door, clearing the five foot gap with ease. It was slightly lower and after rolling forward after I landed, I took off into a sprint and stuffed the money into my pocket. I could hear their yells as I made my quick and swift get away.
I let them see my face! Now they are going to report me, God damnit.
My ten year old figure shakes as I try to forget how many times I stole from people after always being told not to do that.
Its all for Jamie, he's worth all this trouble. I smile at the thought of my twin brother. His dazzling smile and bright eyes filling me with comfort and warming my heart.
As quickly as I could, I make my way back 'home' where my everything is.
I pulled my leather gloves, making sure the over sized gloves won't fall off my frail hands.
My crappy boots pound against the rooftops as I pull my hood over my head.
The sky turned gray as I try and find a way down. Water drops pound at my back as I climb down the fire escape of another building, two blocks down where I first climbed up.
I look at the street name and quickly cross the street, following the familiar route to my every month destination.
I keep my head down as I turn down another alley.
Short cuts, not bit of energy wasted.
Make it quick, make it painless.
Hurry up he's suffering!
He can't take it any longer, it could kill him!
Before I could notice what I was doing, I picked up my pace and rocketed down the street and soon, a big red cross in a white circle came into view.
I turned and ran towards the back of the hospital only to see a man in his early 20s standing there in a nurse's outfit, holding a white bag.
"Quinn!" I shouted as he started going back inside. "I've got the money," I said as I slowed to a stop in front of him.
"All of it this time?" He asked and I nodded, pulling out the money from my pocket.
"Before all I needed was 40 more dollars and I think have just enough money." I pulled the money out of my pocket as well as the money from days before. I counted the 150$ out in front of him and he gave me the white bag.
"There should be enough for a month this time, before I gave you as much as the money you gave me was worth. Make sure he takes two a day after eating something, alright?"
I nodded. "Thanks Quinn, I could never thank you enough for how much this means to me, to Jamie."
"I would love to be able to take you guys in but I can barely do this for you, I'm risking my job for you guys. I care about you Raelyn, tell James hi from me okay?"
"Okay, bye!" I waved to him and stuffed the bag into my pocket.
Quickly I scanned my surroundings and ran in the opposite direction from where I came from.
I turned, strafed and quickly climbed up fire escapes. I ran until I'm wheezing and when I'm about to drop to the ground the old apartment building came into view. The run down place abandoned and completely empty except for our room. Its scheduled to be torn down next month and after that I don't know where we'll go.
One last jump and I'm hanging off the crumbling building, I slid down one floor and carefully pushed the window open. I weaved my way through all the alarms and traps we set in case someone tried to break in.
After crawling my way under a wire, I arrived in our bedroom.
"Jamie? You here?" I spoke quietly as I rose to my feet.
"Rae? I'm here, yeah." I followed the voice, I found my brother resting on the floor next to our rotting mattress.
I took the pill bottle out of my pocket and threw the bottle at him.
"Two a day with food, alright?" I said softly as I hung up my coat. He nodded and popped the bottle open, grabbed a couple granola bars out of our stash. After finishing both, he took a pill. I threw the water bottle, I got from the store, at him and plopped onto the mattress. "Oh and Quinn said hi."
We sat in silence for a while, Jamie messing with the cap as he stared at the ground. His black hair matted and greasy as his tired green eyes fought to keep open. I turned and looked out the window as the rain started to clear up, the night sky was littered with stars as always.
"Why did we have to run away, Rae? We could of just went to an orphanage like every other kid that lost their parents."
"We didn't lose our parents Jay, we ran away because they wouldn't help us only hurt us. I didn't want you to suffer anymore so I took you with me and we ran away, its all my fault we are stuck here." I let out a sigh and looked my brother in the eyes. "I'm sorry."
Silence was left after I said that. I stared my brother in the eyes, hoping he would see my sincerity.
"I love you Rae," James said softly as he met my gaze.
"Love you too Jamie," I teased him with the hated nickname. I watched him cringe after I said that.
He got up and walked to the other side of me, plopping down on the mattress. He laid his head on a pillow, those the only actual decent thing in the place, and hugged his stuffed lion to his chest. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.
I grabbed his hoodie and laid it on him as a makeshift blanket. I grabbed my worn out blanket and tossed the small and worn fabric over my body, its my comfort item. James has his lion and I have my blankie.
I rested my head on the pillow and slowly closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep.
MOAR? Yay or nay?
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