Bullying SkyMedia (1)
It's been a while...
Third POV but follows Adam
"Go back to the virtual world you crawled out of!" Laura called after Adam, hitting the locker he was inside of.
"Get me out of here!" Adam shouted as Daniel pounded both of his fists against the locker.
"Shut up in there! I don't want my ears to bleed right now," Daniel said laughing while walking away.
Finn, Jamie and Kyliee followed behind Laura and Daniel as they walked to their next class. The group laughed going their separate ways, they didn't have the same class that block.
"Adam?" Adam heard a voice call.
"Adams wheres are yous?" A different voice called. Adam banged on the locker loudly, pounding his fists as best he could on the door.
"Barney! Red! In here!" Adam shouted, his voice muffled by the steal between him and the school hallway.
Adam heard the footsteps quicken as the warning bell rung. Micheal removed the unlocked Master Lock from the slot and Adam came tumbling out of the locker.
"Oh shits man!" John called reaching a hand towards Adam. "How longed where yous in theres for?"
Adam looked down at his phone and sighed. "Only 10 minutes this time."
"Well, Barney and I need to get to class now." Micheal said with a sigh. "Enjoy your free block, we'll see you at lunch."
Adam nodded as the two ran off. Adam got his bag from the locker and his things he needed for after lunch. He got a free block for his mental illnesses.
Other students could get a free block as well for either mental illnesses or for the intense sports they play.
After Adam grabbed his books and lunch bag, he started making his way to the music room.
Once he made it inside he saw Mr.Den teaching a class of freshman. Mr.Den smiled at Adam, motioning him inside.
"Hi Mr.Den," Adam said quietly and Mr.Den nodded at Adam with a smile on his face.
"Hello Adam," Mr.Den smiled at Adam. "The practice room is free, as always."
"Thank you." Mr.Den nodded at Adam.
"Back to what we were doing," Mr.Den turned back to the class. "Alright everyone! Stomp patsch clap, stomp patsch clap rest."
Adam looked over at the group of freshman who were all cheering and shouting while following instructions enthusiastically.
Adam walked down the close hallway, skimming some instruments that were being kept in the small hallway. Adam opened the door all the way at the end and walked in, throwing his bag to ground and looking at all the instruments in front of him. It took him a couple seconds to decide what instrument to play first before grabbing an acoustic guitar and sitting on the stool in the room.
Adam ran his fingers over the cords and a smile found its way onto his face. Adam played a couple notes and tuned it ever so slightly before starting to play a song, tapping his foot to the beat. (I'm listening to Despacito-Remix at the moment lmao. It's okay I guess)
After playing two more songs to warm up, Adam pulled out some crinkled up paper out of his bag with a pencil.
Adam switched over to the drum kit in the corner of the small room, hitting a steady beat on the high hat. He started hitting the drums in a repetitive sequence.
"First I opened my eyes
Then I felt such a strange breeze
I had traveled to a world made of blocks
Totally unbeknownst to me" Adam started singing, looking down at the paper in front of him.
"When you play Mine-Mine-Minecraft
Oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh
There were animals all across the land
Villagers working hard, hand-in-hand
There were roses, mountains, and a big, blue sea
Even trees as far as the eye could see," Adam stopped singing and wrote down the last couple lyrics that came out of his mouth before stopping and thinking, what else he could add to the song he was writing.
"How'd this happen?
Why am I here?
What's my purpose in this place?
Who's that coming?
What am I hearing?
As the night approaches, I should go and hide
There's all sorts of creatures, run with all my might," Adam smiled as he started singing the chorus, feeling it was a good place to sing it again.
"When you play Mine-Mine-Minecraft
Oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh", Adam paused to write down the lyrics he just sang, a smile creeping onto his face.
"When you play Mine-Mine-" Adam was cut off by the muffled bell ringing, signaling it was time for lunch. Adam sighed, feeling like he just started, getting up and grabbing his bag off the floor. Adam stuffed the crumpled paper in his bag and placed his pencil behind his ear before making his way out of the room.
"Good bye Adam!" Adam heard the friendly voice of Mr.Den call. "Have a good weekend!"
"Bye Mr.Den, you too," Adam said with a smile and waved.
Adam walked out of the classroom and right out the closest door, going towards his group of friends. They met everyday at lunch under the maple tree to eat lunch. Adam always ended up the last person to meet the group at the tree.
Shelby kept herself perched up in the tree with a book in hand, Jess was sitting against the tree trunk with her phone in hand. Max was challenging Micheal to a dance battle on a large piece of cardboard under the tree. Ross and John both sat next to each other, deep in conversation. Tim sitting alone surrounded by book, probably having to hand in the assignment right after the bell rings.
"Hey guys!" Adam called and the entire group looked towards Adam as he walked over. "And the two lovely ladies." Shelby and Jess giggled and waved at Adam as the guys shouted greetings.
Adam sat down and talked with Jess and Shelby as he picked at his lunch, barely eating any.
"Adam," Jess said with a stern voice, noticing Adam's full lunch bag. "Eat before I shove the food own your throat, I'm not joking."
Adam nodded before taking an apple out of the brown lunch bag and taking a small bite.
"Don't make me come down there and feed you myself Adam," Shelby said in a serious voice. Adam smiled, his friends cared for him so much. Yet, the thought of them caring slips his mind from time to time.
"Okay MOMS," Adam said emphasizing 'moms' in a joking matter. Micheal looked over with a horrified expression.
"YOU ATE APPLE!" Micheal jokingly shouted. "You MUST PAY!" Micheal launched himself at Adam as the group burst out laughing at the boys wrestled on the ground.
"Oi oi! That's enough!" Max said breaking them apart. "Who wants to go to the movies tonight? My treat!"
"It was your turn to pay anyway," Tim chimed in, packing his bag. "I'm down."
"Same!" Shelby shouted while jumping down the tree, immediately jumping on Ross' back afterwards. "Rossie is coming to!"
"Don't call me Rossie!" Ross shouted at his cousin. "I'm coming as long as Shelby pays for my popcorn."
"DEAL!" Max shouted before Shelby had a chance to reply.
"Fine," Shelby groaned, setting her chin on her cousins shoulder.
"See you guys tonight," Jess said with a wave, the bell ringing moments later.
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