A buzzing sensation filled the pocket of my jeans, I rolled my eyes shifting slightly trying to focus on the board. It stopped for a few moments before it buzzed again, I let out a heavy breath trying to ignore it.
"Is there a problem miss archer?" Mr. Tweed questioned walking up beside me.
"No sir" I added shifting trying to hide my phone in my pocket.
Mr. Tweed reached his hands out closing my textbook and gathering my pens. He didn't say anything he just looked me up and down before nodding at the door. I held in my sigh as I gathered my things shoving them in my bag. I could feel the eyes on me as I scurried out of the room embarrassed
Pulling my phone out of my pocket I had eighteen texts from Shae, twenty-three from Lip and fifteen from Instagram. Groaning Ignored them shoving my phone back in my pocket I stormed off down the hall completely annoyed with my brother and his best friend. Not looking where I was going I ran into to a solid warm body.
"There you are!" Shae gasped, " did you see it!?" he added.
"You and lip just got me kicked out of Math" I growled with annoyed.
"Yeah yeah yeah, whatever where is your phone" He waved me shaking his hands in a rolling motion.
Whatever it was seemed to be a big deal, seeing Shae roweled up like this was a very rare occasion. Normally it was Lip who was bouncing off the walls while Shae just stood quietly he was usually the more composed out of the two. I could only imagine how Lip was if Shae looked like this.
Walking down the hall towards the stairs to the main floor and rooftop accesses, I slowly pulled my phone. I was purposely taking my time, I could see it was driving Shae nuts and I was enjoying it. a bit of payback for getting me kicked out of class with all his texts messages.
"Instagram open it" he demanded circling behind me like an impatient puppy.
Opening the App, I checked the notifications I had been mentioned fifteen times on a post by Atlas_Gray. I raised a brow I hadn't even known he had an Instagram and now I was being bombarded in mentions for it. tapping the screen I opened the post, my body froze at the sight, eyes growing wide at the post.
A huge thank you to roadtrips for the Instagram post!
It was a picture from the night before when I had first entered the Dance. I hadn't even seen Atlas then yet here he was with a picture of me with the caption " "And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor, Shall be lifted nevermore..." I blinked a couple times.
"Oh that's not even the only one look," Shae said tapping the screen.
Shaes tap revealed Atlas entire page, My thumb flicked the screen scrolling through the posts. Amongst the random posts, of nature, abandon building, blood, bruises and rare occasions Atlas. Was me, images and even a couple videos of me that I had never noticed him taking, going about my business. He had been watching me.
Eyes wide I slowly looked up blinking a few times as I stood frozen in place. Then the smell hit me, smoke from a cigarette. Slowly my eyes wondered up and sure enough sitting on the top railing by the door to the roof, was Atlas. Paying no mind to me and Shae the two flights below him.
Without a word, I yanked Shae's jacket rolling us in under the stairs so Atlas wouldn't see us. My heart was pounding mind racing and emotion bubbled up inside me. How was I supposed to feel about this? Afraid, freaked, admired, proud.
My mind raced in a blur of thoughts and emotions one became clear, to entangle the rest I need one question answered. Why. Why was he doing it, why me and not someone else, why not just ask me. These were the questions I needed to know before I could truly figure out how it all made me feel.
As the bell for lunch chimed I stormed down the hall, I was a girl on a mission. I had told Lip and Shae I had a something to take care of at lunch and I'd see them after school. While they thought I was returning to math to finish my notes, I had other plans.
Scanning the halls I sniffed, eyes searching for any sign of Atlas. Turning around the corner, sure enough, I saw him as he turned the other. I picked up speed storming for the strange boy. Comming up beside him I didn't say a word instead I grabbed his arm and spun him into the indent between two walls where a vending machine once sat.
Atlas looks surprised at my sudden attack, his lean body towering over my making me feel like a mouse standing under a giraffe. I shifted under his glassy gaze, something about the way he looked at me sent a shiver down my spine. I took in a long deep breath.
"Explain, now" I started my voice quiet but firm. he didn't speak he just raised a brow.
"The pictures Atlas. Why. Why me, Why not ask, just say" my body shook hands flailing as I slightly panicked.
Atlas chuckled at me a rare smiling forming on his full lips, I took in a short breath as I froze. My stomach twisted and turned as butterflies formed. it was in this second I actually noticed how close we were. It was closer then I'd ever been to him, closer then I'd seen anyone next to him. The sent of cologne mixed with smoke filled my lungs, it was somehow intoxicating.
"Why not" he retorted simply shrugging.
My mind was numb, I wanted to speak but no words came out, just a tiny pathetic barely an even audible squeak from the back of my throat. Atlas looked down at me his enchanting green eyes scanning every inch of me. The look on his face was as if he was savoring each moment.
Suddenly he let out a soft sigh, Raising his arm his large hand moved towards my face. I wanted to flinch and pull away but I had already unknowingly stepped back pressing my self against the wall. His large fingers were calloused yet soft as they brushed against my temple gently pushing my hair back tucking it behind my ear. His eyes never leaving mine not even for a second.
"Because Every moment waking and asleep my mind is clouded with thoughts of you. Everywhere I look, everywhere I turn. I see you, I hear you. I'm enthralled with you, your beauty, your grace, your innocence, your fight, your very essence Everything about you I crave, It's like a drug, with or without you. It'll kill me."
Atlas voiced was soft and quiet as he spoke and with each word it only grew softer. I didn't even notice he was moving closer, leaning down at first. I was so enchanted by his words, his scent, his very being. Then suddenly it was like he was stealing my soul my breath fleeting from my lungs as his soft lips came crashing down onto mine.
I could taste the nicotine mixed with spearmint gum, and I wanted more. with one hand Atlas cupped my cheek the other wrapping around my back pulling me into him. Our lips moved in sync as our bodies seemed to fit perfectly to each other like to pieces of a puzzle. I could something inside me slithering through my veins twisting inside me. It was like nothing I had ever felt before, a feeling of complete euphoria.
The buzzing grew inside my pocket as Lips ring tone blared. I tried to pull my self away from Atlas my hand starting to pull out my phone. His and dropped my face pushing mine out of the way as he took my phone. His lips brushed against my gently as I watched him shut my phone off and tuck it into his own pocket. Part of me wanted to argu but as he pulled me back into him his lip searching mind I found myself melting at his will.
My mind raced in a blur of thoughts and emotions one became clear, to entangle the rest I need one question answered. Why. Why was he doing it, why me and not someone else, why not just ask me. These were the questions I needed to know before I could truly figure out how it all made me feel.
As the bell for lunch chimed I stormed down the hall, I was a girl on a mission. I had told Lip and Shae I had a something to take care of at lunch and I'd see them after school. While they thought I was returning to math to finish my notes, I had other plans.
Scanning the halls I sniffed, eyes searching for any sign of Atlas. Turning around the corner, sure enough, I saw him as he turned the other. I picked up speed storming for the strange boy. Comming up beside him I didn't say a word instead I grabbed his arm and spun him into the indent between two walls where a vending machine once sat.
Atlas looks surprised at my sudden attack, his lean body towering over my making me feel like a mouse standing under a giraffe. I shifted under his glassy gaze, something about the way he looked at me sent a shiver down my spine. I took in a long deep breath.
"Explain, now" I started my voice quiet but firm. he didn't speak he just raised a brow.
"The pictures Atlas. Why. Why me, Why not ask, just say" my body shook hands flailing as I slightly panicked.
Atlas chuckled at me a rare smiling forming on his full lips, I took in a short breath as I froze. My stomach twisted and turned as butterflies formed. it was in this second I actually noticed how close we were. It was closer then I'd ever been to him, closer then I'd seen anyone next to him. The sent of cologne mixed with smoke filled my lungs, it was somehow intoxicating.
"Why not" he retorted simply shrugging.
My mind was numb, I wanted to speak but no words came out, just a tiny pathetic barely an even audible squeak from the back of my throat. Atlas looked down at me his enchanting green eyes scanning every inch of me. The look on his face was as if he was savoring each moment.
Suddenly he let out a soft sigh, Raising his arm his large hand moved towards my face. I wanted to flinch and pull away but I had already unknowingly stepped back pressing my self against the wall. His large fingers were calloused yet soft as they brushed against my temple gently pushing my hair back tucking it behind my ear. His eyes never leaving mine not even for a second.
"Because Every moment waking and asleep my mind is clouded with thoughts of you. Everywhere I look, everywhere I turn. I see you, I hear you. I'm enthralled with you, your beauty, your grace, your innocence, your fight, your very essence Everything about you I crave, It's like a drug, with or without you. It'll kill me."
Atlas voiced was soft and quiet as he spoke and with each word it only grew softer. I didn't even notice he was moving closer, leaning down at first. I was so enchanted by his words, his scent, his very being. Then suddenly it was like he was stealing my soul my breath fleeting from my lungs as his soft lips came crashing down onto mine.
I could taste the nicotine mixed with spearmint gum, and I wanted more. with one hand Atlas cupped my cheek the other wrapping around my back pulling me into him. Our lips moved in sync as our bodies seemed to fit perfectly to each other like to pieces of a puzzle. I could something inside me slithering through my veins twisting inside me. It was like nothing I had ever felt before, a feeling of complete euphoria.
The buzzing grew inside my pocket as Lips ring tone blared. I tried to pull my self away from Atlas my hand starting to pull out my phone. His and dropped my face pushing mine out of the way as he took my phone. His lips brushed against my gently as I watched him shut my phone off and tuck it into his own pocket. Part of me wanted to argue but as he pulled me back into him his lip searching mind I found myself melting at his will.
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