Miss Mercy
I finally opened my eyes after I assumed Karma hit me with a blunt object because of this knot on the back of my head. What I saw unfold before me was a church-like building, long windows, chandeliers, and a long aisle, except for the seats now that I think of It this looks like.. a courtroom?!. The man behind me uncuffed me. "Weird," I thought. In The stories I heard of court from our jester, no criminals are ever uncuffed or maybe Karma's little gang does things differently. He threw me up at a podium In a small 2x2 room a microphone was present and the walls were glass, he closed the door behind him and then walked out of the "debate room" Shoot I don't know what to call this everything abnormal In this stupid forest. "I knew I shouldn't have come here!" I kicked my feet at the walls then. *shatter* glass fell from the outside on the carpet. Wait...It was a stretch but..then my plans of escape were interrupted pink lights flashed In my eyes a weird melody was In my ears kind of sounded like that one Britney Spears song. You know the just like the circusssss, yeah! That one but with no words. A woman quickly charged In with what looked like an army of men behind her. "Oh no you don't" She threw a weirdly shaped glowing object. It hit the 2 by 2 room and the room shook lightly then light filled the room moving down to up and suddenly the room was fixed the small hole my foot created was now gone..."What was that?" I ask more confused than anything the woman looked at me her long pink hair and diamond pupils staring at me. She walked closer to me placing a hand on the glass. "Sweetie, Have you ever seen anyone like me?" She pulled a strand of hair behind her ear showing they were more pointy than normal than different animal's ears sprew out of her first cat ears then deer antlers, next large bunny ears, then a unicorn horn. "No ma'am" I shook my head placing a hand on the glass as well. "I can sense It, You've been deceived" She smiled at me showing her pointy shark teeth. "You sense It?" I asked again. She nodded. "I will be your judge for the trial In this forest society we don't solve cases the same the kingdom does" She seemed angry now. "W-what are you?" She slimed again. "You know of the corrupted don't you?" I shook my head, I had no idea of any corruption My teacher In the castle didn't teach me anything about the outside world or current events. "Well I am corrupted, those stupid royals threw me out of the kingdom after noticing my empathic powers" She sighed. "I can tell someone's true intentions and was gonna be brought In as a person to resolve the brewing war of the kingdom and the towns folk but for some reason, the king refused to see me you know of this story don't you?" She raised an eyebrow. "S-sorry did you say the king refused the truth?" this whole thing seems so complex. "What happened after the king refused to see you?" I ask trying to piece things together. "Well you've ventured to the forest so wait-" She stopped. "You're not from the forest because If you were you would know about the corruption" Her eyes were now piercing through my eyes her glare was filled with tension, and a shiver came down my mind. "Your dressed pretty formally to be a city folk.." She examined me stopping looking at my heels. I placed my hand on my heart. "I-I'm not an enemy" I looked Into her eyes. "Karma wouldn't lie would he?" The girl began to wonder then she shook her head and sighed. "Maybe not I know Karma wouldn't lie to me about you being a City woman" She smiled again "What you a spy or something?" She smirked then laughed. "Yep!" I quickly accepted the Idea It seems this girl doesn't like royals and In my situation, It would be good for me to suck up to this Jury girl. "Well Miss Spy I am called Maveen, The One who Understands" She put her hand on her knees bending down to my face as she was quite tall "Although My names Mercy" Talk about dramatic "Mercy? You sure the people don't fear you" I let out a snickle. "Nope they beg to see Miss Mercy" She let out a chuckle. "Begging for Mercy" I laughed, and she laughed with me but truth be told I was laughing for a different reason not due to amusement but to hide my fear, I was terrified of how this trial would go down, to be honest.
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