this chapter includes descriptions of RAPE. if you are easily triggered please do not read it.
ps : if you have any problems, please dm me instead of reporting the chapter or my account (please). i have cut this chapter down HEAVILY from last time and for more ensurity, put //// before the parts of rape.
(new note : i wrote this scene without realizing that writing a scene like this isn't right nor suitable for this sort of site / audience. however, i keep it as it is vital to the plot. i do not write such scenes anymore nor do i PROMOTE SUCH THINGS. this scene is to show the gruesome reality some people have to face and NOT glorifying non consensual dubious sex. thank you.)
Jimin pulled at the ropes he was bound to, already feeling tears in his eyes.
"Sir- please, do something. We-we can't have him-" Namjoon started, but Dokeun wasn't ready to listen. He was still looking at Ruiji, who still had his son trapped.
"No- no please don't- please let me go, please," Jungkook cried, and Ruiji laughed at how scared he looked, making all the other men laugh as well.
"Your son's a bit of a weakling, isn't he? Nothing like that other one. Ah- if only you didn't kill him." Ruiji said, and Jungkook already felt tears arising in his eyes, heart pounding in his chest.
Jungkook got a harsh slap on his face, and more cruel laughter followed. Jungkook sniffled, and then saw Ruiji smirk and look to his right.
"Who wants to go first?" Ruiji asked, and Jungkook blinked back his tears, hoping- praying to god that his father would stop them. That someone would stop them.
"Jackson-" Ruiji said, and then gestured at him to come over.
Jackson, surprisingly, looked hesitant. He looked at Jungkook- the helpless boy thrown atop a table in front of everyone- and gulped.
He can't. He can't do that to Jungkook. He can't do that to Taehyung.
"I-I can't, father- this-" Jackson started, and Ruiji scoffed, looking at him with disbelief and anger.
"Are you serious? Great. He's all mine then. This should be fun." Ruiji smirked, and then flipped Jungkook over.
Jungkook tried wriggling out of his grasp, but two guards came over and tied his legs together and hands together, making him sniffle and look down, already feeling like a piece of scrap.
"Tell me, Dokeun. Would you rather watch your son get raped in front of everyone, or tell us your dirty little secrets." Ruiji's voice boomed, and Dokeun didn't move a muscle.
"You're tougher than I thought. Looks like we'll have to hurt him to get anything out of you, huh?" Ruiji snickered, and Jungkook heard the unzipping of his trousers, and bit his lip, trying to move out.
But he couldn't. He was stuck.
"Mr. Jeon please! He's your son- you can't just-" Jimin started, because no one else was saying anything. All the boys were watching with wide eyes and outraged expressions. They were grieved, disgusted in having to watch the boy they raised be tortured like this.
"Quiet!" Dokeun growled, and Jimin looked at Jungkook with teary eyes, feeling hopeless.
When his dry cock entered him, Jungkook screamed. He screamed no and stop, and felt tears gushing down his face, voice hoarse from screaming. His words got mixed with his tears and he couldn't see. Couldn't think, he-he couldn't breathe.
The laughs from the other men only increased, and so did Ruiji's snickering, as he penetrated the 18 year old boy dry, making him scream in agony and pain. It hurt, it hurt because he wasn't only getting raped, he was being showcased as the weak sissy son of Jeon Dokeun.
Ruiji lifted Jungkook's head up, making his tear gazed eyes meet all the boys' eyes. Jimin was crying himself, Namjoon looked enraged, Jin was looking down, tears flowing down his face, because he couldn't watch.
His father- he-he had the same expression on his face. Uncaring. Ruthless. He rather have his son be humiliated in front of everyone than spill out any secret.
"This- this is the future of the Jeon Mafia, Dokeun. This is your kin, your heir!" Ruiji laughed, and continued thrusting into Jungkook, making him tremble against the table. His entire body was shaking, unable to comprehend a single emotion or feeling- all he saw was red and all he felt was pain.
The dry friction of the man's penis inside Jungkook's chaste walls caused excruciating pain to every inch of Jungkook's body. All he could do was beg, cry, scream at the man for him to stop and leave him be. It led to no prevail, for it just urged the man to continue.
After ages of Ruiji spitting at the future of the Jeon Mafia and laughing at Dokeun and impaling Jungkook- he pulled out, cumming into Jungkook's hole.
A vile mixture of semen and blood trickled down Jungkook's thighs, and the air around him got thick. Jungkook lay there on the table, unable to move or stand up, just laying there like the fucked-out brainless ragdoll he felt like.
"You could just tell us, Dokeun. I could stop this torture in an instant. We've already taken all the resources and files from your house. All we need is that extra from you." Ruiji said.
"You're not getting anything." Dokeun shouted, voice low and harsh.
Ruiji snickered. "Alright then. I've got all the time in the world." Ruiji said, and then he ushered some of the other guards.
"Boys- take him away. Do whatever you please. Make sure he screams." Ruiji said, and Jungkook cried out in pain, tears leaking out of his eyes when he saw four men walk towards him. One of them untied the ropes which restrained his legs and arms.
Namjoon's eyes widened, and he let out a hopeless groan, dropping his head- because he couldn't do anything. All he could do was watch. Helplessly watch the loving, kind-hearted, adorable baby he raised get raped.
One of the men lifted him up and carried him to the back of the warehouse, followed by the three other men. They threw him down to ground rather roughly, making him wince. They laughed at his state.
One of the other men gripped his legs and lifted them up and pulled them apart, exposing him to them. "Your father killed my brother, d'ya know that?" One of the men said, evil glint in his eye.
The laughter continued, as did more men walk over to him, viewing the scene and laughing upon the face of the boy, who was shaking in fear and pain.
Jackson stood there against the wall, hearing his father go on tormenting Dokeun about something or the other. None of his words were too clear, for Jungkook's screams filled up the room, echoing through the walls. Jackson could see how the other boys- except his father -were all wincing or tearing up or breathing heavily, looking outraged and saddened.
"Man-" Jaebum mumbled, biting on his thumbnail. "I-I feel bad for him." Jaebum said, and Jackson pressed his lips together.
"Your father didn't tell us he was going to rape him," Jinyoung said, and Jackson gulped. "I didn't know either. Is-is it weird for me to say that this somehow is worse than just killing him?"
Jaebum's phone dinged, and he looked at the screen. "Bambam's fine. Yugyeom and Youngjae are going to stay in the hospital with him for a bit." Jaebum said, and Jackson sighed in relief.
"That's good- but where the fuck are Mark and Taehyung?" Jackson asked.
Taehyung sat there in the car, picking at the thread of his black jeans. "Is it working?" Taehyung asked, and Mark continued typing something into his laptop. "I've almost hacked into the cameras- just wait."
Taehyung took out his phone, and frowned when he saw many missed calls and messages.
[from Jackson]
where the fuck are you guys??
[from Jackson]
its really bad here. fathers gone fucking crazy.
[from Jackson]
im sorry.
Taehyung's breath hitched, and he looked at Mark. "Mark- get into the cameras right now. Jackson's saying something bad's going on." Taehyung said, and Mark finally got into the cameras.
The screen on Mark's laptop showed chairs, and boys tied onto it. Taehyung looked at all of them, and frowned. "They're all there- except Jungkook. Where- where is he? S-show the other cameras, Mark, quick."
Taehyung snapped, and Mark rolled his eyes.
"Calm down, this shit takes time. Wait-"
Mark continued typing into some other shit that Taehyung didn't understand, and then clicked on the screen.
Taehyung's heart dropped.
His eyes widened, going glassy, breath hitched, he froze.
On the screen was Wang Ruiji- with a naked boy which Taehyung instantly spotted as Jungkook bent over his table. Mark frowned as well and pressed on one of the buttons to turn the speaker on.
The moment he did, Jungkook's scream was heard through it. "This is the fate of the Jeon Mafia." Ruiji's voice boomed, and he laughter after, along with the other men.
Mark slowly turned to Taehyung, whose eyes were widened in fear.
"T-that's-" Taehyung stammered, gripping onto the seat. "That's my-"
Mark gripped onto Taehyung's arm. "Taehyung, I know this is bad. But there's nothing we can do- we-we go in there, they'll shoot us, and-"
"They're hurting him. They- t-they're raping him, Mark, they're fucking raping him!" Taehyung shouted, and Mark gulped, and Taehyung watched as some men walked towards Jungkook on the screen and lifted him up carelessly.
Taehyung could hear his pleads of no, hear his cries, how-how fucking helpless he looked. Taehyung felt tears in his eyes, biting down on his lips so had he felt blood.
"We need to do something- I-I need to do something!" Taehyung snapped, and Mark looked at him hesitantly.
Taehyung broke down, seeing how the man threw him to the side and began laughing at his state. "T-this is all my fault- he doesn't deserve- I need to do something, please Mark." Taehyung said weakly, and Mark looked at Taehyung.
"I have an idea. But it'll take some time." Mark said, and Taehyung felt red.
First that man kills his parents. Then rapes the love of his life. Only to laugh after. Taehyung felt something take over him, flowing into his veins and go straight to his heart. Anger. Pure fucking anger.
"Guess we'll just have to be fast, then." Taehyung husked, and Mark nodded, because he'd never seen Taehyung this angered before.
Jungkook heard laughs, followed by comments about how wet he was as the inerasable pain inside of him and outside. surrounded by these men who violated him and touched him and did things which were unspeakable.
Jungkook's voice was gone. His throat was hoarse to the point of nothing coming out. He couldn't fight. He couldn't move. He couldn't scream. He was numb.
Men formed a circle around him, all taking turns to fuck his abused hole. Jungkook tried fighting. He was a weak fucking bitch, but he tried fighting- he-he did.
But there was no use. They didn't stop. No one stopped them. No one tried to save him. His father just allowed Ruiji to let his men rape Jungkook.
No one did anything. So neither did Jungkook. He just lay there, letting himself take it with tears in his eyes, a breathless scratchy whimper leaving his lips.
They used hot oil for their matters. They made sure to bruise him and give him cuts that would last longer than he wanted. There was blood, so much of it that he felt his innocence gone.
They were ruthless. Complete fucking animals, these men. They didn't care. Didn't care that Jungkook was only 18. Didn't care that Jungkook hadn't done any wrong. Didn't care that Jungkook was trying to grip onto something forlorn, feeling a roughness slam into his hole for the umpth time.
They were evil. Brainless, evil, fucking psychotic. No other explanation for how or why someone could do this to another human, no matter what they've done. And Jungkook knew that, knew how wrong this was, but they didn't care. No one did, and that hurt more than the pain itself.
"Boys- that's enough." Ruiji called, and the men snickered and stepped away from Jungkook, the last man pulling out, spurting semen onto his thigh.
Jungkook lay there, not trying to move or get up. He was weak, he was useless. Fragile as a single feather, just stepped and trampled on.
Jungkook saw one man walk towards him. He didn't know who. He'd lost all sense of anything. All he felt was blood and tears. The man lifted him up, being gentler than the others.
"Not gonna have your turn with him, Jackson?" A man asked, and the others started cackling, clearly thinking this whole thing was amusing, hilarious to see the son of an enemy like this.
Jungkook tried adjusting his eyes and saw Jackson Wang, the man who was the son of Ruiji. "Shut up." Jackson snapped, and Jungkook's frail and pale body was carried to someplace.
"I'm sorry." Jackson whispered softly, and Jungkook didn't respond, just looked up at the ceiling. His lip was split. A small cut under his eyes. Bruises all over his body. Scars that would never fade away. Physical and mental scars.
Jackson carried the unclothed boy and then placed him onto the floor, making Jungkook cry in pain. Jungkook's head was lifted up by his hair, to which Jungkook whimpered. Jungkook looked up through his teary eyes and saw Ruiji, the man who started this all.
Ruiji moved Jungkook's head to look at the boys. Jungkook tried looking away, but Ruiji gripped him by his chin harshly. "Look at your father," Ruiji said, and Jungkook opened his dulled eyes, and saw his father.
Jungkook's vulnerable, exposed, defenseless self looked at his father, and he felt meek. Pathetic.
"That man allowed his own son to be gangraped- because he's unwilling to give away small secrets. Fucking pathetic." Ruiji snickered, and Jungkook felt his tears in his eyes.
He felt like screaming. Why? Why wouldn't he stop Ruiji? Why would his father allow these men to hurt Jungkook like that? Why would he allow his son to be raped? Why would he rather protect his legacy than his own family? His own blood?
Jungkook began crying, sobbing. Why didn't he care? Why did no one care? Why did they all let Jungkook be raped and just watched? What did he do to deserve this? Why did he get all the pain?
"Why?" Jungkook let out, and Ruiji laughed. Jungkook looked at his father, who was unwilling to meet Jungkook in the eyes. "D-do something, father- please, it-it hurts," Jungkook choked out, shaking as he felt tears overtake him.
"Oh, poor thing. Your father doesn't care about you, little one. He only cares about himself." Ruiji tsked, gripping Jungkook by the back of his hair.
"You didn't see him back there, did you?" Ruiji said, and continued gripping Jungkook's hair. Jungkook felt blood trickle down his lip. "How many men, exactly?" Ruiji asked with a smirk.
"13, at least." A man said from the back, and Jungkook felt himself cry out at that.
"13 men have ruined your son. Fucked him. And all he did was scream and scream and scream for his daddy to come help him- but you did nothing. Really shows the kind of father you are, Dokeun." Ruiji said, and Jungkook saw how angered and broken the other boys looked at that statement.
"How will he be a leader, Dokeun?" Ruiji asked, and Jungkook saw how irked his father looked. Not at the fact that Jungkook was hurt. But at the fact that their family name was destroyed. He didn't care about Jungkook.
Suddenly, Ruiji grabbed Jungkook by the back of his head and slammed his head onto the wooden floor. Jungkook cried out in pain, continually sobbing. Jungkook felt pressure on the back of his head, and realized Ruiji was stepping on him with his shoe, forcing his head down further.
"Tell me, Dokeun. Tell me!" Ruiji shouted, and Dokeun didn't move. He was the only one from all the men who wasn't crying. Who wasn't begging to spill out secrets.
"Sir- please-" Jin let out, sounding weak himself, while Jimin was crying loudly, unable to stop his cries of protest against the acts taking place against Jungkook. "Please- d-do something- he's just a b-baby- he d-didn't d-do anything!" Jin cried, tears rising in his eyes.
"Dokeun for fuck's sake!" Yoongi shouted, voice hoarse himself. "He's your fucking son! Don't you see what they're doing to him?!" Yoongi continued, voice breaking. Dokeun continued looking straight ahead.
"They're turning against you, Dokeun. They all will. You killed all my men years ago. My sister, you murdered my sister!" Ruiji shouted, and Jackson, who was watching from the sidelines, felt his breathing go heavy.
"So you will tell me now, and I will murder your son." Ruiji said, and then lifted Jungkook's head up. Ruiji grabbed a gun and then snickered and shoved the barrel of the gun into Jungkook's mouth.
"Tell me."
Jungkook choked around the gun, and then looked up.
Jungkook met with Namjoon's eyes, and gave him a pleading look, begging internally for something. Namjoon tugging against the ropes, crying himself.
"Don't hurt him, dammit! He doesn't know anything! He didn't do anything wrong!" Namjoon yelled finally, and Ruiji just laughed and shoved the gun deeper into Jungkook's mouth.
"Here it goes." Ruiji said, and then he pressed his finger on the trigger.
All the boys' eyes widened, including Jackson's. Even Dokeun looked a tad bit worried.
Jungkook felt his heart wallow in his chest. Thump thump thump thump. Ruiji took the trigger, and then dug his finger onto it just a bit more, and then-
The doors of the warehouse burst open.
The gun was removed from Jungkook's mouth as everyone's eyes went up, stances ready.
Jungkook fell onto the floor, weak, exhausted, practically dead.
Jungkook opened his eyes to look and see. See what caused the silence. What saved his life.
He saw him. Silver hair, bandana, dressed in all black. Eyebrows dark and skin tan. Holding a machine gun the size of his arm, eyes darkened- practically red.
Kim Taehyung.
"Wang Ruiji- get ready to die." Taehyung's deep voice growled, and Jungkook felt his eyes stirring, his stomach queasy. A spark of hope, perhaps, lightened in his chest.
i didnt add too many graphic / gory details like i did last time (like an idiot) but i still understand it's quite dark and disturbing so if anyone has ANY issues please contact me on wattpad or twitter or ANYTHING i will literally delete this book if theres any negative comments but please please please dont report my account or this book please.
!!!! if u skipped the scene, jungkook was r*ped by ruiji's men, and the boys couldn't help. tae saw him through a security camera footage and went to help him. !!!
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