Taehyung stood up and walked out of Jungkook's bedroom, wiping the blood off his face. One of the guards who used to work outside was dead on the floor. Taehyung saw Mark and Jackson by the main door, Jackson still holding Jungkook over his shoulder like a rag doll.
Taehyung rushed up to them and then grabbed Jungkook. Jackson looked irked but let Taehyung grab the boy. Taehyung fell onto the floor, holding Jungkook in his lap.
Jungkook's eyes were shut, face pale. He looked precious, he always did. Taehyung brushed some of the hair out of his face and pressed a kiss to his forehead, lips lingering for longer.
"Tae- he'll be fine." Jackson snapped, and Taehyung looked up at him.
"No he won't! You don't know what your father will do!" Taehyung snapped back, holding Jungkook's head up.
"I'll make sure Jungkook doesn't get hurt, Tae. We need to get back to the house right now." Jackson said, and Taehyung lifted Jungkook up, his guilt weighing him down.
"Where-where are the others?" Taehyung asked, and Mark looked at Taehyung with slight remorse, eyes showing some indescribably emotion.
"That stupid stripper boy shot Bambam in the leg. He's at the hospital, I think Yugyeom's there with him. We drugged him and the other boy that was here. They're in the van." Mark said, and Jackson was already out the door, heading to the car.
"Mark- please. Let me take him away. I-I'll literally- I'll do so much-" Taehyung started, and Mark sighed.
"I'm sorry, Tae. There's nothing we can do. The boss gave us orders. We can't just decline." Mark said, and Taehyung looked down at Jungkook and then carried him to the car.
Taehyung climbed into the car, and placed Jungkook on his lap, holding the smaller boy tightly. He knew Mark and Jackson were giving him looks, but he didn't car. He needed to keep his baby safe.
"Jackson- it's your father." Mark said, and then handed Jackson the phone. The driver began driving, and Jackson pressed the phone to his ear.
"What?- yeah, we have everyone. Even the son. .......No- father- that's barbaric. You said torture, you didn't mention anything about anyone dying. No- that's-" Jackson took a deep breath, and rolled his eyes as his father continued talking from the other side.
"Alright fine whatever." Jackson mumbled, and then cut the call. Jackson looked up at Mark and sighed.
"I fucking hate him. Wish he'd just- ugh. Y'know, if it wasn't for him, we would've been so much further than we are right now. Leading stuff like he does isn't getting us anywhere. This is how people used to deal in the 80's, not now." Jackson grumbled, and Mark hummed, taking his phone.
"Don't worry, Jackson. When you become leader-"
"When, Mark? He's not that old. He's young enough to do missions and shit. He'd not going to give up on his position as leader until he's dead- which won't be for a long time." Jackson mumbled. His father was only in his 40's- rather young compared to Jungkook's father.
Taehyung, in the meantime, continued trailing his fingers through Jungkook's fluffy black hair. His eyes were closed, eyelashes casting a shadow on his face. He looked peaceful. Though he wasn't.
Taehyung held him close- because this might be the last time he would be able to. Jungkook would never want to see his face again. Taehyung doesn't blame him. Jungkook doesn't deserve someone as villainous and unjust as Taehyung.
"Tae- you need to get over this-"
"Shut up, Jackson." Taehyung snapped, looking at him with darkened eyes. "You don't know how this fucking feels, alright? You two never gave a shit about anyone. For once- I-I finally found something good in my life- and now you're going to take it away." Taehyung said, voice weak.
"Taehyung, this was your mission. Don't you want to avenge your parents?"
"I-I do. But not with him. He didn't kill them. Dokeun did." Taehyung said, and Mark looked at Jackson, and then back at Taehyung.
"We're here." Mark said, and they quickly climbed out of the car. Taehyung propped Jungkook up and climbed out of the car as well, holding the rather light boy. Taehyung pressed a kiss to his cheek.
"Promise you won't be hurt, baby. I promise."
Taehyung whispered softly, and then suddenly, one of the guards working there snatched the boy out of Taehyung's hands, throwing him over his shoulder like he's nothing.
"W-wait-" Taehyung started, but then felt a hand on his back. Jackson and the other guards carried Jin and Jimin- who were all passed out- into the warehouse beside the house.
"Taehyung." A low voice growled, and Taehyung turned to see Ruiji himself. Taehyung gulped when he saw the older man, and tried to get his guard up again. He couldn't be weak.
"I've just learned that you weren't willing to give that bastard's son in?" Ruiji spoke, words articulate. Taehyung's breath hitched.
"Sir, he-" Mark started.
"Quiet!" Ruiji's voice boomed, and Mark shut up, looking away quickly. "This is not the first, not the second, not the third, but the fourth time you've failed to do something I told you to. Do you think this is some kind of a joke?!" Ruiji shouted, and Taehyung stilled, and shook his head.
"I just-"
"Your parents would be disappointed in you. I'm disappointed in you. Their son can't even kill the man who murdered them?!" Ruiji said, and Taehyung shook his head again.
"I can, I just don't want to kill his-"
"Your incompetence has suffered me multiple downfalls, Taehyung. You're exactly like your father!" Ruiji shouted, and Taehyung finally looked up at him, furrowing his eyebrows.
"Sir-" Mark started, eyes widening, as if telling him to stop talking.
"Your father was like you. Lead with his emotions. Allowed so many people to stay alive because he believed they had good in them. Your mother, too. Tried to raise you like a normal kid when I told them not to many times. They tried being normal. Their guilt overtook them." Ruiji said, and Taehyung was confused.
"Your parents were going to hand themselves into the police. They were willing to go to jail and take everything down just because they believed they've committed crimes and are worthy of nothing. Their stupid moral compass got better of them and-" Ruiji started, and Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed.
"What?" Taehyung said lowly, and then Ruiji began chuckling. Chuckling.
"You poor soul. It's time you know the truth, because you won't be here long. Dokeun only killed your parents because I led him to believe he should." Ruiji said.
Taehyung froze.
His eyes widened. He froze. He felt his stomach wrench and his heart drop. "W-what?" Taehyung let out weakly, and Mark instantly placed his hand on Taehyung's shoulder.
"Sir, that's enough, please." Mark said quickly.
"I'm as guilty of killing them as much as Dokeun is, Taehyung. And you should know that- because this is how the real world works. You're a puppet in our hands. That's all you are." Ruiji growled, and Taehyung was stood there, frozen still.
The man in front of him. The man he's known since he was 12. The man he trusted and grew up beside. He was the evil all along?
"You-y-you-" Taehyung started, but Ruiji laughed.
"But not anymore, Taehyung. You're fired. Get out of here- don't ever step foot in my property again. Be thankful I didn't shoot you on spot." Ruiji snapped and began walking away. Taehyung lost it, turning around solemnly.
He knew he should shout at him. Scream for killing his parents. But there's only one thing Taehyung could think of. "D-don't hurt him. Please." Taehyung tried, and Ruiji didn't look back, just kept walking.
Taehyung turned to Mark as the doors of the warehouse closed. "I'll get him someday, Mark. I'll return someday and I'll murder him with my bare hands, Mark- I-I-"
"Let's go." Mark said, and Taehyung frowned.
"I don't wanna be a part of this anymore. I'm tired of spending my life around these fucking disgusting men. We're getting out of here. I have surveillance cameras in one of those cars. Let's stay there." Mark said, and Taehyung looked at him.
"You don't have to do this Mark-"
"No, I do. What you said made me think. I don't think I've ever loved anyone or anything. And, y'know what, I promised you I wouldn't hurt Jungkook. So I'm not going to. C'mon- let's go." Mark said, and Taehyung gave him a small smile.
When Jungkook opened his eyes, he felt like he was in a trance. Like he was tripping on high drugs. Everything was a blur. He could see flashes of lights, but couldn't focus on them. He couldn't move his arms or legs, felt like he was frozen still.
That's until he realized his arms and legs were tied up, and he was sitting on a chair.
Jungkook blinked a couple of times, letting out a small groan as he felt the heaviness in his body cascade away. Jungkook opened his eyes fully, and then saw a bunch of men standing in front. They were snickering, holding guns.
Jungkook blinked, adjusting his eyes, and then realized who it was. The Wangs. He recognized Jackson. Jungkook looked around, and then saw Jimin tied to the chair next to him, and his father on the right side of him, also tied to a chair.
Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok- they were all tied up to chairs, along with some more guards and all who worked at the house. They were all gradually waking up as well, adjusting their vision to the bright light in front of them.
"They're up." A voice came, and Jungkook felt fear in his body, looking around to see if Taehyung was there. Taehyung wasn't. The fear increased.
"Ah- Jeon Dokeun. I've dreamt of this day for years now, but finally, it's here." A deeper voice said, and Jungkook looked to see Wang Ruiji. The boss himself.
Jungkook's father was trained for these kind of situations, so he stayed perfectly still, just chuckling- trying not to show his nervousness. "We meet again." Dokeun said dryly, and Ruiji laughed.
"Indeed, we do. But this time- only one of us is going to make it out alive." Ruiji said. Dokeun's eyebrow twitched in anger, and Jungkook could see Namjoon- who was sitting beside his father look equally tense.
"Years of shutting us down. Killing our men. Invading our space. Taking our resources. Lying to the whole world and telling them my son killed yours?" Ruiji said, and then walked close to Dokeun.
"When really, it was you who killed your own son." Ruiji spoke, and the boys all looked at Dokeun, eyebrows furrowed.
They were in a warehouse, that was for sure. It was dark, except for a few lights here and there. The Wangs had lots of men. There were more than 25, standing here and there, only some holding guns.
"That's not-" Dokeun started, and Wang laughed.
"Don't pretend, Dokeun. We know everything. Like I said, I've been dreaming of this day for ages. We sent one of our men into your house. I'm sure you know him. Kim Taehyung." Wang said, and Dokeun looked away for a few seconds, putting 2 and 2 together.
"He got us all this information- but the main parts, I wanted from you." Wang said, and Dokeun looked angry.
"1999. You invaded our house and killed almost all our men. 2008. You did the same. Now- finally, we get our revenge from you bastards who think you're above everyone!" Ruiji shouted. Ruiji grabbed a gun and then loaded it with bullets.
"We just want simple things. Like the location of your drug cartel. Name of your seller. Name of the company who gives you weapons. Can't keep everything so secretive, now can you?" Ruiji said, and snickered.
"You won't know anything." Dokeun growled, and Ruiji laughed. "Oh, but I will. Tell me now before I do something worse, Jeon." Ruiji said.
"3." Ruiji said, and Dokeun stayed still. "2."
Still perfectly still. "1."
Ruiji shot the gun at one of the guards who worked for Dokeun, who let out a cry of pain and then his head lopsided as the bullet went straight into his chest.
Jungkook's eyes widened- because he'd known that guard since he was a child. Jungkook turned to his father, face pale with worry.
"Ah- I've got to do something more, have I?" Ruiji said, and then looked at all the strapped men.
Ruiji's eyes wandered, until they fell on Jungkook. Jungkook gulped, cowering his head quickly, but didn't miss how Ruiji smirked.
"Your son. Jungkook, was it?" Ruiji said, walking closer to him. "The one who hid so well for years. How old is he? 20?" Ruiji asked.
"18." Jackson said, leaning against the table, smirking. Ruiji snickered. "Young." Ruiji said, and then walked back to the table.
"Jackson, untie him and get him here." Ruiji said, and Jungkook felt fear bubbling in his stomach. Jungkook looked at his father, who didn't move a muscle.
"F-father, please," Jungkook tried, but Jackson was untying the ropes around his arms and legs and then lifting them up, a tight grip on his shirt.
Jungkook felt anxious as Jackson pushed him and dragged him to the table. Jungkook could see all the boys grow worried, all except his own father.
Jackson knew what to do, so he grabbed the gun and held it against Jungkook's head, holding his hands from the back. Jungkook hesitantly tried pulling away, but it didn't work, for Jackson's grip only tightened.
Jungkook looked up in dread, seeing how his father was still glaring at Ruiji. "Tell us now, or your son's gone." Ruiji said.
"3." Ruiji counted down again, and Jungkook's breathing became heavier, feeling uneasy. "2." Ruiji continued.
"Father-" Jungkook tried shouting, but it lead to no prevail. Jungkook shut his eyes, knowing it was coming, because his father didn't even blink.
I'm going to die. I'm going to die. I'm going to-
Nothing. No number one. No sound.
"You saw right through me. He knew I wasn't going to kill his son." Ruiji laughed, and the other men started laughing as well. "Well then, this is going to be harder than I thought."
Jackson began snickering, putting the gun down. Jungkook saw how Namjoon and Jin looked utterly worried, eyes wide in panic.
"I've got an idea." Ruiji said, leaning his palms against the table. "If this isn't how you want to play, then fine." Ruiji said, and then looked straight at Dokeun.
"Jackson," Ruiji called, smirking. "Strip him.
Jungkook's eyes widened, and so did Jackson's. "W-what?" Jackson let out, and Ruiji looked at him.
"Did I stutter? I said strip him naked. Now." Ruiji said, and Jackson looked a bit worried. He looked at Jungkook, whose eyes were widened in pure fear, not wanting to be in such a vulnerable and weak position in front of all these men.
"Sir- please, they-" Namjoon started, and Dokeun shushed him.
"Shut up." Dokeun muttered, and Namjoon gulped.
Jungkook saw some more men walk towards him and they began pulling at his jeans, tugging at his sweater. Jungkook whimpered, pushing them away.
"D-don't- please-" Jungkook let out weakly, and the men just laughed and then ripped his clothes off. Jungkook felt arms around him, holding him down as they pulled his boxers off, making him cry out in embarrassment. "No no-" Jungkook tried protesting, but then they left him.
Jungkook cried out when he was completely naked, dropping to the floor. Jungkook looked at them, pathetically cowering away. Everyone's eyes were on him, and he felt himself quivering with fear, his already broken state urging to crumble further.
"Get him here." Ruiji commanded, and Jackson looked at his father with hesitant eyes, but lifted the nude boy up and dropped him onto the table.
Jungkook looked and saw Ruiji, and he tried fighting back, but the man grabbed his wrists. He was hoping what he thought was going to happen wouldn't happen. Ruiji smirked, a devilish smirk that made Jungkook's insides rotten.
"N-no- please don't-" Jungkook began stammering, and Ruiji only snickered.
"Oh god-" Yoongi whispered to himself fearfully, watching how Ruiji gripped onto Jungkook's bare hips, making the boy whimper in pain.
"I guess if you won't give us answers, we'll have a bit of our fun, won't we? Because the men in this house haven't had a good fuck for ages." Ruiji smirked, eyes glinting with red.
Jungkook heard all the other men laugh and felt weak, unable to do anything. Fear. Pure, unleashed, gut wrenching fear took over him, swimming through his veins. He was powerless.
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