some of yall already went ahead and read dollie sigh i guess thats my fault for no saying it earlier / not updating vendetta fast enough. sorry.
Jungkook walked out of the room, closing it quickly. The entire room was dark, with the body of a black haired woman on the floor, along with many more. Jungkook wretchedly stepped over it, walking towards the basement, where he assumed the others were- from what Yoongi said.
Jungkook slowly walked down the stairs. It was pitch black. Jungkook reached his fingertips to his earpiece and pressed the button. "Hello? Where are you guys-"
"This is Gumdrop- Kooksie, we have a slight situation. Be very quiet." Jimin's voice said through the earpiece, and Jungkook gulped. A situation? That didn't sound good.
Jungkook peeped down the stairs into the basement, which was gigantic, almost like the inside of a warehouse. He could hear faint voices against the stairwell, wondering if he should go down or not.
Jungkook turned around, gun pointed. He then saw Yeri standing there, eyes wide. "Yeri- what-what're you doing here? I thought you said-"
"M-my friend -s-she's dead. Some-someone killed her, Jungkook. D-did you-" Yeri started, and then Jungkook said the tears in her eyes, and how her face was paled, stricken.
Jungkook shook his head. "No! I didn't- I don't know who did it. I'm so sorry, Yeri." Jungkook said, walking closer to her. Yeri reached her hands to her face, wiping her tears quickly.
"She-e just got o-out of the hospital from b-being shot, and-and now she's dead. I know it's not your fault, b-but-" Yeri started, and Jungkook didn't know what to do- he'd never really been in this kind of a situation before.
"I'm sorry. I-I'll try to make sure none of your other friends get hurt." Jungkook said softly, and the girl snickered.
"You can't do that-"
"I can try! It's the least I can do- I mean, you-you could've shot me back there in your room. But you didn't." Jungkook said, and Yeri smiled a little.
"If Irene finds out I'm talking to you she'll kill me," Yeri giggled, and Jungkook giggled lightly as well.
"Me too. Let's hope they don't find out." Jungkook said, and Yeri smiled a little.
"I know it's weird- But can we be friends, Jungkook? You seem sweet." Yeri said, and Jungkook smiled as well.
"Of-of course we can, Yeri! I've never really had a lot of friends my age," Jungkook said, and Yeri gasped.
"Me too! I-"
Suddenly, Jungkook heard static in his earpiece. "Where the fuck are you? We need backup-"
"Shit, I have to go. Just be safe, Yeri." Jungkook said, and Yeri nodded. "You too," Yeri said, and Jungkook gave her a small smile, before rushing down the stairs, clutching the gun in his hand.
Yeri watched as Jungkook rushed down the stairs and into the basement, and then tapped her earpiece. "They're all in the basement." Yeri whispered, looking with darkened eyes as Jungkook disappeared into the darkness.
"Good job, Yeri. Now get that boy and kill him," Irene's voice said through the earpiece, and Yeri smirked, and leaned her elbows against the rails.
"Oh, but that's too easy, Irene. Lemme have some fun with him. He thinks we're 'friends'." Yeri said, and heard a laugh.
"Aw- sounds like a rookie. Go for it." Irene said, and Yeri smirked and turned her earpiece off.
Meanwhile, Jungkook hid behind a wall, not having a single clue what was going on. It was so dark- he could hear some movement. Jungkook froze, clutching the gun tightly.
Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder and yelped in fear-
"Kook, it's me," Taehyung said, and Jungkook turned to him, making out the figure of the silver-haired boy. Jungkook sighed in relief.
"Thank god- where is everyone else? What's going on, Tae?" Jungkook asked, and Taehyung pulled Jungkook to the corner of the room.
"Namjoon and the others found Irene. But she disappeared before they could get their hands on her. Everyone's kinda spread out down here, trying to find some shit to steal. Thankfully they don't know we're here."
Taehyung said, and Jungkook gulped dryly.
"Um- yeah." Jungkook said, and Taehyung nodded. "Just stick with me. Let's go find some-" Taehyung started, and then some movement occurred, and Taehyung pulled Jungkook behind him and shot straight at the noise.
"God- fucking damnit Taehyung, it's me!" Jimin snapped, and then a torch turned on, Jimin holding it. Taehyung tsked.
"Did you find anything?" Taehyung asked, and Jimin walked closer to him. "No, but I also lost sight of Yoongi and the others. And the signal down here is terrible. Earpieces are not working." Jimin said, and Taehyung cursed under his breath.
"That's not good. We should stay together." Taehyung said, and Jungkook began following the two boys, who were venturing into the dark parts, trying to find something.
"Um- T-Tae, do you hear that?" Jungkook asked, and then Taehyung turned to him. "Hear what?" Taehyung asked.
They all froze, and then heard a creak. Taehyung turned towards the voice, but before he could- the gun was knocked out of his hands, and he went tumbling to the ground. A man punched him in the stomach, and Taehyung grabbed his wrists, trying to fight him back.
Jungkook's eyes widened when he saw a woman punch Jimin, and Jimin try and fight her back. Taehyung was also being tackled to the ground. Jungkook reached his gun up to shoot at the woman- but then remembered what he told Yeri.
Before Jungkook could think, someone grabbed him from behind, placing a hand over his mouth, one around his stomach. Jungkook tried prying their hands off, kicking his feet, but was being held too tightly.
The lights of the basement finally turned on- and Namjoon and Yoongi rushed into the area. "Drop the guns or we kill him," A woman snapped, and suddenly the fighting seized, and all eyes turned towards Jungkook.
There was a man holding him tightly, and a woman- with hair dark and eyes light, slight red lipstick on her lips, an evil smirk on her lips- holding a gun against Jungkook's head.
"Fuck," Taehyung let out, eyes wide. The man grabbed Taehyung's hands and pulled them to his back, holding him at his place. The woman who was fighting Jimin did the same to the boy.
"Irene, don't-" Namjoon started, and Jungkook felt the barrel of the pistol dig harder into the side of his forehead. "Drop the fucking guns,"
Namjoon slowly, but surely, put the gun down onto the floor. Yoongi looked pissed- not wanting to let go of his only source of power at this place, but dropped the gun as well, both putting their hands up in defense.
"Did you really think you could walk into my territory and do what you like? Of course you did- because you're men, and you're stupid." Irene growled, and Jungkook whimpered in pain, trying his hardest not to resist and not get shot.
"Now you're going to do as I say- or your 'little one' gets a bullet through his head. Understood?" Irene said, and Jungkook could see the fear placed in their eyes.
"Irene, we can deal with this another way. Just- let him go-"
"Fuck no," Irene said, and then looked to the side of the room. "Sweetie? Come in here," Irene called out, and Jungkook's eyes widened when he saw Yeri walk into the room, smirking.
"Hi Jungkook." Yeri said, waving her fingers at him. Jungkook moved around in the man's tight grasp, but saw Yeri grin wider.
Jungkook saw as Irene handed the gun to Yeri, who held it against Jungkook's temple, making his stomach wallow in confusion and anger. Anger at himself.
"How do you think we knew all of you were down here? All credit goes to this kid-" Irene said, pointing her thumb to Jungkook, walking in front.
Jungkook muffled some words through the man's hand, and Yeri dug the gun further into Jungkook's head.
"W-what?" Namjoon let out.
"He met my little one, Yeri. Spilled everything. Quite the rookie, huh? This is why you don't bring children into the battlefield," Irene snapped, and Jungkook suddenly saw Yoongi look at him with a look of anger.
"Now, if you don't give me information to where your cocaine cartel is right now- he dies." Irene said, and Yeri looked at Jungkook, still smirking, holding the gun against his head.
"Irene, we-"
"Five." Irene said, and Jungkook felt his heart pace increase- because he knows their Mafia is known for having the biggest business for cocaine, their drugs sold the most on the market. Giving up their cocaine cartel meant their entire Mafia could crumble.
Jungkook saw Namjoon contemplate, and Yoongi looked even angrier, and Jimin gulp, and Taehyung have his eyes wide with fear.
"God damn it, Irene- we can't-" Yoongi snapped, and Irene's eyes just turned darker.
"You should've thought of that before you walked into my house. Three." Irene snapped loudly, and Jungkook saw Namjoon rub his face in frustration.
"Two!" Irene continued, and Yeri dug the gun into his head even further, definitely making a slight dent. Jungkook felt fear wallow in his stomach.
"Tell me or he dies!" Irene yelled, and Jungkook felt his breath hitch, and then suddenly.
A gunshot went off. Irene's body fell to the floor, life leaving her eyes as a bullet went through her skull. Yeri screamed in terror, seeing the woman in front of her collapse. Jin, who ran into the room, had his gun help up, smoke blowing out of the barrel.
Jungkook, suddenly feeling some confidence grow in him- dug the back of his foot into the man's crotch. The man shouted in pain, and Jungkook bit into his hand, which he pulled away, along with the arm around his stomach. Jungkook finally was freed out of the man's grasp, and kicked Yeri in the leg, making her stumble back- then Jungkook pulled her arm around, making her scream in pain. Her gun fell to the floor, which Jungkook picked up.
Jungkook suddenly left Yeri and rushed away from her- seeing some men and women run downstairs. He saw a man grab Jin from the back, his gun being snatched away. For some reason, none of the other gang members had guns. Another man grabbed Yoongi- and another grabbed Namjoon.
Yeri, who was still in a state of shock- lifted up a gun beside her, tears rushing down her face, she picked it up and pointed it at Jungkook, who pointed it at Yeri.
"Y-you monster! You killed her!" Yeri screamed, and Jungkook suddenly felt a pang of guilt in his stomach, holding the gun up. As chaos crumbled beside him, all he did was hold the gun up.
"Yeri- y-you were the one who-"
"She wasn't supposed to die! She-she was- you fucking killed her! I-" Yeri started, and then shot the gun at Jungkook, which he moved away from.
"Jungkook, shoot her!" Yoongi shouted from behind, fending off some men.
Jungkook heard the words and held the gun up, but he couldn't will himself to pull at the trigger. Yeri was shaking, tears running down her face. "Do it! Kill me like you did her!" Yeri shouted, and Jungkook felt this intense emptiness in his stomach.
"I-I-" Jungkook started, and then heard a loud shout of pain as Namjoon cracked the neck of the man who was trying to fight him, making him fall to the ground.
"Damn it- just fucking shoot her, Jungkook!" Yoongi continued, getting a punch on his face.
Taehyung was holding down the man who tried to fight him, punching him over and over-
The woman who was fighting Jimin was also dead, on the floor. "Everyone I know is dead! Just kill me too!" Yeri said, and Jungkook gulped, hesitation drowning each one of his senses.
He could hear the boys yelling at him, screaming to kill her. The voices surrounded him, swirling around him like a tornado, sucking up his insides. Jungkook felt dubiety brimming in the pit of his stomach. Kill. Her. But Jungkook couldn't-he-he couldn't do it- he just couldn't-
But then, Yeri pointed the gun up at Jungkook, and a gunshot went off.
Jungkook opened his eyes, and then saw Yeri on the floor, blood pouring out of her chest, where a bullet wound was made.
And beside Jungkook, stood Jimin- with his gun pointed up, smoking brewing out of the barrel from where he shot her.
All the men who were fighting the boys were either dead or ran away. There was complete silence.
And then, another thud, another body went tumbling down, another bullet wound made seen unknown to the others.
Jungkook's eyes widened when he saw Jimin fall to the floor, his hands shaking to reach to his stomach, where a bullet wound was made, blood pouring out of it. For Yeri shot Jimin before he shot her.
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