i quite like this chapter hehe
Taehyung entered the shooting practice room, which was well lit. The room was divided in rows, all pointing to the end of the room, which had man-shaped target aligned. In the other side of the room lay an array of guns, from big ones to small ones.
Taehyung's light footsteps carried him to the last row, where a raven haired boy was stood, holding a handgun in his hands. He was pointing the gun hesitantly at the target, his head cowered a little.
"Your stance is wrong." Taehyung said, and his voice must've startled the younger boy, because Jungkook jumped a little and turned around, instantly placing the gun down onto the counter.
"Tae! G-god, you scared me," Jungkook said, placing his hand on his chest. Taehyung snickered and then walked over to him.
Taehyung grabbed the gun and checked it out a little, flipping it around in his hands.
"Tae be careful it's loaded." Jungkook said quietly, and Taehyung looked at him and gave him a small smile, noticing how careful and almost fearful Jungkook looked.
"Don't worry about me, doll. We should be focusing on you. From what I've heard, you're not too good at shooting guns, are ya?" Taehyung asked, and Jungkook shook his head.
"Not really.. it just scares me to hold them. I don't want to exactly shoot one! And the sound that goes off when you shoot it is so-so loud." Jungkook squeaked, and Taehyung chuckled, pinching his chin.
"Might seem loud and scary at first, but it'll get better. You just need to get a hang of it. I'll teach you. First things first, you need to fix your stance." Taehyung said, placing the gun back into Jungkook's hands.
Jungkook turned a little, facing the target that was a few metres in front of him. Jungkook placed his feet apart, but then Taehyung placed his hand on Jungkook's hip.
"Spread your legs a little more." Taehyung said, and Jungkook bit his lip. He did so, and then felt Taehyung's hand on his back, straightening his back a little.
"Alright, place your foot opposite your dominant hand about a step past the other foot," Taehyung said, and Jungkook tried to follow his instructions and did so.
Taehyung removed his hands from his body, and then saw his stance from the back. But, well, he couldn't just not let his eyes peer over his ass which was looking oh-so snug in those tight skinny jeans. Oof-
"This good, Tae?" Jungkook asked, turning his head slightly. Taehyung snapped out of his thoughts and cleared his throat.
"W-what? Yeah- um. That's good. Now, point the gun at the target." Taehyung said, and Jungkook feebly did so, making Taehyung scoff.
"No, not like that-" Taehyung snapped, and then reached to grip his arms from behind him, his arms aligning with Jungkook's. Taehyung reached his arms up, until the gun was at eye level.
"Okay, now, look towards the target with your dominant eye. And shoot." Taehyung whispered, and Jungkook suddenly felt his arms lowering, his throat tightening.
Jungkook held the gun up to his eye level, feeling Taehyung move a little. Jungkook shot the gun, and saw the bullet barely hit the target. Jungkook flinched harshly at the loud sound, cowering a bit.
"I-I don't know- how do I- like, how-" Jungkook started stammering, so Taehyung just huffed and slotted himself right against Jungkook, his front to Jungkook's back.
"First of all, relax," Taehyung whispered into his ear, and Jungkook felt his hot breath on his earlobe.
Jungkook tried, but his entire body was too tense. "I can't, Tae-" Jungkook squeaked out, and heard Taehyung sigh softly.
"Just, trust me, Jungkook. I'm teaching you how to, right? So stop stressing," Taehyung said a little sternly, and Jungkook straightened his back, trying to focus more.
"Yes sir." Jungkook let out, and Taehyung felt himself tense up at that, but just rid himself of those thoughts.
"Now, breathe. Focus on your breathing." Taehyung whispered, and Jungkook closed his eyes. He began breathing up and down, chest rising and falling slowly, still shaky.
Suddenly, Jungkook felt Taehyung's large hand reach up under his t-shirt, and then place itself on Jungkook's stomach. Jungkook's breath hitched, but Taehyung just shushed him softly.
"See, just release all the pent up tension in your body. Feel your core relax," Taehyung whispered, and Jungkook felt himself ease up a little, his chest feeling lighter. The weight of Taehyung's hand was still on his bare stomach, but it was almost relaxing.
"You're tight, Kook," Taehyung whispered into his ear, and Jungkook felt his eyes widen, throat turn dry.
"You need to loosen up a little, doll. Control your breathing." Taehyung said, and Jungkook felt his cheeks turn a little pink.
Jungkook bit his lip, and felt his breathing go into a pattern, one which went up three beats and then down three beats. He's not sure if it was the gun that was making him so nervous anymore.
"Okay," Jungkook breathed out, and then felt Taehyung's hands leave his stomach, and align with his hands again, helping him point the gun up.
The loud bang sound filled the room, its sound ricocheting off the walls. A single black hole was now made on the target, and Jungkook flinched a little at the sound. Jungkook felt Taehyung's breathing on the back of his neck.
"Damn. Not bad. Your aim is great." Taehyung said, and Jungkook bit down into his lip, seeing that the bullet was quite close to the man-figure's head.
"Now, let's go again. This time, focus on your aim. It's all about the perspective of things, Kook. You're looking into the target through a little window. Imagine it's a real person-"
"No!" Jungkook squeaked out, and Taehyung was almost startled at his little outburst. "I-I don't want to. M'not... killing anyone." Jungkook said, and Taehyung almost smiled a little.
"Alright, alright. Keep seeing it as a target, that's okay for now." Taehyung chuckled, and then moved away from Jungkook, un-slotting their bodies, leaving Jungkook be.
Jungkook turned his head a little, looking at him. "Aren't you gonna help me?" Jungkook asked, eyes big in confusion.
"I want you to try it yourself." Taehyung said, and Jungkook huffed.
"Well I want you to help me." Jungkook said brattily, and Taehyung snickered, reaching up to Jungkook and tightly pressed their bodies together.
"S'better?" Taehyung rasped, and Jungkook could feel Taehyung's crotch against his ass. Taehyung slowly reached his hands down his torso, placing them on his waist firmly.
"Y-yes sir." Jungkook responded, his cheeks flushed.
Taehyung felt himself smirk at that, and then reached his hands up Jungkook's t-shirt again, placing them on the curve of his waist. Taehyung squeezed his waist, and heard a small whimper.
"My hands cold?" Taehyung asked, and Jungkook nodded his head, knowing damn well that's not the reason he whimpered. Taehyung smirked, and just pressed Jungkook up against the counter, helping him point the gun at the target.
Taehyung placed his finger upon Jungkook's on the trigger, and together they pulled the trigger once, twice, thrice. Each time, Jungkook felt the fear wash away a little, feeling Taehyung's warmth up against him. It was comforting.
"You're good at this, doll. See, nothing to worry about." Taehyung husked.
"I-I'm good at this?" Jungkook asked, almost a little surprise in his tone.
"Mhm. Bet you could be at the same level as me with just a little more practice." Taehyung said.
Jungkook placed the gun onto the counter and then turned around, facing Taehyung. "Really?" Jungkook asked, and Taehyung nodded, seeing the surprised and happy look on his face.
"Yup. See, now was that so hard?" Taehyung asked, and Jungkook bit his lip.
"It was a little hard. But you're a good teacher." Jungkook said, and Taehyung felt himself lean in a little closer, hands on either side of the counter, caging Jungkook to it.
"Am I?" Taehyung asked, smirking a little. Jungkook nodded.
"You're good at giving orders." Jungkook told him, his voice a little sultry, mixed with a hint of something that made Taehyung's brain whir.
"I guess I just like giving 'em." Taehyung said, and Jungkook fluttered his lashes, looking away, and then back at Taehyung.
"It's fun. Sometimes. Being told what to do." Jungkook said in a hushed voice, him and Taehyung barely having any space between them. Jungkook saw Taehyung's breath hitch, and smirked a little.
"I like 'em mean." Jungkook whispered into Taehyung's ear, grabbing a fistful of Taehyung's shirt. Taehyung placed both his hands on Jungkook's waist.
"Y-you-" Taehyung stammered, Jungkook's words catching him off-guard. Jungkook leaned away from Taehyung's ear, looking into Taehyung's eyes, their noses practically brushing.
Taehyung dug his nails into Jungkook's waist and then leaned in, holding him against the granite counter. Jungkook felt his hands go up to grab Taehyung's collar, feeling himself lean in as well.
Taehyung jumped away from Jungkook, the loud sound scaring the shit out of him. Jungkook moved away as well, cheeks burning and eyes widened. Both turned towards the sound, and saw Jimin at the doorway.
"What... were you guys doing?" Jimin asked, raising his eyebrows a little.
"Gun stuff. Shooting stuff. Gun shooting."
"Practice. Em- for. Training- um. Gun.. training."
Jimin cocked his eyebrow, seeing the reddened cheeks on the both the boys' faces. He cleared his throat. "Okayyy. Well- Taehyung we have a meeting right now. You're late." Jimin said, and Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows.
"There's a meeting?" Taehyung asked, and Jungkook cursed under his breath.
"Jungkook, didn't you tell him?" Jimin asked, and Jungkook cowered his head.
"I-I forgot. Sorry." Jungkook said, and Taehyung barely looked at him, both feeling a little awkward.
"Okay. Let's just go now." Jimin said, and Taehyung nodded and rushed out of the room, following Jimin. Jungkook followed them as well.
The three of them walked to the basement when the meeting was taking place in the little meeting room in the side. Jungkook saw Taehyung and Jimin enter, and Jungkook just sucked in a sharp breath and followed in with them.
"Taehyung, where were you?" Namjoon asked, and before Jimin or Jungkook could open their mouths, Taehyung did.
"I was helping Jungkook with gun training. I completely forgot about the meeting, sorry." Taehyung said, not mentioning the part where he didn't even know about the meeting.
"Okay, just be on time next time. We can finally start the discussion on-"
"Jungkook? What're you doing here?" Hoseok asked, and Jungkook, who was stood tentatively by the door, looked up to see all eyes on him.
"I just.. wanna.. see what you guys are talking about." Jungkook said in a small voice, feeling smaller under all the eyes.
"I'm not gonna disturb you! I'll just stay in the corner here. No sound." Jungkook said quickly, and then heard a small sigh.
"Kookie, I told you that you can watch tv in the big screen, didn't I?" Namjoon said softly, walking up to him. Jungkook nodded, eyes turning big, because he really wanted to stay.
"I know. But-"
"How about this. I'll ask the chef to send up your favourite little snacks, okay?" Namjoon said, his tone condescending, almost talking down to him.
Jungkook looked around the room, seeing Taehyung giving Namjoon a confused look. Jungkook opened his mouth to say something, but Namjoon cut him off.
"You don't want me to be mad, do you?" Namjoon asked in a hushed tone, and Jungkook shook his head, looking down at his feet. "Exactly. So, now can Kookie stop disturbing and go up?"
Jungkook felt so fucking embarrassed, being treated like he was literally 4 years old. He wasn't. He was an adult now, who understood what they were saying! But he couldn't.. he couldn't say anything.
"Yes Namjoon. Sorry." Jungkook said quietly, his cheeks pink as he turned around and rushed out of the bedroom.
Taehyung's eyebrows were furrowed, because the moment the door closed Namjoon rolled his eyes. "Anyways- let's start with this meeting. We-"
"Wait, before we start, can I ask something?" Taehyung asked, and Namjoon looked confused.
"Sure, what is it?"
"Why do you guys.. talk to Jungkook like that?" Taehyung asked, and Jimin looked interested too, wondering the same thing.
"Talk to him like what?" Namjoon asked, and Taehyung scoffed.
"Like he's a baby." Jimin said, and Namjoon just sighed.
"He's practically still a kid-"
"Not really. He's 18 now. Jimin and I are only a few years older. It just, it doesn't make sense? Like, isn't he supposed to be the next leader? Yet, you guys never let him in on any of this stuff." Taehyung said, and saw the looks on Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok's faces.
"He might be 18 now, Taehyung, but he's still a kid in our minds. I mean, we practically raised him-" Yoongi started, and Taehyung cut him off.
"Yeah yeah, that's fine. But you guys treat him like he's a literal kid." Taehyung said, and Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows, getting a little pissed.
"How is this relevant to what we're discussing right now?" Yoongi snapped.
"I just- the point is, clearly he doesn't like that stuff. He just wants to be included into the big league. Just wants to be part of something his own father built. I just.. I don't get it." Taehyung said, and he could see the pissed look on Namjoon's face.
"Jungkook's not ready for all that stuff yet, Taehyung. Things are different around here." Namjoon snapped, and before Taehyung could open his mouth, Namjoon cut him off.
"And before you decide to start spewing bullshit again, just know that I'm not dumb, Kim. You think I haven't noticed that you told me on your first day that the last person you slept with was a guy, yet you brought in a body of a woman?"
Taehyung froze, and Jimin tensed. Jimin looked at Taehyung wearily, and saw Taehyung breathe in, nerves wracked up.
"So, I don't know who you slept with that you're trying to protect- but it's something I can very easily let Dokeun know. So know your place, and shut the fuck up and let me proceed with this goddamn meeting." Namjoon growled, and Taehyung just shut up and continued leaning against the wall.
Namjoon started talking about the new guns or whatever, but meanwhile, Jimin turned slowly to look at Taehyung, and both of them shared a look of worry.
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