As soon as the bell rang, I was out of that school in a flash. I hit the sidewalk in a run, and ran full speed to the orphanage.
Today was the day I would meet my future parents.
A block away from the orphanage, I stopped and fixed my long hair, which was in a French braid, and dusted my clothes off. I needed to look presentable, after all. I composed myself and slowly but purposely walked to the orphanage’s door.
Standing there with Mrs. Casper was a pretty young woman with curly red hair and cheery blue eyes. The man next to them had black hair the color of mine and dark eyes.
“This is Abbey.” Mrs. Casper said.
The woman grinned so big, her eyes almost disappeared. I went up to them. The woman grabbed me in a bear hug.
“I’m so happy to meet you” she whispered.
I dropped my backpack on the ground and hugged her back.
“Thank you” I replied, even though I didn't know why I said that.
The man wrapped us both in a hug.
After a few moments in which happy tears ran down our cheeks, I grabbed my backpack and ran upstairs to get my bag of my belongings. I quickly said ‘bye to the other orphans and ran back downstairs. The man and woman said a few things to Mrs. Casper, then pointed to their car. It was a sleek limo, newest model. I ran to it and put my stuff in the truck. We all said goodbye to Mrs. Casper, then we were off.
The woman glanced at me. “So the plan for today is to drop your stuff at our house and then go take you to do something. After that, we will take you back to Mrs. Casper for the night. You will move in tomorrow.”
I felt disappointment. I had thought I was moving in today.
The woman must’ve seen the look on my face, for she said, “Oh, I’m sorry. Did Mrs. Casper not tell you? We tried to get everything ready for you to arrive, but there was too much to do. Your room isn’t even ready yet. But we knew we couldn’t cancel meeting you.” She grabbed her husband’s hand.
I smiled earnestly at her, tears running down my face.
“We’re here!” the driver called.
“What should I call you?” I asked the woman.
“If you feel comfortable… Mom would be nice. If your not, my name is Sara.”
I grabbed my stuff and linked arms with her. “Thanks for adopting me… Mom”
Sara made a happy choking noise in her throat.
Their house was huge. It was like a mansion.
Correction, it was a mansion.
Sara showed me up the giant marble staircase to an unfinished room, which she told me would be mine. I sat my stuff in the closet and dug out enough stuff for tomorrow. Sara gave me a bag to put these in.
Then, we went back to the limo. The man still sat in there. We got in and started towards somewhere.
“What should I call you?” I asked the man.
He looked nervous. “Why, ah, Pops, if you want. Or just Steve.”
Pops didn’t look much like a Steve.
We drove for a bit, and came out at Ateimdale Movie Theater. We got popcorn, and candy, and soda, and watched my first movie on the big screen. It was about a war in space. It was epic.
By then, I had to go back to the orphanage. I tearfully said goodbye to Sara and Pops.
I couldn’t wait for the next day to be here.
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