Emotional Fighting
(Start playing the song here so you can imagine how it fits into the story.)
Henry and Brazil faced each other as they raised their hands at each other. As Brazil stared into the eyes of what was once her brother she was upset. Why did Henry do all of this?why did he want to do this? and why was he doing it at all. This wasn't her brother anymore, No this was a monster a monster that had to be stopped at all cost. She was suddenly lifted up by her brother. He walked up to her and got close to her face. "Join me dear sister and you won't have to worry about anything anymore. You'll be safe and happy with your big brother. You'll finally be where you're supposed to be." Brazil looked down at her brother and screamed as loud as she possibly could. Once she was back on the ground she looked at her brother dead into his eyes.
"You're not my brother you're a monster. The real Henry would never hurt anyone for his own benefit." Henry glared at his sister.
She finally knew the truth. The truth that he never wanted her to find out. Now he was going to have to get his sister back the hard way. "If you're not going to come back with me willingly then i'm going to take you back with me forcibly sister." Henry was about to hit Brazil when he was thrown back by Eleven. Once Henry got his footing he tried to throw a bunch of broken pieces of wood at her. Eleven throw them aside with her powers. She then glared at him.
"You hurt Brazil you are a monster." Brazil's eyesight just came back to normal when she found herself in the outside of the upside down. It was the same rotting meat looking land and surroundings. Brazil looked up and to her horror she saw Max Mayfield laying unconscious on the ground and Eleven was tied back with some of the horrid vines holding her back. Once she got her footing under control she faced her brother and screamed. Her screaming caused Henry to lose his focus and look at the source of the yellin. "Let her go Henry." This got his attention and he turned to face her. He made the mistake of letting his guard down because the minute he did he was thrown against one of the hideous looking pillars.
Brazil and Eleven walked up to him and stared at him into his eyes. He glared at them before grunting in pain. As Brazil looked into her brothers eyes she could see all sorts of things. It was like he was showing her all the good, the painful, and the confusing memories that they shared together. She started to cry then closed her eyes for a few seconds.
When she opened them again she looked at her brother because she had a bad feeling that this would be the last time that she would ever see her brother again for a long time. When she looked at her brother she could see a small bit of regret in his eyes.
Henry then looked at Eleven. "You may think that this is over but it is only the beginning. So you better be prepared for what is to really come." He slowly started to disintegrate. He then turned to his sister. "I'm sorry. I'll always love you Brazil.......... my most favorite person." He said slowly as he disappeared into a million little pieces.
Brazil and Eleven woke up from their sleep like trance with a start. Mike immediately hugged Eleven and Will immediately hugged Brazil happy that she was okay. They slowly helped the two females out of the freezing ice water and handed them some warm towels. When they recovered Brazil looked at everyone and smiled sadly. "Let's go home."
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