"Let me out ye bastards!" The giant struggled against his bindings, the spines that decorated his head and the back of his neck, shaking and clicking in anger. He stared up at the tiny humans looking down at him, ordering for their robots to clamp his claws away and force restraints on him. But somehow, it did bring him some satisfaction, knowing these little insects were too scared to come into his enclosure and face him themselves, probably due to his temper and size of about 100 or so feet.
And if they were petrified of him, Mark was their worst nightmare. A few feet taller than him, with his literal spine breaking through his skin, muscles as tense as diamond and fangs so long the tips showed every so often. His eyes were a blood red, his voice deep as a storm, and his personal motto seemed to be.
'I'm gonna escape and kill those insects.'
And they were friends. Well, they shared the occasional word over breakfast, and talked sometimes during the night. Jack listened to Mark, but Mark didn't listen to anyone except Dr Iplier, who visited him every fortnight for special training.
"Ye don't know what yer doing, Mark's gonna get out if you try to take me. You cannot fuckin' restrain him!" The giant had unknowingly slipped into his natural language of roars and growls, earning him a hard electric shock that brought him crashing to his knees. Grunting, more robots floated in, blue afterburners singing his skin, putting him in more restraints than he ever thought possible.
Even for a calmer giant, this set him alight with humiliation and a deep growl started in the pit of his throat. He was a god, he could crush those humans to nothing with his pinky finger - all the kids who stared at him and threw ice cream into his hair and spines, the workers who mocked him with raw meat and laughed at his attempts to just get his claws on them - he could smack down their robots and tear out of the Park, never looking back.
But he didn't, he let them boss him around and ate his feed and tolerated the stupid children. He smiled, growled, danced for the cameras, just to get something cooked, and gave up on his dreams of escape. Even now, Jack was trying to save them by warning them about what Mark would do, how Mark would escape if he woke.
Not anymore.
"MARK! T'E DOOR'S OPEN!" Jack bellowed, so loud that he saw all the humans visibly reach up and cover their ears, then immediately start running and closing the doors to the enclosure.
"Oh no ye don't." He easily snapped his restraints, crushed every one of their drones, and jammed his body in between the stone slabs, forcing them to stay open. The entire enclosure groaned and creaked, veins popped on Jack's shaking arms, he growled and grunted, workers crowded around, pointing at him and grabbing their weapons.
But they were too late.
With earthquake footsteps, Mark awoke and sprinted to the door, easily breaking its mechanism with one swipe from his hand and relieving Jack from his duty.
Together, they finally left their prison for the last 3 years, emerging into the sunlight. Everyone watched the titans bask, the guns shaking in their sweaty hands, silently shivering as the bigger one fixed them all with a red glare. As if saying 'I dare you to shoot'. None of them could do it, they were just normal people given guns 'just in case', because no asset escaped their enclosure.
"Mahrk! Let's get t'e fuck out of here." Jack's brain was quicker, as were his legs, and he knew they had to at least reach the mountains if they wanted to be safe. He got a terrible glare from Mark, but, seeing Jack's logic, the bigger quickly grabbed one blonde human in his fist and broke into a run after him. The blonde human in question being Felix Kjellberg, an average 27-year-old who just wanted to go home after his shift and play some video games. The two titans weaved through the thin walkways, steps shattering glass and concrete with their weight and resonance, stunned people of all sizes emerging from their enclosures to watch. Someone was escaping Humanic Park. The two hundred footers they'd only heard rumours about.
They followed in the wake of the two, running and shouting excitedly. The smallest members and those who were in danger of being crushed were helped by the mini-giants, only about 12 to 15 feet tall, while the 2 smaller giants - still nowhere close to Mark's size - lumbered along behind, eyes wide and scanning the small forms below them, unknowingly vowing to protect them. They'd escaped!
Jack leapt through the deep forest, where the trees were thick and very tall. Even he was dwarfed by sheer cliffs and mountains on either side of him, but still, he kept on running and roaring with each footstep, drilling through leaf and wood as if it were paper. He was the leader of their motley crew now, and he would never look back to the Park.
Mark trampled along behind him, head bobbing side to side and breath coming in short bursts, sprinting with all the grace of a sack of wet cement. He wasn't built for speed, but his mouth watered at the remembrance of a reward he would receive after all his trouble.
Felix couldn't breathe. Every shuddering inhale only earned him humidity and sweat and an all-encompassing, suffocating, warmth that emanated from the prison of flesh he was stuck in. At first, he'd screamed, but now he didn't move, he didn't struggle or cry for help. He just rolled with the punches; the bone-rattling vibrations, the fear that lay over his mouth like a pillow. For all he knew they'd forgotten about him.
Or maybe they were just working up an appetite.
"Let's rest here." Jack skidded to a halt next to a lake, making himself comfortable and slurping up the cool liquid. The Korean giant sat cross-legged next to him, grinning like a madman down at his closed fist.
"Time for a celebratory meal." Mark opened up his hand, staring down at Felix. The night guard looked back at the pale landscape behind him, those curled fingers like towering snakes ready to strike, then all the way up to the thin lips hiding the fangs that spelled out his doom. He heard murmurs and saw a ghostly face appear over Mark's shoulder; it was Jack, the asset he had under his care for a few months before an attempted escape had landed him with another job in the Borrower section. He stared straight into those familiar spiking blues, each eyeball bigger than his head, silently mouthing to him.
"Please, Jack. I don't want to die."
Jack turned away and bit his lip, those overly panicked human eyes striking a chord in his giant heart. He'd played it up, it was all Mark's idea, he never wanted to kill anyone, especially not Felix. It was always Mark. After the one day a man with a striking resemblance to the giant had talked to him with a voice like grating steel, he'd become fixed with death, murder, and eating. Sometimes he heard the workers call him 'Dark'.
"Mark," he rumbled finally. "hand him to me. You don't want to do this, on t'e inside yer like me. You just want ta escape, you don't want ta kill." Mark's teeth pressed together and he hissed, his hand tight around Felix's frail body.
"Remember, back before t'at weird man came, you were nicer." Felix panted, looking from Jack to Mark to Jack again, wriggling slightly in the leathery cage. He only had a faint inkling of a sharply dressed Korean doctor visiting Mark for some kind of 'training exercise', but he had no idea how it could've affected the giant.
"What're you playing at? He tortured you, they all did, for all these years. Don't you want revenge?!" Mark roared back, spit flying from his teeth.
"No, just give him ta me."
"Never," Felix screamed as both of Mark's hands squeezed tighter around him, contorting his body into unnatural shapes.
"Let go." Jack stood up and laid a heavy hand on the bigger man's shoulder, his spines rising from his knotted locks. With a cruel smile, Felix was raised screaming to an open mouth.
"LET GO!" With a tremendous and animalistic screech, Jack lunged, raking his claws over Mark's skin and knocking Felix out in the same swipe, returning to his spot hunched over and growling softly. Colour leached back into Mark's cheeks, the red glow in his eyes faded to a deep brown and he whimpered, covering the ragged and bleeding tears in his shoulder, hands, and cheek. He'd never been attacked by Jack before, and something had changed within him; his ears had opened to a new, primal, logic.
Jack was the alpha now.
Felix lay sprawled on the moss, sweating and clutching his stomach and head, weak with fear and full of pain. Why'd he have to get dragged into this?
"Get up Felix, we have ta move," Jack grunted, staring at the form lying pitifully at his feet.
"N-n-n.." The human stretched out, groaning.
"I won't be carrying yer ass so get up." Jack huffed, kneeling and leaning over the smaller guard, poking his chest with a claw. He squinted and got closer, seeing the scratches all over his body, the oval bruises of Mark's fingers; he was in terrible shape.
"I-I-I'm not going, with~" Felix's breath was taken from him as his eyelids opened and saw Jack's giant face closer than it ever had been before, allowing him to feel the warmth from his breath and skin leech into his every pore. He'd never been this close to an upsized asset, especially one that had a reputation for being dangerous and fiery, and it was exhilarating, filling him with awe.
"I'm gonna ignore that. And, I'll be yer goddamn taxi, but just cos' yer hurt." Fingers easily capable of snapping him in half gently slid underneath his broken body, and Felix was once more in the warm and cushy hand of another giant, Jack's digits hanging over him like thick branches from some otherworldly forest.
"It's, good to, uh, to see you again, SepticEye." Felix smiled weakly and stroked the hand holding him, hoping Jack would remember his old nickname.
Well, he did.
"Shut t'e hell up! Just because I haven't killed ye doesn't mean we're fookin' buddies."
Felix clamped his eyes shut at the angry rumbling of Jack's voice, and he knew that just because they'd escaped the Park, didn't mean they'd escaped their past.
I didn't want to get rid of my perfect 1800 words :( This piece was inspired by a prompt from Tumblr and, of course, Jurassic Park/World (Linked scene was main inspiration) I may also write a second piece on the story between Jack and Felix, and continue this one in a future '100 Prompt' prompt.
Hope you enjoyed it!
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