Reaper sans x goddess reader
A/N ok so this is a special one! cause this was not requested in my book! it was requested in a book by UndertaleKyannaKitty (i can't do the mention thing cause it glitches out the text for me so i'll mention her after!) it was requested by Lost_Pumpkin! i hope you all enjoy!
@Lost_Pumpkin hope you two like the story! the outfit below is your goddess dress but you normally wear normal mortal clothing cause you're the goddess of souls! you're the goddess that gives humans their soul traits! ignore the hair and shoes there not part of it!
~Author's POV~
you sat relaxed on a tree branch watching little kid's running around happily in the park you currently were relaxing in when a very old and tired looking man came by the tree, his soul a dull green showing it was close to his time! the man slowly sat down under the tree smiling brightly when he looked up and saw you "oh! hello, there young miss! i did not see you there!" he said smiling a kind sweet smile! (please tell me I'm not the only one who thought the old mans voice like Alfred's from Batman?) "i can move to a different tree if you would like?" i say hoping of the tree branch and onto the soft grass "no, no you can stay! it would be nice to have the company in my finale time!" he said you smiled kindly and sat next to him (i feel as tho some of you might be confusing at this point but as the goddess of soul trait's your personality changes to match with the people around you! so you normally hang around kids and kind people) after a while you decided to talk "so got anyone waiting for you on the other side?" you ask hoping he had someone there like a wife or mum and dad to see in the afterworld "sadly no not that i know of! i was an orphan and i never got married so I don't know if i'll see anyone there, but it's ok i won't be alone! there are bound to be lot's of people there to talk to!" he said with a bright smile, you smile back and begin to talk about all kinds of things to the old man when he asks "why do you stay? do you not have something more important than an old man's ramblings to be going to?" "well i thought you might like some company in your final hour, no one should be alone when they die! it's rather to cruel" you say the old man smiles "thank you young miss!" he said before smiling and closing his eye's, you sat and waited next to him for a bit and where about to get up when you saw a black-cloaked figure walk up to him and take his soul "hello!" you say smiling to the figure, the figure jumped startled by your sudden word then looked around to see if you had said it to someone else before turning his head back to you "ah hello? um you can see me?" he said questioningly "of course i can see you who else would i say hello to?" you sat with a goofy smile "I'm y/n what's your name?" you introduce "um... death?" he said also questioningly "no silly it can't be just death! there are two of them!" you say with a small laugh at the end, the skeleton in front of you stared at you for a moment before responding "um I'm sans, sans the reaper!" you smile and nod happily "nice to meet you sans! take care of my friend there hey? don't want him in any grave situations" you joke happily making sans letting out a small chuckle "nice one kiddo!" he said lazily, you grin wider "hey if ya ever want to talk you can come to visit me by this tree! normally around 5:00 in the afternoon! i like to watch the sunset here!" you say as you start to head off to do your work "alright see yah around y/n!" sans said before teleporting away.
~3 month time skip!~
you and sans had met under the tree every day for 3 whole month's and sans was starting to develop feelings for you! his mind was clouded with thought's of kissing and hugging you but he couldn't you where a mortal! or well that's what he thought.
you happily skipped up the hill to the tree after giving out some new traits to some people! you were really excited today you were going to confess your feeling's to sans and also finally tell him you're a goddess! you could tell he didn't know you where one seeing as he wouldn't let you near him and often pulled away when you did try to touch him, you found it kinda amusing so you let him think you where mortal, not like you hiding it either seeing as you often did work quite out in the open where anyone could see you well except for mortal's they could only see you if you let them. (another of your ability's randomly dropped in! also, you can't fight! just wanted to point that out cause i might do a part two of this with some drama included)
you finally made it to the tree to see sans waiting there floating off the ground and a bit away from the tree as to not kill it "sans!" you call out grabbing his attention, sans turned to you and smiled with a small blue blush dusting his skull "hey y/n!" sans said lazily floating lower so it looked like he was laying on the grass "sans i need to tell you something!" you say as your face slowly start's to form a kinda rainbow blush (you blush the colour of the soul traits ok deal with it) "yah what do yah need to say?" sans ask's kinda floating a bit above you (your both the same height also deal with it! him floating in front of yo is kinda making him like an inch or two taller than you at the moment!) "i..i L.Love you sans!" you say before kissing his teeth, sans pulls back quickly scared that you might have just died but when he looked you where still alive and smiling like an idiot (man i wrote smile a lot in this -_-) "y/n how... how are you still alive!?" sans exclaimed "dure I'm a goddess yah dumby I'm kinda surprised you didn't figure it out! i mean i blush rainbow!! didn't you think that was wired!?" you say giggling slightly, sans floats there for a second before grinning slightly "so if your a goddess that means i can do this!" sans said before floating closer and capturing your lips with his teeth (man that was wired to wright XD) you smile and bring sans closer to you hugging him around the neck before you pull away from the kiss with your arms still around his neck "i really wanted to do that sans says moving his arms around your waist as you float up to be closer to him "i love you sans!" you say cuddling closer to him "i love you to y/n" sans said skeletal kissing your head.
(note that whole time you were in your goddess dress! there wasn't an easy way to put that in without it being really perverted ... so yeah... well that's the end of that one-shot! i hope you all liked it! bu bye!)
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