Patton x reader: Soulmate AU
ok so this is based off of @HiThereFellowKids soulmate oneshot's well all but one cause Patton's is different! but I love the hole Soulmate idea (the only one i dislike being the one where it's black and white cause duh artist! I'm obsessed with colour!) So yeah I love the soulmate item so each reader has an item the other has! this reader has Patton's cardigan! (the cat one :3) enjoy!
you smile happily as you heard the sea of puppies back into their kennels "hey y/n! where is the dog food!?" Eon one of the volunteers calls out "they should be in the back!" you call back dogs barking and jumping up onto you "can you come help find me find the food?" Eon calls out "not really I've got puppies to heard!" you yell back as more of the little pups jump around you in excitement "HAHA LOL! Alright, i'll come help the heard then you can help me find the dog food!" Eon yells out rushing in to help me with the sea of puppies.
The pups now settled down in their kennels and fed for the evening you and Eon let out the older dogs out for people coming in to look at and pet and play with "hey y/n someone wants to volunteer here! can you go help them!" Eon says as he shows some other people in to see the dogs "will do!" you smile and head back into the main office room to see a guy in a similar-looking cardigan to the one i have back at home "hello I'm y/n! you wanted to volunteer?" i ask "yupperino! I'm Patton!" Patton says smiling "nice to meet you now come this way I need to ask a few questions and get you to sign some stuff and then you can begin helping out!" I say and lead him into the back.
~time skip cause these are going to be short! sorry~
today I walk into the pound wearing my soulmate item, a cute grey cat cardigan! it soft and warm and has a pouch to hold cats... or puppies... mostly pups! the name on it is slightly smudged out on the tag from the wash but it's clear that it says, Patton! today I'm going to tell Patton about it! walking around I notice that Patton isn't here yet, shrugging I head into the back to help with the dogs.
an hour later me, Eon and the owner of the place are sat with this Alaskan malamute puppy
he was brought in by another kennel because there wasn't room, sadly the kennel we work at also has no room for him either as he would outgrow the kennels we have here "we can't keep him but none of the kennels nearby can take him so either of you want him? if not we're gone have to go and give him away probably for free if no one pays" Josh (the owner) says giving both of us a look over "i'll take him! I love dogs and o/c (other character... whoever you want to name the one that ends up with logan) gave me one of the houses that their family owns!" you say smiling "oh yeah! aren't you moving in there with o/c and o/c2?(o/c2 is Romans)" Eon asks "yeah! as well as o/c3(o/c3 is Virgils) and o/c4!(o/c4 is Thomas) it's a big house! but o/c5 and o/c6 are living in an apartment together!"(o/c5 is Deceits and o/c6 is Remus) I say smiling "are these you freaky friends that look just like you?" Josh asks shaking his head "YUP!" I smile "right anyway you know the deal let's get the paperwork done with and you can head home early today," Josh says heading into his office.
as I leave the office I see Patton walking into the building "AH! y/n! sorry, I'm late! AHHHHHH who is this little cutie!" Patton says squealing in delight "that's fine Pat! this here is my new pupper! I named him Paku (don't know if that has meaning i just like making up names that sound like actual words... if it is a real word or name then cool! i don't know what it means!) ah Patton I was wondering if I could talk to you about something!" I say Paku on his leash by my feet while I fiddle with my cardigan that I've wrapped around my broad-ish shoulders like Patton "Sure thing Kiddo!" He smiles "well..." I start getting nerves "well... uh..." I stop taking my cardigan off and handing it to Patton befor rushing out of the kennel with Paku running with me happily.
(side note you are the manager of the kennel as Josh owns it and he knows you somewhat personally... you call him uncle Josh to annoy him at times)
The next day I enter the building with Paku deciding that it would a nice way to help to train him around other dogs besides the dog park and also cause I could keep him close! entering the back I'm immediately hugged by Patton "Y/N YOU DIDN'T TELL ME I WAS YOUR SOULMATE!!!" Patton screams laughing my deep chuckle I pry myself from his tight hug "I got nerves!" I laugh out "what! you know I wouldn't reject you! that would be inPAWsible!" Patton exclaims giggling "yeah still didn't stop me from being the shy boi i am!" I say laughing, Patton laughs as well, the day passes by fast and I'm about to leave when Patton comes running up to me "y/n! can I walk home with you and Paku?" Patton asked "yeah!" I say as Paku jumps up on Patton "hey there boy!" Patton says petting Paku who gives him kisses "Paku seems to love you!" I smile "yeah! let's head out" I laugh out as all three of us head out and towards my home.
arriving at the front door of my home I open it and let Paku in and turn to Patton "thanks for walking with me! you didn't have to" I laugh "it's no Pawblem!" Patton giggles out "HAHA! you're CLAWsome Patton" I snicker befor giving him a quick peck on the lips and heading inside.
THIS IS IT! THE FIRST PART! PATTON IS DONE! you'll find out more of what happens in the other chapters! next is logan so o/c will be Pattons S/O in that chappy! anyway, hope you all enjoyed! bye!
ok so in the logan chapter i mention that I'm now dedicating chapters to people! so this one is dedicated to @offical_antisocial who plays Patton!
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