💛GhasterSans x Mafia Reader💙
💛GSans POV💛
Sighing I continue through the ruins of yet another human town looking for food items clothing and other niceties when I see a small group of humans looting the area, all of them in suits and holding guns and some holding blunt weapons, I quickly duck behind some buildings and move closer to the humans to find out what their deal is "boss wants this place looted top to bottom! we may have a good source of food but water and fabric to fix clothing and make blankets are needed! and if anyone spots a monster do not engage! I repeat DO NOT ENGAGE!" a Brunette human with long hair orders other humans "YES ALIX!" the others call and run about looting the place, I follow them around a bit watching from afar "MISS ALIX! I FOUND SOMETHING!" a short hair blond human calls out "what is it," the 'Alix' human asks entering the building "I found a child! they are out cold" the blond says "take them with us! on one is allowed to leave a child! human or not! Boss wants the innocent to be protected! IF ANYONE FINDS A CHILD THAT IS A MONSTER THOUGH BRING THEM TO ME!" Alix says yelling the last part out to every human.
An hour passes by and the group of humans start to gather then head off in a direction all talking about what the found how well they did how they're excited about the new child being brought back, they seemed so kind, but their human and humans are cruel, ruthless, murderers! I'm going to find out who this Boss is and where they live and plan an attack!
walking for hours the humans came to a large building that obviously used to be an army base and enter using a password, I couldn't get a good look at the code but I can find other means to get inside, the humans enter and all go to different paths while i quickly take a short cut inside the place, walking around I find many monsters and humans walking around talking getting along and working together!? I follow a monster I new and drag them off to the side "what is going on!?" I seeth out "g..g...G! look I.I..I know it looks bad but the boss here is really nice! they've been trying to create peace between monsters and human! and I know you won't believe that but I can take you to them if you'd like!" the monster teen says fixing their glasses with the feathers that make up their arms (A/Nthe monster is a harpy like monster so wings for arms and they use magic to move items they need! yes they are an OC I'll add a picture at a later date) "well take me to them" I say my eye flaring "Y.y.yes sir!" they stutter out.
we head out of the little spot the monster and I had been in and headed up some stairs towards a meeting room "Boss is in the meeting room, well it's the room we put new people to ask them what their life was like before we find them and we ask them if they want to join in or not! if they don't Boss offer them the ability to come and go as they please for food and water from a designated drop off zone!" the monster explains, I grunt in reply and continue to follow them to this room.
💙Reader POV💜
I finish asking the child all the questions smiling at the fact that they want to join the gang when Sylvetta enter with a skeleton monster "oh! Sylvetta who's this? a friend?" I ask heading over "yeah Boss! he's one of the monsters the king sees highly!" Sylvetta says with a nervous smile gracing their beak "oh? well, it's nice to meet you I'm y/n! is there anything I can help with!" I say smiling at the tall skeleton, he stares for a bit before taking out a cigarette and lighting it "well Dove I want to know why there are monsters all over the place here?" he says his voice smooth like butter "well I want to make the world a better place and rekindle the peace between monster and humankind! I'm starting off slow but soon I will try my best to bring peace to well everywhere!" I say my smile growing and my eyes shining a bright grey-blue momentarily befor going back to the normal e/c that they usually are "that's a pretty big goal you got there Dove, how are you going to pull it off?" the Skeleton asks "by making everyone, my friend!" I say my smile bright as always, the skeleton momentarily looks shocked before regaining his composure "really Dove?" "yes, really," I say smiling up at him, he grunts and nods "well then... how many monster friends do you have Dove?" he asks.
I smile and list out 38 different monsters as well as there likes, birthdays and favourite place to visit as well as many other things "oh! I almost forgot! my first monster friend Papyrus! I haven't seen him since the beginning of all of this... I hope he's ok... but that's all of them!" I say smiling as I watch the skeletons face morph from smug to shock in seconds "you know my brother!?" he asks "wait? YOUR SANS!" I yell, he nods before being dragged out of the meeting room and to my office.
"you're sans! the amazing brother Papyrus talked about!" I say excitedly "this is amazing! how is he! is he in good health? is he happy? is he... he is still alive right?" I ask my face going from happy to concerned in seconds "yes he's alive and well though happy is up for debate" Sans says grunting I nod and smile "is there any way I can help you? and any of the monsters that you know? food? water? clothing? fabric? blankets?" I ask as I sit behind my desk "I'd like to ask Dove why is everyone in suits?" Sans asks "well I use to watch a lot of mafia movies and kinda wanted to copy the whole look... though I guess we kinda became one after a month as we will fight back against any humans that have any Ill intent towards both humans and monsters! my family here may have also been single-handedly responsible for killing off almost all the homophobes... so... yeah... I don't feel any guilt for it? but I am a bit upset that I had let this happen as I kinda did provoke them with a lot of LGBT related puns... I also don't regret the puns themselves! they were good puns... punny if you will :3" I say giggling at the end, sans laughs too but gives me a weary look "well I need to have a chat with the king and queen as well as the ambassador themselves" Sans says, I nod and he... teleports? out of the building.
💜3 months later💙Reader POV💜the monsters are now allied with the "mafia"💙
I smile as I walk through the base checking in on everyone catching up on everything making sure any arguments are resolved and that everyone is happy! as I walk down the hall I catch Sans and Undyne getting ready for a raid "hey! need any help?" I ask the two "nah we got this punk!" Undyne grins happily sans smirking "yeah Dove" "that's good! Oh! Sans, I need to talk to you when you get back!" I say with a smile "can't talk now Dove?" he asks "nope I to am off on a mission! Me Kayla(the short hair blond human) and Alix are heading out to a distress call from one of the small groups that we've been helping out!" I say "ah well come back alive Dove!" sans says "yeah! Don't die punk!" Undyne laughs out, I smile at our little way of wish each other luck "same goes to you too!" I add smiling befor heading off for the mission.
Me, Alix and Kayla head down to the meeting point only to get ambushed by a large group of humans, all covered in blood and dust, their eyes wild and crazy grins stretched across the face, Me and Alix get ready to fight while Kayla works on protecting and healing when Kayla is hit in the Arm, cutting off her ability to heal us and I get shot in the leg befor getting hit smack across the back and head with a nail-riddled baseball bat, I go down hard Kayla coming quickly to my aid while Alix holds the group off long enough to teleport us back to base, once back in base I start to lose consciousness, Sans and Undyne had returned and were amongst the crowd of people when I finally pass out.
When I came too I found I was in the infirmary, I slowly sit myself up and look around and see my hand captured by Sans's hand, I shake the sleepy skelly awake, as Sans realises that I'm awake he sits up and checks me over before bringing me into a gentle but firm hug "I thought you were going to die" he muttered "hey! I came back alive and I'm staying alive! just like I promised!" I say petting his skull, Sans lets out a laugh "Dove... what did you want to tell me when we got back?" he asked "I... I wanted to tell you... that I have romantic feelings for you" I stutter out lamely, Sans laughs again and nuzzles my head "well I love you too Dove" he coos befor skelly kissing my forehead.
A/N and that's it! hope you all enjoy it!
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