Geno x reader
this was requested by @blue_wolf16 so i hope you like the one-shot also i haven't done Geno before (i have a quotev one-shot book that i don't use anymore cause I'm like always on here so eh yeah) so um sorry if he might be out of character but i am going off of what i have seen of him from comics so yeah hope this turn's out ok!
you were talking a walk around mount ebbot when it happened when you fell or at least you think you fell? it felt more like a push you couldn't tell.
it was a bright sunny day, you had decided to climb mount ebbot! after monster's had been released to the surface you had decided you wanted to go up to mount ebbot and check out the underground, but it seemed you had taken a wrong turn and you had instead of finding the entrance to the underground found a cave with a big hole inside! you being the curies gal you are (yes you're a girl cause i didn't get told otherwise you a girl) decided to take a look at the hoe to see how far down it went!
looking in you could just see a tiny patch of yellow and green to which you assumed where flowers and the rest looked like hard unforgiving earth "if you fell down you could probably survive the fall if you landed on the flowers but you'd be seriously hurt if you did!" you mumble out to yourself when you suddenly heard giggling behind you, you turned to look and see what or who it was but before you could you felt a slight weight on your lower back and you where suddenly falling! you tried to move so you fell on the flowers but you where to close to the side's of the hole when
you woke up to a black and seemingly endless void, it felt cold and suffocating but t the same time calm and quiet, you did not like it there, as you got up you noticed that you once coloured cloth's where now black and white the only colour being the rainbow scarf that your grandma had given you for your 18th birthday before she passed away! you never ever took the thing off unless it was to shower (yeah, yah shush and no you don't go swimming at pool's for those who were wondering and deal if you don't like the thought of the whole scarf thing cause shut up rainbow scarfs are cool!) you slowly began to stand up wobbling a bit before finally beginning to wander around aimlessly in the void!
after what seemed like hour's or maybe even day's you saw a small white dot in the distance, thinking it might be some way out of here you ran towards it but as you got closer and closer you noticed that it was not an exit but (much to your surprise) that it was a skeleton! running up you stopped nearby the skeleton who by now had turned as was looking at you in shock and questioning "hello!" you say lamely out of breath "um hi?" the skeleton says confusedly "um I'm y/n! where are we and um how do we get out?" you introduce and ask "oh um you can't leave this is the save screen (i don't know) and um I'm sans but you can call me Geno" he said "oh" you mumble out "oh well it's nice to meet you, Geno! um, so I guess we're stuck here together then so... uh I'm not good at this whole talking to people thing" you say muttering at the end making Geno laugh softly "it's ok it's snow problem at all!" Geno punned (shut it i don't care if that make no sense) "was that a pun? and a snow pun at that?" you ask with a soft giggle at the end "yeah sorry" Geno apologized (what?) "oh no it's no problem! actually, i find pun's quite punny!" you giggle out making Geno smile!
~time skip (cause i suck at writing for some reason!!)~
you and Geno had been talking for what felt like years to you! both of you getting to know each other and even the reason for how you both got there! slowly over the time you two talked you both grew closer and closer together and you both soon began to grow feelings for each other!
another skeleton had popped up one day and said his name was ink! he was really cool to talk to and you found for his hole visit there you had talked to him while he made you and Geno, a house! all through ink's visit with you talking to him and sadly ignoring Geno you didn't notice how jealous he looked! but once ink had left your attention snapped right back to Geno! much to his delight but you had found him to be a little closer like he was afraid you were going to leave him or something?
ink kept visiting you both and he would tell you all about other AU's and all kind's of amazing things but whenever he left Geno would be clinging to you and talking to you about anything he could come up with, you slowly began to catch on to what was going on!
"hey Geno are you jealous of ink?" you asked out of the blue one day causing a large red blush to go appear " what make's you think that!!" Geno exclaimed making you snicker "the blush tells all Geno!" you laughed causing him to blush more "so what if i am!!!" he said pouting "aww Geno! don't worry my heart only belongs to you" you mumbled out through your laughter before you stopped blushing rainbow (cause fuck it that's why!) and Geno to blush more "your heart belongs to who now?" Geno smirked, your blush worsened as you slowly slid down into the sofa hoping that the cushions would save you from the situation "you" you quietly mumble out as Geno looked at your slowly sinking, blushing form "good! cause i wouldn't want someone else taking you from me" Geno said as he leaned down and pecked your lips making you blush more and a small smile to dawn your lip's "i guess this is a good time to say i love you?" you say with your ever-present blush, Geno laughed and smiled "i love you to y/n!" he said before sitting next to you and pulling you into a cuddle session on the sofa!
OK done that's all my stupid brain can spit out! hope you like it cause good dam i can't think! i need caffeine stat but i don't think i'll be able to go getting a coke at this time of night -_- anyway hope you all enjoyed that! BYE!!! for now
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