Black Hat x Reader
A/N so... soulmate AU black hat x reader... this is going to be... interesting... anyway enjoy!
Sighing Black Hat placed the last piece of paperwork for the day in the finished pile befor standing and heading down to Flugs lab "FLUG! get your stuff ready we are headed for the H.C.F.Bank!" Black Hat ordered heading back out of Flugs lab as the nerves scientist stumbles around in shock "yes! Sir Black Hat!" Flag calls back grabbing everything and running out of his lab to catch up with Black Hat.
you sigh as another customer cusses you out for something you can't control! you sat behind the glass of the H.C.F.Bank the Heros, Civilians, Federal, Bank! your job! you would think in this world of heroes and villains that a job as a bank cleric would be dangerous but you would beg to differ seeing as you work in the H.C.F.Bank! the worlds most secure bank! you loved your job but sometimes it really tested your patience! like now you just had to deal with 5 Karens all screaming nonsense that you had no control of until they got kicked out by security!
"Hey y/n! go take a break! i'll handle your window for a bit!" Sylveon, one of your co-workers, says letting you take a well-needed break! "thanks Sylveon!" you call as you head to the back, once in the back, you soon start to feel uneasy, like something bad is going to happen! then like as if some sort of comedic timing the front of the bank blows up! you rush to the front to see if your co-worker is ok only to see most of them running for the safe room on the other side of the bank! you start to head there only to stop as a gravely laugh rings through the bank and your chest begins to glow "oh no" you mutter, you know that laugh, everyone knows that laugh! "Black Hat" you mumble befor quickly ducking down and hiding under the cleric desk "well, well, well! what is this?" you hear Black Hat's voice "seems my soulmate happens to be here!" you hear him call 'well fook' you thought 'i'm probably dead' you mentally sigh in defeat as you hear footsteps near you "well hello dear!" Black Hat says as his face appears befor you "salutations soulmate, didn't expect you to be my soulmate..." you say kinda shuffling back a bit into the desk "indeed hm i think it's best we keep this secret" he says standing upright and extending a hand out for you to take, grabbing his hand he pulls you up and close to him "now my dear i must get what i came for but we'll meet again" he said befor heading further into the bank.
a week had passed since the bank incident and as much as you hate it you've gone back to your old work of selling information, and sadly your information black market has once again gotten you in the bad books of some heroes who you now happen to be running from "OH COME ON! JUST CAUSE I GIVE OUT THE SAME INFORMATION THE MEDIA DOES BUT NOT IN PUBLIC DOES NOT MAKE IT EVIL!!!" you scream as you keep running till you come to a dead end "oh how cliche this is..." you mutter as you turn to the heroes "ok so you have me cornered now what? you going to beat me half to death like the heathens you lot are" you bitterly mutter out "well your half right villain" one of them sneers "wow so creative" you mutter befor the one that talked blasted you with some kind of beam "shut it you cow!" the other hero says "NOW THAT'S JUST LAZY!" you yell befor the hero who blasted at you was all of a sudden on the ground his insides out "what the!?" the other hero yells out befor the same thing happened to him "well this is interesting" you mutter staring down at the two dead heroes "hello my dear, lovely seeing you again" Black Hat says as he walks out of the shadows "hello Black Hat, you saved me i assume?" you ask "you assumed correctly my dear" he responds with a laugh "and why is that? i thought you of all people would be above this romance soulmate stuff?" you say as you head towards the entrance to the dead end "yes, I'm not fond of it but I'm rather curious about how you, my soulmate are my perfect match" Black Hat says walking by your side "oh? hmm, I've got a proposal then" "oh?" "how about you visit me every evening and we ask each other one question until we either like each other or our curiosity is gone," you say with a small smile "hmm that doesn't sound too bad," Black hat says "so we have a deal?" you ask holding out your hand "we have a deal my dear" Black hat grins giving your hand a simple shake.
two months have gone by and Black Hat has visited every evening, y/n and Black Hat getting closer each night, as y/n was cooking themselves something to eat for dinner when ice started to form around the room slowly crawling towards her, she turns off the stove and grabs a rolling pin from one of the draws "who's here! i know someone is here! ice doesn't just start forming randomly in peoples home!" y/n calls out "besides don't you think it's a little i don't know overkill?" y/n quips "well aren't you a smart little dove? i can see why Black Hat finds you so interesting~" a chilling cool female voice speaks "well then seeing as you know your probably here to exploit this? use me against Black Hat?" y/n asks walking into the lounge "you would be correct" the voice speaks "what is this a B-grade movie?" y/n mutters "what!? my plan is brilliant! kidnap Black Hat's soulmate, blackmail him into giving me the title of best villain and then kill you and leave him broken!" the voice says as a woman in white silver and blue armour appears in front of you "yeah great plan for a fanfiction but do you really think that would work in practice?" y/n says "yes!" she says befor encasing y/n in ice "shit should have swung when i had the chance" y/n mutters.
~time skip and yeah Black Hat figures out you get kidnapped it's late and I'm tired~
sighing you watch as the strange girl, now known as Clarice, sets up some kind of shield "he's not going to give up his title let alone his company for me" you mutter "oh shut up and look pretty" Clarice yells "I'm in sweats and turtleneck!?!?" you yell when the wall to the outsides crumbles "anti-climatic but that's fine! glad you could join us, Black Hat!" Clarice greets as Black Hat enters from the crumbled ruins of the wall "well I didn't want my soulmate hurt now did i?" Black Hat says walking forward only to get shocked "what the?! what is this!" Black Hat growls "eheheh that my dark friend is a shield!" Clarice laughs "now if you want your precious soulmate back give me your company and title!" Clarice demands when Black Hat get's shocked again"tut tut tut! I'm not that dumb Black Hat! you can't just teleport your way out of this!" Clarice laughs! "i'll say this one more time give me your company and title or... your little soulmate will be nothing but a frozen popsicle!" Clarice demands, Black Hat stairs between you and Clarice "never" Black Hat declares "HA! I TOLD YOU!" you yelled "like what were you thinking!?! besides that i technically should already be losing limbs from frostbite by now and yet here i am limbs attached and perfectly fine" you sass "WHAT!?!" Clarice yells "yup" you nod when Black Hat suddenly lasers Clarice "also you had nothing to stop him doing that" you add as Clarice turns to ash, Black Hat destroys the shield allowing Flug to run in and free you from the ice "thank you, Flug!" you thank befor turning to Black Hat "Flug head back to the mansion i want to talk to y/n" Black Hat orders "y-yes sir!" Flug says heading out of the building.
Black Hat turns to you "y/n i want you to live with me" "hmm ok but after one thing!" you say "and what is that?" Black Hat asks only to go silent as you give him a quick kiss on the lips "the glowing was getting a little bit annoying! now let's head back to the mansion!" you say as you head out of the building "yes, let's head back my dear" Black Hat laughs out a smug look on his face.
A/N I'm done! I'm tired this is it if it sucks welp shit guess it sucks! anyway enjoy goodnight and goodbye for now! also REQUEST STUFF PLEASE!
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