After going to the club
Brian's POV:
I woke up next to Brock with my head hurting like crazy. "Oh my goooood." I grunted. Brock was laying next to me and appeared to be in a deep sleep. I reached over and kissed his head. After that I got out of bed and decided to get a cold glass of tea, but as soon as I got up I fell over. "OH SH-" I tripped over the lamp cord. "Brian? Is that you?" I slowly crawled towards the door but heard footsteps that got closer and closer. "What the hell are you doing?" Brock snickered. "Well I was gonna get some tea but I tripped over the damn lamp cord." I mumbled. Brock started laughing at me. ;_;
Brock POV:
I was laughing so hard at Brian I felt like I just did ab exercises. I helped Brian up and guided him to the kitchen. "Babe remember yesterday when Craig tried to dance" I asked
"Yeah I thought I pissed myself laughing!" Brian exclaimed.
Brian and I were so close - so close to kissing right then and there but instead the mailman had to knock on the door. "I'll get it." Brian said. I watched him go to the front door and get the package. His ass is so bootylicious ((((:
While I was daydreaming about the booty Brian scared the absolute fuck out of me. "BROCK!" brian yelled
"Oh what the fu--" I bolted up and looked at him. "Were you daydreaming babe?" I blush and say "yes..."
? POV:
"Those idiots won't even know what's coming right, Marcel?"
Marcel looked at the floor and mumbled "yes, sir.."
"Now go away and don't come back unless I call you!" I told him.
Unless they look through the whole package they won't know that I secretly hidden a knock out gas and that my guys are coming for them...soon.
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