What on Earth is love?
What on Earth is love?
That question was probably more difficult for Noé to answer than for most people. It took him a long time to figure out why that was. The ideal of love that he had always been told about didn't fit with his experiences. So, he assumed romantic feelings had never taken root in his heart before. But they had. If society had given a broader view of love he may have understood sooner.
Romance was always between a man and a woman. Noé had accepted this fact even if it had never been told to him in those exact words. It was simply perpetuated by everything and everyone around him. Noé had assumed he would meet the right woman, like what happened in so many stories he had read. That would never happen.
Noé's heart would never skip a beat for a woman. Even if he wanted it to. That was just the way he was. It wasn't something he could control or something that could be changed. He simply could not love a woman in the way he was told men should.
Eventually, he realised this. But it took longer to realise who he could feel romantically for. To realise that it had always been that way and he had simply failed to notice. Looking back, it should have been obvious that he liked men and only men.
Louis had been the first. Noé wasn't sure when he had felt that way about his friend or when it had ended. It was a boyish crush and nothing more, but he couldn't pinpoint the moment it started or ended. It didn't matter.
Noé wasn't exposed to many other men his own age throughout his childhood so that likely made things harder for him. Dominique, who regularly saw large groups of people, had an easier time coming to terms with her love of men and women. Noé had very few romantic interests, even fleeting ones, to examine.
It wasn't until Vanitas that he understood himself. Even that took a long time. He really had hated Vanitas when they first met, his personality was abrasive and he was a jerk. Yet, as time went on, he grew to understand Vanitas and wanted to know more about him. They eventually became inseparable parts of each other's lives.
Noé understood he was in love. It was bizarre how easily he accepted it. Vanitas was a human, a man and a jerk. Still, Noé loved him. He wasn't quite sure why. That would probably take him as many years to figure out.
He knew Vanitas wouldn't want his love, at least not now. Vanitas could not accept love from anyone in his current state, Noé knew that. But maybe, just maybe, that could change. If Noé could discover why Vanitas didn't want to be loved he could help in some way. Even then he may be rejected but Noé didn't mind, he wasn't the type to force his feelings on someone else. Noé just wanted to love freely when he finally understood what love meant to him.
I was thinking about sexuality in VnC (as you do) and really started to consider what Noé's sexuality is. He is definitely in love with either Jeanne or Vani. And obviously, I am biased and want him to love Vani. So then, I thought about what it would mean for him if he were gay.
I think it would add to his confusion about love. I think it would also help explain why he's so oblivious to women's affection towards him. I also think he wouldn't realise it for a long time. But that's if he were gay. I'm still not sure where MochiJun plans to take the story and I'm not against him ending up with Jeanne if it's developed well.
I've also never really thought Noé was romantically in love with Louis but I thought for the purposes of this one shot it should be in here. We do have a canon bisexual character in Dominique. I've had someone argue with me about her sexuality and say it's not confirmed that she likes women but I think that's stupid.
We've been shown that she likes women. Obviously, Noé is the person she likes most, but she has clearly expressed interest in women/flirted with women. If you don't think she's confirmed to be not straight then you've misread. It shouldn't need to be stated in words when the character's actions clearly illustrate the point on their own.
Anyway, I'm done ranting. But, speaking of Domi, where is she? Jun, I miss my Queen! I want to see her! It's been years and I am but a humble idiot who loves Dominique. Please spare some Dominique drawings for a worried fan.
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