Alright, I know that pretty much everyone in this fandom has the headcanon that Vanitas is covered in scars. I also like this idea because it makes sense with what we know about him (also the potential angst... even if this is going to be fluffy). So I'm writing a completely unoriginal fanfiction about it. Don't judge me.
Vanitas sighed in irritation. It was late at night, Noé and him had only just come back to their hotel after chasing a curse bearer. It had all worked out fine in the end but Vanitas was tired and he hated feeling tired. It made him feel weak and there was no way to stop it until he allowed himself to be unconscious and vulnerable for a few hours.
Vanitas scowled as he took his large coat off, he disliked the human need for sleep and wished he could stay awake forever. Sleep was rough and uncomfortable for him more often than not so he'd really rather avoid it when he could. Nonetheless, Vanitas understood the need for rest and continued to undress, getting ready for bed.
As soon as Vanitas had managed to remove the layers of clothes covering the top half of his body there was a knock on his door. Before he could tell them to go away, the door burst open and Noé came tumbling inside.
"I'm sorry Vanita-" Noé stopped abruptly.
Vanitas had his back to Noé but he could tell that his companion had a horrified look on his face. Predictable. Noé was far too concerned for others. Despite this Vanitas wasn't going to show any weakness, especially not in front of Noé. Vanitas pulled the nearby blanket off of his bed and slung it around his shoulders before turning to Noé.
"Were you never taught any manners?" Vanitas tutted. "What is so important that it couldn't wait for the morning, hmmm?"
"What happened to you Vanitas?" Noé asked levelly.
"I know that wasn't what you originally wanted when you burst into my room, and I refuse to answer any more of your questions until that is addressed."
"I just wanted to ask if that curse bearer gave you any more clues about charlatan," Noé muttered.
"That could have waited," Vanitas scowled.
"I'm sorry Vanitas," Noé apologised.
"Just leave. We'll forget about this," Vanitas answered dismissively.
"I'm not leaving." Noé stayed where he was.
"I don't know anything new about charlatan. Are you happy to leave now?" Vanitas was running out of patience.
"No. I want to know what happened to you. You said you would answer my other questions after I told you what I wanted in the first place," Noé argued.
"I did not say that, I merely implied it and that means nothing," Vanitas glared.
"I won't leave," Noé replied stubbornly.
"Fine. What do you want to know?" Vanitas raised an eyebrow and gave Noé a half hearted smirk.
"When I came in here I saw your back- It was covered in scars and I wanted to know how that happened Vanitas..."
Vanitas unconsciously gripped the blanket that was covering him tighter, "I think you could guess. Do you remember Doctor Moreau, Noé?"
"Of course I remember him! You don't just forget a man like that!" Noé exclaimed. "His experiments caused this?"
"Most of it, yes. But did you not expect me to have some scars left from his experiments? How terribly naïve of you Noé," Vanitas grinned.
"This isn't a joke Vanitas," Noé gritted his teeth.
"Why not? Making tragedy into comedy is a common enough occurrence," Vanitas continued to smile.
"I don't find it funny." Noé scowled, "If anything your reaction worries me more than if you acted upset like a normal person."
"Normal people are so boring though. Not all of my scars are from Moreau anyway. I've lived a complicated life Noé, some came from vampires like yourself, although arguably the worst came from Vanitas himself," Vanitas flaunted the mark on his right arm that was left by the vampire of the blue moon. His smile twisted sickeningly, "Don't look so horrified Noé. I don't want your sympathy."
Noé did something unexpected then. He reached forward and pulled Vanitas into a hug. It was gentle but he was holding tight enough that Vanitas couldn't slip away. With his face no longer visible Vanitas let his smile drop. After all, a hug is just a way to hide your face.
"Why?" Vanitas questioned, genuinely confused, "we aren't even friends Noé."
"Maybe not but I still hate to see you like this, pretending it doesn't hurt. It doesn't matter if you don't want my sympathy, I'm going to do as I please. I have scars too you know and sometimes it's okay to tell people about them."
"But now you'll think I have emotions Noé and we can't have that," Vanitas argued jokingly.
Noé snorted, "You're okay with me seeing emotions like anger and irritation but nothing that you think makes you look weak."
"Very observant," Vanitas chuckled and decided to actually start hugging Noé back, tentatively. "I might start being less guarded around you but not a word to anyone else, mkay?"
"Not even Jeanne?"
"Especially not Jeanne, Noé."
"I understand."
"You'll have to show me your scars one day since you've already seen mine."
"We'll see," Noé smiled and broke away from the hug.
"I'm tired Noé. So get out and I'll see you in the morning," Vanitas ordered.
"Goodnight Vanitas," Noé muttered as he left.
Damn this is sappy. But I don't plan for the next one to be! Oh no, that one is going to be nothing but pain, sorrow and angst. So enjoy the fluff while it lasts because if you're reading this manga you know it deserves some hardcore angst. It is going to be one of the most emotionally scarring manga I will ever read, I can feel it, and I'm ready.
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