I used to be HeartLess
Another one. Here we go again. Hopefully you guys don't kill me. Summary: Evan didn't have emotions. He was just difficult to be friends with. And as well as different.... He was HEARTLESS. Until someone came into his life. And play song when ever you want.
Third POV
Evan was just a different person. He had many personal problems. His parents tried to help him but when ever they did he would always lose his temper and smash everything in his room. He always wears red and black. And scene he was different he would be made fun of in school. But he didn't let it slide... He would yell making the other people scared or he would do something even worse to them.... Like.... Pinning them on the ground and beat them until they had bruises or black eyes. He would go out at midnight and cry on the roof top. He would even cut himself until he couldn't take no more pain. One day he was walking to school and he bump into someone. The person was taller then him and had brown hair, green and some blue in his eyes. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to bump into you." The person apologized. Evan had rage in his dark brown eyes at first, but when he saw the person his brown eyes got a little lighter. The person went on his knees and started to pick up the things Evan dropped. "Here you go. Again, I'm sorry I bumped into you. I didn't mean to." the person apologized once again. "Oh it's alright. I wasn't paying attention were I was going." Evan responded. "The names Tyler by the way." Tyler answered. "I'm Evan." Evan replied. "Evan? Huh that's a cute name." Tyler smiled. Then heat grew on Evan's cheeks. "Well I got to go, Nice meeting you Evan!" Tyler said as he walked away. Evan waved bye and kept walking to school. "What's this feeling? I don't have emotions. Why do I feel...... Different? It's not like I feel something for him... Do I?" Evan asked himself the way to school.
"This feeling is strange... I never have this feeling... Is something happening with me or am I.... Happy when ever I'm with him."
❤💔❤To be continued❤💔❤ So sorry it took forever! But hey, at least I got another done! Now that this is the 2nd I have 3 more to go! Anyway This Little Fox Is Out Of Here!!!!!
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