Chapter 25- Meal and Sabotage
"What did you do to them!" I hear Zade scream.
A quiet reply, then responds.
I groan and open my eyes slowly.
They start adjusting to the bright lights shining above me.
I'm sitting. I try to move to stretch, but my wrists are strapped to a chair.
Damn it!
I turn left to look Zade who looks angry, arguing with Linus across the table.
Wait, table?
A long dining table sits infront of me and I'm strapped and seated infront of it.
Juniour sits across from me and slowly stirs,
"Ugh, they are fine," Linus says exasperated. "Look for yourself,"
Zade turns his head and looks at us.
He sighs in relief "I thought he had killed you two,"
Juniour yawns "Are you two-"
"We're all strapped down, brother," Zade says.
"Why?" I say.
Linus scoffs "Is that even a question? let me tell you why: wreaking havoc, destruction of property, blowing people up, scarring my lab, annoying the Sirens and I, escaping, leaving my experiments incomplete-"
"Well, excuse me if I don't want to be tortured," Juniour says sarcastically.
"Are you done yet?" Zade pipes up.
Linus gives them a glare before continuing.
Ariel appears and I struggle even more against my restraints.
"I swear if it wasn't the Siren's turn, I'd enjoy watching you suffer and trust me, I would not be using anesthetics," Linus finishes rant.
"What do you mean by the 'Sirens' turn'?" Zade asks.
The lights dim.
"It means," Ariel says "Its my time to help torture you, but why not kill two birds with one stone? You see I have this big cooking practical in Home Economics coming up and I have to practise but it's not like I can actually taste what I make, but you three can!"
She eyes Vlad "Well most likely 66% of you can!"
Ariel twirls and claps her hands once.
Suddenly, there is a large spread of food before us.
Most likely anything you can think of is there. Fruits, salads, beef, ribs and the list goes on.
I take deep breaths trying not to cry.
"Mira, why do you look like you're going to cry?" Zade says concerned.
"She's going to make us eat all of it," I murmur quietly.
"What?" Vlad gasps.
"You're kidding me right?" Zade says in disbelief.
I shake my head.
"Why is Linus here?" Juniour says.
"I'm going to do an external experiment, examining your eating habits and routines," Linus says holding up a clipboard "Since I can't cut you open,"
Vlad starts struggling.
"It's human food, so Vlad I need to know if you can eat it," Ariel says.
"Go kiss a-" Juniour starts, before a slice of cake cuts him off s Ariel forces him to swallow.
Junior gags "Ugh!" he shivers.
Ariel and Linus stare at him "You're not throwing up, so that's a good sign,"
Vlad glares at them.
"You can eat human food?" Ariel says in disbelief.
"Duh," Zade rolls his eyes.
"How did it taste?"
"I hate sugary things," Juniour growls.
Zade and I gasp. Who doesn't love sweets?
"It was...terrible, is that what you think?" Ariel says broken- heartedly.
"I never said that!" Juniour protested.
"So you'll eat,"
"Neither will I," Zade jumps in "If you had offered me something to taste test, fine but you cannot expect me to eat all of this. I could get sick or indigestion! Maybe got into a food coma!"
"Is that last one even a thing?" Juniour lifts an eyebrow.
"I don't know," Zade shrugs "If not, it is now!"
"You won't even try them?" Ariel sniffles.
"Is it poisoned?" Zade asks.
Vlad shakes his head.
Iliana appears.
Ariel bursts into tears and buries her head in her sister's chest.
Iliana pats her head "What's wrong?"
"They won't eat! I'm going to fail Home Ec! And they think I'm a terrible cook!" she sniffs bawling her eyes out.
Linus clucks his tongue "Shame on you. You made a young girl cry,"
He stands up "Well bye, was nice knowing you three,"
Linus disappears.
"Are you kidding me?" I say.
"They beat, kidnapped and abused us, yet we're the villains," Vlad says through gritted teeth.
"This is almost too ridiculous to be funny," Zade chuckles.
Iliana looks up at us while Ariel is holding unto her for dear life.
"You're going to pay dearly," she growled "If you want to be forgiven eat,"
"NO!" my siblings and say together with me.
Iliana looks taken aback before her look turns into one of amusement. "So be it," she says as Pacifica appears next, Ariel still crying in her arms.
And that my dear readers is when they both began to sing.
This cannot end well.
* * *
I listen to the muttering around me. Eh, I snuggle my head against something warm and a steady rhythm behind it.
Something's covering me.
I turn on my side.
Damn it body! I don't want to wake up yet!
I groan and sit up, rubbing my eyes.
I yawn and look down.
Zade was lying down, sleeping on the ground.
We had both been lying down on and were surround by lots of pillows.
hm, a make- shift pillow bed.
I guess I had been lying on his chest.
I rub my eyes again then stop.
I'm being watched.
I look around, surrounded by Rins. What the hell?
Linus looks up from a notebook.
"You're finally awake," he states.
"Took you long enough, Sleeping Ugly," Darius? Yeah definitely Darius, he's wearing his glasses.
Suddenly, he coughs blood and doubles over. A knife embedded in his stomach.
"Would you; shut it!" Zade groans sitting up.
All his hair is swept horizontally on one side of his spikes.
I look at him gratefully.
He shugs "I got your back," holding up a fist.
"So do I," is my reply as we fist bump.
I thank everything covered in sugar that he shut Darius up for me.
I look around at the others.
Why were we in their midst?
"Were you people watching us sleep?" I say.
Games are put on pause, people who were typing stop and the room gets quiet.
"No, are you crazy!" Jinirah says, waving her phone around "Why would you say that?"
"She thinks we're stalking her," Nate says.
"Are you serious?" she gasps.
Nate nods and they both burst out laughing.
Soon it spreads.
It's not funny.
"Nope, it's hilarious," Jinirah gasps for air.
Stop reading my mind.
"We wouldn't if you weren't leaving your mind open," another one of the triplets- Damien?- says.
"Which you do alot," Nate says.
The joke's on them, they're probably the only people that can read my thoughts for some reason.
"Would you people shut up!" Juniour pops up suddenly.
Zade and I move away slowly from where he was lying on the couch. They woke Vlad up. I don't wanna die!
"Here is one of the things you should never do: waking me up!" he continues "The next person that does so, I'll rip you apart!"
Then he collapsed back into the chair.
A cold silence ensued.
"I felt chills up my spine," DJ shivered "What's his issue?"
"You never," Zade starts.
"In a million years-" I continue.
"Wake up Vladimir Juniour," we finish together.
"Unless you're suicidal, of course," Zade adds " which you should do Linus,"
"Huh," Linus looks up from his lab top "Did someone say something?"
"Dude, burn," Nate said what I was thinking.
"If I could kill you I would," Zade growled.
"You can try it, experiment. I'm not stopping you," Linus smirks and stops typing "I'll just get an opportunity for a field test," he cracked his knuckles grinning.
"Psychotic terrorist," Zade growled.
"Duh," Linus rolled his eyes "Now who's ready to do something fun," Linus announces.
"You have our attention, " the females in our family- Aysha, Jinirah, the Sirens say, except me.
I don't concur for one: the Sirens are there. Zade cringes next to me.
For another thing a voice is behind me: "What do you have in mind, brother?"
Why?! What the actual hell!
"Oh, you're back," Linus looks up at his baby sister.
"Did you miss me, big brother?" Icarus said in her childish voice.
"I missed having another body to experiment on," Linus murmurs to himself.
"If you had stayed there for mm, another 20, maybe 160 years, then yes I would miss you," Linus says out loud.
"Oh, really, I have school to go back too, you know! So having me grounded that long wouldn't be very effective!" Icarus growled out the last part "You sold out your only sister,"
"And you're about to try to bludgeon your only brother," Linus replied, as the two glared at each other. "You broke Mother's rules. You're lucky she didn't murder you, for feeding off her younger brother's child,"
"Oh come on now," she waves it off "Most of you know what happens to me when I'm in blood lust,"
My hands curl into fists. That was it! That was it!
You sadistically torture me, forcefully drink my blood and that was all the punishment she got!
That was it!!!
I stalk over to Damien and brutally rip Zade's dagger out of him.
She was going to die!
If her parents couldn't give her proper discipline, then I would.
"Zade," I ask sweetly, before he could sense my anger "Can I borrow a gun?"
"Uh, sure," Zade said materializing one without really paying attention.
"So she bit me and the only punishment she gets is being grounded," I growl.
"Yes," Linus says.
"Why?" Icarus asks.
"Wait, you don't actually think our mother sent Icarus to her room for all that time, did you?" Linus asks.
"Yes," I nod.
They look at each other back to me and burst out laughing.
"C- can't b-breathe," Icarus sputters struggling to breathe.
Linus takes a deep breath and wipes his glasses "Mother doesn't just send you to your room, she literally grounds you,"
I'm confused.
"Imagine being chained up and buried alive hundred of metres, under the ground in a confined space with a limited amount of oxygen and having to carry weight. If you drop it or put it down- if you can manage- you die. During all of that what......... you've done," he finishes creepily.
"Ok, then," I smile. That sounds abusive and horrible! However, it's perfect!
I hand Zade back his dagger.
Icarus giggles "She's brutal, amazing but brutal. So what'd I miss?"
Nothing much, I think to myself than me almost killing you. Well trying to anyway.
"Well people, we're all here and accounted for," Linus says "We have less than 48 hours of mid-term left. let's cause some chaos and lawsuits and make it count!" he finishes determinedly.
Everyone looks a bit surprised, but who didn't agree?
A/N Alright updates! I finished exam today! Celebration with an update! Whooo! Enjoy! And check out my book "Book Ideas and Inputs" for updates my books. Bed time Night!! 1808 words!
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