All Back Together
Sai had replaced me by now and knowing Naruto, he was absolutely hating it. Though Sasuke was probably keeping him in line. I muttered the incantation to see and hear my old team and they appeared in the ball.
"He will never be a member of team Kakashi. The last member of team Kakashi is Allianna. He was just selected to replace her."
"I'm glad you see me that way." Sai said, fake smiling. "I wouldn't want to be compared to that piece of shit, weak kunoichi who scampered off to Orochimaru for power and betrayed Konoha."
"You basta..." Sakura held her hand up, stopping Naruto and Sasuke grabbed his shoulder.
"I apologize for Naruto." She said sweetly before punching him in the face. "However, insult Allianna again and I won't go easy."
"Go Sakura." I laughed. The following threat scared everyone but Sasuke, who didn't give a shit about Yamato.
The next day, I was sitting in my favorite room besides my room because everyone knew not to bug me. It was the snake hall. Despite they man they have a contract with, several of the snakes will summon themselves to hangout with me here and I have a wonderful time. Right now I was talking to Yuki, who was Mamba's youngest daughter. She was a pure with viper who had wormed her way around my body and under parts of my clothing without being creepy.
"Enjoying yourself, Yuki?" I asked coldly.
"Very, Allianna-sama. If your wolves allowed it, would you come to visit my father and convince him to release me and let me stay with you?"
"No. If that were to occur, when you gained your true size, I wouldn't be able to hide or keep you safe, then your father would eat me." I explained. She nodded her understanding as Orochimaru, Kabuto and Sai entered the room. "I told you not to disturb me, Orochimaru."
"Sorry, Allianna-san. We ran into a complication." Orochimaru motioned to Sai. "He's from Konoha like you so you can bathe in nostalgia."
"Greetings, my name is Sai. You must be Allianna...." Sai started with his fake smile.
"Beat it." I ordered, standing and stroking Yuki, sitting up.
"Even if I smile, I am the type of person who gets hated. Naruto-kun didn't seem to care for me much either. But in comparison, I'll get along with you much better." I stared directly at him. He looked me in the eye and I cast the genjutsu. It tossed him into a realm where I was in my wolf form and he was forced to run with myself occasionally catching him, only to wind up back where he started. He fell and Kabuto yelled my name. I released Sai to see him sweating. I internally smirked and walked back to my seat.
"Has Yuki been keeping you company?" Orochimaru asked.
"Obviously." I stated,reclining against the giant snake statue with candles for eyes.
"It's not a good idea to tease Allianna-san too much. She's much harder to deal with than myself."
"Whatever. Leave."
"Naruto-kun told me he's been searching for you for the past three years." Sai said, standing.
"Yeah, that sounds like the idiot. Now LEAVE."
"Naruto considers you his sister. That's what Sakura and Sasuke said." I looked at the Root member.
"As far as siblings are concerned, I only had one and he's dead." I walked away without a second glance to my room and lay on my bed with Yuki curling up on my stomach. I lay on my bed and waited for team Kakashi to find me.
Sai found me first, laying face up on the bed, all my scrolls, my mask and my entire mural packed away. All the stuff I was hiding from Orochimaru was packed up too and I only had Angel and Demon out. Sai sent three ink snakes after me. They slithered up the bed, they were about to touch me, so I decided to stop faking.
"Who's there?" I asked, not looking.
"Caught me red handed. Still I have acquired the upper-hand."
"What do you want?"
"I intended to take you back to Konoha. Though I originally came here to kill you. I want to see if I can protect the bond between you and him that he clings to so strongly."
"Bonds? You woke me to talk about bonds?" I let the explosive tags around my room off. I jumped up to the ledge of the hole I had created and stood at the ready with my katana that Orochimaru insisted I have. It would do well to copy what Sasuke would have done.
"You live up to your reputation. To be able to overpower my jutsu is quite impressive."
"What the hell?" Sakura came charging out, yelling at Sai.
"Ah. Sakura. Is that you?" I asked, already knowing the answer. Sakura let go of Sai and looked directly at me. "Allianna-chan."
Naruto and Sasuke came out of the rubble by the tunnel and looked at me as well.
"Allianna..." Naruto breathed.
"Naruto, Sasuke... So you came as well. Does that mean Kakashi's here too?" I asked, boredly acting. Yamato stepped out of the tunnel.
"Unfortunately, Kakashi-san couldn't be here but I am here in his place. We, team Kakashi, are going to take you back to Konoha."
"Team Kakashi, huh?"
Sai pulled out his sword and Sakura started yelling about how she knew it.
"So he's my replacement? Couldn't even find a girl strong enough in that weak village? He was spouting nonsense about bonds between me and Naruto. One more pansy for the group, I'm sure he fits."
Sai started a speech about feeling and being free and I just rolled my eyes, blocking it out. He was honestly so irritating.
"Sure I know, that's why I severed them." I interrupted. "I have other bonds I carry. Bonds to my past. Too many bonds causes one to lose focus. Weakening their strongest wish, their greatest desire." Damn, Sasuke would have been cheesy as fuck. Now I was the one being cheesy.
"If that's true then why DID YOU SPARE SASUKE AND I THAT DAY?! ALLIANNA!" Naruto finally broke, yelling and adding his two cents.
"I told you. It was on a whim. Something I will not do again." I jumped forward and placed my hand on Naruto's shoulder, my other hand grabbing my katana and pulling it out of it's case. The metal scraped as I pulled it out. Turning the blade in my hand, I drove it towards the blond ninja's back. Sai blocked my attack and I jumped back. "You want to be Hokage. Focus on training rather than chasing me or I might come take that position from you."
"Like anyone who can't even save one friend deserves be hokage, right? Allianna."
"Hn." Yamato shot would at me and I smirked. I coated my blade with wind and drove it towards him, cutting the kunai he used to defend himself and piercing his shoulder. I glanced at Naruto and saw he now had claws and slit eyes. I stared into his eyes and with a single handsign, I was in his mindspace with him and Kyuubi.
"So this is the mighty Kyuubi. Hm, I was expecting more." I drawled, walking up through the water with no weapon.
"Vampire Brat. You don't scare me." The fox snarled.
I glanced sidelong at Naruto before grabbing the nose of the fox and ripping it, causing the bubbles to explode.
"Well you can suppress my power. I say only, Don't kill Naruto. You will regret it."
I exited Naruto's mind and in my momentary delay, Yamato pushed me back and trapped me in a wooden cage. I broke out easily and retook my place at the top of the crater.
"Allianna. Don't you get it. Your bodies going to be stolen by Orochimaru soon." Sasuke warned.
"Not likely." I scoffed, flashing my fangs. Orochimaru appeared beside me and grabbed my arm as it twitched.
"Calm Allianna."
"Let go." I ordered.
Kabuto did that whole Akatsuki warning that I couldn't be bothered to listen to and we diappeared in flames. Though before the jutsu started, I tossed my sword. It had a note that said, "I still prefer Demon. Sasuke can have this."
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