Later that evening the sun had set so Medic didn't need his gear so he walked you to your room and bid you good night and he kissed you. "I vill see you in ze morning liebe." He said and he made his way back to the infirmary.
Your POV
After I said good night to Medic I went into my room and I expected him to be out when everyone else was sleeping so he could feed. A few hours later I checked the clock to see that it was 11 at night and I heard my door open and close and I didn't think too much of it since I figured it was Medic. "So you like vampires huh? I could be a vampire for ya." A voice said and I felt warm breath on my neck and I mentally called for Medic since he can read my thoughts. A few seconds later a figure burst into my room and easily picked up the other figure and tossed it aside and held me in a comforting manner. "I am here now liebe. Nozing vill hurt you now, I promise." Medic said and the other figure got up and looked around disoriented and saw Medic holding me protectively "Hey Doc, what're you doin here?" Scout's voice said "I am protecting mein girlfriend from you." He said "I heard she likes vampires so I was gonna act like a vampire." Scout said "You vill do no such thing. She is mine und nicht yours or anyone else's." Medic said coldly and was instantly in front of Scout and held his throat in an iron grip and Scout struggled to free himself "(Y/N)... Help... Please... Call... Him... Off." Scout pleaded while struggling to breath and Medic looked at me with a look that said "Can I drain him?" And I looked at Medic and nodded and he grinned revealing his razor sharp fangs as he mouthed "Danke." And I nodded and he turned to face Scout.
Scout's POV
Medic looked at (Y/N) and she nodded and he turned to face me and grinned creepily which showed two small fangs. "Are those vampire fangs?" I asked "You vill be mein first meal of ze night. Yesterday you vere second, your blood is quite gut but nicht as gut as mein liebeling's." "You drink your own girlfriend's blood?" I asked in disbelief "That's sick!" I added and he glared at me "She said zat she vould be a supply for me. Und besides zat I still hunt ze others." I gulped and tried to free myself and he released me and I dropped to the ground and I crawled backwards "I ain't a good meal for you. You wouldn't like my blood anyway, it's uh... It's too... Uh... Strong tasting." And he chuckled darkly and slowly walked towards me and just from the way he walked it told that he knew he would catch me even if I ran. "Vere you nicht listening to me Scout? I said zat last night you vere mein second victim. Tonight, however, you are mein first meal of ze night." He grinned at me creepily and his grin revealed two small fangs and it hit me that those two red marks on my neck was from him drinking my blood and I woke up in the respawn room because he drank all my blood. "You are nicht as stupid as I thought." Medic said and he grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head and pinned me to the wall. His eyes began to glow a bright red and I tried to keep my eyes closed as I awaited certain death or to feel those two fangs being plunged into my neck and feel him drinking my blood. "He's gonna completely drain me of blood isn't he?" I thought and once again my thought was answered with a dark chuckle from Medic "Vhy are you nicht fighting me?" He asked "I know that fighting is useless." I looked at him and he looked disappointed "Vat a shame. I love vhen mein prey fights me in a futile attempt to save themselves." So he liked when his prey tries to fight him? Part of me wanted to fight him off and run and the other was telling me to let him drain me and to not give him the satisfaction of me fighting. Then I heard a chuckle and what felt like two knives being plunged into my neck and I tried so hard to not scream and I managed to stay quiet. He loves to hear his victims agonizing and fearful screams so I wasn't going to give him that satisfaction and I felt my blood running out of my neck and I felt something warm glide across the blood and then Medic looked me in the eye and said "I vill make you suffer for vat you did." And he started biting everywhere he could on my neck, not to mention his was biting as hard as he could as he was trying to get me to scream. "You are nicht easy to break, I vill break you und listen to your screams of agony. Besides no one vill hear you so no one vill save you." He said and he bit down as hard as he could on my neck and the pain was excruciating and I screamed and he smirked at me. "I told you zat I vould hear your screams of agony." And he let me feel my neck and I looked at my hand to see it covered in my blood and he pinned my wrist above my head as he started to drink my blood.
Medic's POV
After Scout screamed in pure agony I knew I was onto something and I bit down on that same spot to get the same response. I then began to suck up his blood and Scout weakly tried to fight me off. "So now you are trying to fight." I smirked that he was trying to fight "Und here I thought you vere nicht going to give me ze satisfaction of you fighting me und screaming in agony und fear." Scout was unable to answer as he was crying I smirked and laughed as I kept draining him of blood. I watched as Scout kept getting more and more pale and I knew that it was because of lack of blood and I stopped sucking his blood and he looked up at me weakly as I smirked at him. "I haff plans for you." Scout stared at me in terror "Wh-what're you gonna do to me?" He asked while shaking uncontrollably. I've seen that before, a sign of very little blood left in the body. Enough to live anyway. I smirked at him and said "I haff a little room for you to stay in und vhen I am hungry I can come in und feed on you." He stared at me in shock, again a sign of little blood in the body. I picked him up and carried him over my shoulder and made my way to the infirmary and I entered a secret passage and kept him chained to a wall. I smirked evilly at him before saying "I vill be back later. Be sure to haff plenty of blood for me." I laughed as I left and I checked the time. 3 AM "Still enough time for me to feed." I thought and I thought about leaving some blood for my next meal so they can live "Screw it! I'll drain them completely. I'm starving here anyway." I thought and I made my way to Soldier's room and carefully entered and closed the door and quietly walked over to him and bent down. He still had two puncture wounds from the last time I fed on him. I viciously bit down and I held him down and I used a paralysis pressure point so he was powerless against me. "Why isn't he bleeding yet?!" I thought a bit irritated that I couldn't taste blood. Then I tried a different spot on his neck and my fangs barely pierced his flesh before warm blood began to pour out of his neck and I sucked up the blood. Quickly I stopped hearing his heartbeat and I checked for breathing. Nothing. "He'll respawn." I thought and I made my way out and I decided to go to Demo's room. "He wasn't drunk earlier so he shouldn't have alcohol in his system. Who am I kidding anyway? It's Demo." I entered his room and he stared at me and I panicked mentally "'Ello Doc. What can I *hic* do for ya at this *hic* hour?" "Good he's drunk. Makes it easier for me to feed." My eyes glowed red and so did his "Sober up. I don't want my next victim to have alcohol in his blood." I thought it impossible but after twenty minutes Demo was completely sobered up "I'm sober now Master." I don't know why but I love when my victims are in a trance and they call me "Master" I mean I never tell them to call me Master, they just call me that. "Gut. Now zen. Go. To. Sleep." I commanded and Demo fell asleep and I snapped him out of his trance and he quickly began snoring. I walked next to him and bit his neck. Soon after warm blood began to flow into my mouth and I began to suck up his blood. Demo began to stir a little and I ignored it until he grabbed my throat and I quickly swallowed his blood "Doc what're ya doin?" My eyes began to glow red again and I commanded him to release me and he did so and I continued to feed on his blood. After I couldn't get anymore blood Demo fell backwards and his eyes were glazed over. There was still a little blood on his neck so I picked him up and licked the blood. I then dropped him and checked the time. 4:30 AM. "Good I still have enough time for one more feeding." I thought and I decided I would make Spy my last meal of the night. So I snuck into his room and I found him asleep in a chair. "This should be fairly easy." I lifted Spy's mask and bit down onto his neck and I began to suck up his blood. The entire process he didn't seem to care that I was draining him of blood. I quickly finished drinking all of his blood and he was slumped over in his chair and I decided to get one more meal. "Engineer." I thought and I quickly made my way to Engie's room and I bit down on his neck and drained him fairly quickly but he awoke before I finished draining him and I released him and he held his hand over the bloody wound which got blood all over his hand and he weakly said "You blood sucking demon." And the light faded from his eyes and I licked the blood off his hand and I bit into his throat which caused his throat to gush out blood and his blood flowed into my mouth and I quickly finished his blood. I started to head back to (Y/N)'s room when I came across Sniper. I stared at his throat hungrily and I ran quietly behind him and I got a rag of chloroform and put it in front of his face and kept it there until he stopped struggling and I laid him down on the ground and drained him. "I'll have to drink Sniper's blood more often." I thought. Sniper's blood had a strong taste and a small kick to it, which I liked. And I decided to keep him with Scout so I returned to the same room with Sniper and chained him up and grinned at Scout "What happened to Sniper?" He asked in terror "He isn't dead. I used chloroform on him. He vill be here vith you until I vant his or your blood." I said and I checked to see how much blood Scout had "How do you haff all of your blood back zis quickly?" I asked "I don't know." I grinned at him and I bit his neck again and his blood flowed into my mouth. "Your blood still tastes wunderbar." I said and I went back to draining him of blood. "Doc let me go. I'm starting to see spots." "Nein, I vill take all of your blood." And I finished draining him of blood and Scout slumped over and I knew he was faking it so I viciously bit into his throat which caused him to scream in pure agony and he started crying. His blood was gushing out of his throat and I swallowed his blood and his voice quickly grew hoarse and he cried silently and I finished draining him completely. Then Sniper woke up and saw Scout's lifeless body and blood on my fangs. "Doc... What happened 'ere?" "Scout's blood tastes gut but yours is better zan his." I said and I checked how much blood he had and similar to Scout he had all of his blood back. I grinned which revealed my bloodied fangs and I bit into Sniper's throat and drained him quickly while he screamed in agony and begged me to let him live. "I cannot do zat herr Sniper. I am hungry und you haff blood. Do ze math." I said and I quickly finished draining him and I made my way back to (Y/N) and she was fast asleep. I crawled into her bed next to her and we cuddled and I kissed her which left a little blood on her lip and I fell asleep with her head on my chest.
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