This will be a series of flashbacks the reader has of previous encounters with Medic, story will continue in the next chapter. Also the song is If I was your Vampire by Marilyn Manson
Flashback 1
It was an ordinary day for you. Well it had only been a week after you moved in as the newest (class) and you found yourself interested in the Medic. After all literally after you met him and he had just learned your name he kissed you. "Should I ask him about it?" Your thoughts kept you up late and so you got up and went to get some water when you felt yourself being watched by an unnerving presence. You turned around to see if you could see anyone and when you turned back around the Medic was standing there. You jumped and started breathing heavily "Hey Medic, don't scare me like that." "Mein apologies my dear." You turned your head to the side in confusion "Dear?" You asked "I am being polite to ze newest member of ze team." "Oh okay then." "Could you come vith me?" He asked staring into your eyes. "Why does he have to be so handsome?" You thought and you could've sworn you saw a small smirk on the devilishly handsome doctor, if only for a split second. "Uh, sure." He grinned and said "Wunderbar. Follow me liebe." Upon arriving at the infirmary Medic offered to show you around the infirmary "I wonder why Miss Pauling said to be cautious of him. He's being such a gentleman." And you followed him on your tour of his infirmary, then you saw a door with something written in a language you couldn't decipher. "I think that's German... Yeah that's German." You thought upon glancing at the sign. The only reason you knew it was German was you knew a few words in German and you saw the word "Nicht" which meant "Not" "So do not enter?" You thought. Instantly you found yourself pinned to the wall with your wrists above your head and the devilishly handsome doctor a few inches away from your face. You couldn't help but blush. In secret you liked the doctor. "What're you doing Doc?" You asked blushing darkly and Medic smirked at you and crashed his lips onto yours. "Is he actually... Kissing... Me? Is it possible that he likes me? Why would he? Oh screw it just kiss him back. Wait... What would he do if I kissed him back?" You thought. Medic released you and stared into your eyes "You are beautiful. Vhy did you nicht kiss back?" "I-I was nervous. I didn't really know how to react, it was too sudden." Medic smirked at you "So you vant a slower relationship zen, ja?" "R-relationship?" You asked "Yes, relationship. You vill be mine one day liebe. Maybe nicht today, but I vill haff you to myself. You vill be mine, all mine." Then you awoke from your dream "That has to be the most realistic dream I've ever had." You said before falling back asleep. (That was an actual dream. It just seemed like a flashback before remembering it was a dream)
Flashback 2
You had gotten shot and Medic started acting strange. "Is he being protective over me? We are pretty good friends but he's acting like a protective boyfriend." You mentally slapped yourself and Medic was tending to you as carefully as he could as he didn't want you to get hurt more than you already were. "Zere, you should be a bit better now liebe." "Thanks Medic." You said and you started to get off the examination table but Medic gently pushed you back down. "Medic? What are you doing?" The only response you got was three words you didn't understand "Ich liebe dich." You knew what that meant but something in your brain wouldn't tell you what it meant. Then Medic climbed on the examination table and his face was a few centimeters away from your face. "Uh Doc...?" Medic smirked at you and quietly said "Accept it (Y/N) mein darling." "Accept what? Why did you call me darling?" Medic smirked at you and smashed his lips on yours and he wrapped his arms around you and you managed to wrap your arms around his neck. He broke the kiss for a second and you could've sworn you heard him say "You belong to me now." Before he smashed his lips on yours. You didn't care what he said, but after a while your lungs started to burn. Medic still wouldn't release you but eventually he released you and let you breath and you were gasping for the air that you had been denied. "If only zat could last longer." Medic said quietly. "As long as you let me breathe I don't mind you kissing me." He grinned evilly at you and you tried to crawl away but seeing as he was on top of you and holding you down escape was impossible. You stared at him in fear but in his eyes was... Love? He stared into your eyes with that same loving stare. Then he let you leave. "Medic...?" You asked and then you were pinned to the wall with your wrists above your head and Medic was kissing you passionately. You decided to brave it and you kissed him back and you felt him smirk. He licked your bottom lip to ask for entrance "Is he being serious?" You thought and then he gently bit your lip and tugged it a little "He's persistent." Then Medic seemed to give up so you gave in and immediately his tongue invaded your mouth and explored his new territory. And his tongue started to play with yours then he released you and stared into your eyes with a loving stare. To anyone else it would've been a creepy stare but you saw love in his eyes. "Ich liebe dich (Y/N)." "What does that mean?" You asked "You vill find out soon my darling." And he kissed you one last time before you blacked out and woke up the next morning in your room wondering if that was just another dream or if it really happened.
Flashback 3
Every once in a while you would think you saw Medic standing in the shadows as you were training. He would just stand there and observe your training routine. When he knew you saw him he would smile at you and wink and continue watching you train. One day it was rather hot out and Soldier wouldn't let you get water until you finished your routine and you weren't even close to being done. That's when you started to see spots and you paused only for Soldier to yell at you to continue. Medic walked over and told Soldier off for forcing you to train without water, even a short break. "SHE NEEDS TO TRAIN DOC!" Medic death glared him "Ja vell she also needs to stay hydrated so she doesn't get heat stroke. (Y/N) you are coming vith me, can you walk?" You tried to stand but your legs were wobbly and you tried to walk but your body had other thoughts. Rather than falling to the ground, you fell into Medic's arms. "I vill take zat as ein no." And he chuckled a little and carried you to the infirmary bridal style. Once you were in the infirmary you felt a lot better as it was a bit cold in the infirmary. "Vait here liebe. I vill be right back vith some wasser (water)." You nodded and Archimedes flew over to you and perched on your shoulder. "Hey Archimedes, how are you today?" You asked while petting the dove "Coo." He answered and he hopped into your hand. Then Medic walked in with a bottle of water and he took off the cap for you and handed you the bottle. You let Archimedes hop onto the counter and you accepted the water "Thanks Medic." "You are velcome liebe. I just vant to make sure you stay safe." You blushed a little and drank some water. "If Soldier keeps trying to make you train zat hard vithout wasser, you come get me und I vill deal vith him for you." "Okay, thanks Doc." "You're velcome." Medic said and you sat and talked with him for a while. Just to get to know him better. "What kind of music do you like?" "Classical. Und you?" "(Fav music genre) I also like Hollywood Undead and also some hard rock songs." "I see. Apologies if zis seems a bit forward but, are you in a relationship vith anyone?" "No, why?" "No reason." For a split second you could've sworn you saw a look of relief on his face. If only for a split second "Are you in a relationship with anyone?" You asked "Nein." You could've sworn you heard him mutter "Not yet anyvay." "So zen, how are you feeling?" "Better. Thanks for the water." "Anytime (Y/N). Remember if Soldier gives you trouble, tell me. I vill deal vith him for you." "Oka" you were cut off my Medic crashing his lips onto yours. You sat there dumbfounded for a moment before deciding to kiss him back. Instantly Medic had you pinned to the wall and was making out with you. "Is this why he wanted to know if I was in a relationship?" You thought and Medic released you and stared into your eyes without blinking. Then you blacked out and felt warm breath on your neck and something sharp, like knives, being driven into your neck. Then you felt something, or someone sucking your blood. You started to feel light headed, not from blood loss though. "He drugged me didn't he?" You thought and as if he had read your mind Medic whispered in your ear "I vould not drug you my darling." "He's awfully fond of calling me love, dear, darling, and sweetheart isn't he? I wonder why that is." Before completely blacking out you felt warm lips on yours and a strong metallic taste in your mouth.
Flashback 4
"Medic's been acting weird around me lately. He's also been really protective over me. I wonder if he's yandere over me. (For those who don't know what a yandere is. A yandere is someone of either gender who is romantically obsessed with another person who is their " senpai" and if they feel that their senpai is being threatened they will defend them. They also usually get jealous extremely quickly. Watch Yandere Simulator on YouTube it better explains it) I would doubt it but maybe." You thought when you literally walked into Medic. "Sorry Medic. Are you alright?" He chuckled a little before answering "Apologies are nicht necessary my love. I am fine, how are you?" "Fine." "Why does he keep calling me his love? Does he have feelings for me?" You were snapped out of your thoughts by Medic kissing you softly. "I'm glad you're alright." He said. "Do I ask him if he's yandere over me? How would he react? Would he still want to be friends with me?" "Somezing on your mind love?" He asked "Can we go somewhere private?" You asked and he smiled and nodded "Follow me." It was quiet but you could hear him say "I like vhere zis is going. She vill finally be mine in no time." "He wants me to be his? Does he mean his girlfriend? Does that mean he likes me too? So many questions." He led you to the infirmary and locked the door and got you a chair. "So vat is on your mind dearest?" "Well... I was wondering why it is when I come by for a visit, or when we're alone. You kiss me." "You are a very beautiful girl (Y/N). Vhen you said zat you vere not vith anyone I vas surprised zat a beautiful und intelligent girl as yourself vas not vith anyone." "That doesn't really answer my question though." You said timidly "You are even more cute vhen you are shy liebe." "Cute? He thinks I'm cute?" You thought and in an instant Medic was a few inches away from your face "Do you not believe me vhen I say zat you are cute?" "It's not that, it's just..." "Just vat? You can tell me anyzing my dear." "No one has ever called me cute before. No one's cared about me as much as you do. Most of the time I don't know how to react." "Now you haff someone who cares about you very much. You haff me." Medic said and he smashed his lips onto yours for a passionate kiss. "He loves me doesn't he?" His kiss was rough but still passionate. All those times you saw that loving look he gave you whenever he saw you, it was obvious he had feelings for you and he was trying to convey them to you in his own way. You kissed him back, still nervous about what he would do and he noticed this and tried to comfort you. He released you and stared into your eyes and smiled, every time he looked into your eyes and you looked back you saw love. He, most of the time, probably saw fear, and uncertainty. "At least now he knows why." You thought and Medic held you gently in a comforting manner. "I vill never ever allow anyone to hurt you. My delicate little flower." "That's a new one." You thought "It is late, vould you like me to escort you back to your room?" "Uh, sure. Thanks Medic." "Anyzing for you mein love." He said and he pecked your lips and stood and offered you his hand. You accepted and he escorted you back to your room and made sure you made it in your room safe and sound. "I vill see you in ze morning liebeling." He said with a small smile as he pecked your lips again and walked off.
Flashback 5
You had gotten fond of taking nightly walks around the base and every night you could've sworn that you would see the Medic going into the other's rooms and leave with blood on his face. One night in particular you were sitting outside your room and you felt yourself being watched. You were listening to some music but you could still hear a voice "So beautiful, I vish zat she vas mine. She vill be mine soon enough. Enjoy ze rest of your night my love." You didn't dare take out your headphones and make it obvious that you had heard something. "So Medic wants me to be his. I wonder why he keeps on calling me his love and his darling and stuff like that." Then you felt a presence directly behind you and warm breath on the back of your neck which caused the hair on the back of your neck to stand on end. You slowly took out a headphone and turned around "H-hello? C-can I help you? Is anyone there?" "To answer your first question you can help me. Und I am here love." "Medic?" "Ja?" He said emerging from the shadows and sat down next to you. "Vhy are you up so late darling?" "Couldn't sleep, what time is it anyway?" "A couple minutes to midnight." You nodded and thanked him for telling you the time "Anytime honey." "What's with the nicknames?" "Nicknames?" "To name everything you've ever called me besides my name. Love, darling, dear, sweetheart, my delicate little flower, honey, dearest, sweetie, my angel. And I think that's it... Oh wait there was that one time when you called me baby." Medic sheepishly scratched the back of his neck "Vell... It's hard to explain." "Try me." He smirked evilly at you "Maybe I vill." And you started to crawl backwards in an attempt to escape but he just picked you up bridal style and carried you to the infirmary. "H-hey let me go." "I don't zink so babe." "Babe?" You asked "You ask me to explain myself und I vill. In mein own vay." You gulped wondering what he had in store for you. He sensed your fear and hugged you gently "Shh. It's alright my love. I vill not harm you. You haff nozing to be afraid of." You gulped again "O-okay." You stuttered and you were brought into the examination room and Medic laid you on the examination table. "What're you doing Doc?" You asked fearfully and Medic walked over next to you and crouched down to meet your level "Zere is no reason to be afraid baby. I vill not harm you, nor vill I allow anyone to harm you." You managed to get off the examination table and made a break for anywhere you could and you found a closet and hid in it. Soon enough you heard a door open and Medic entered the room "(Y/N)? Vhy did you run from me? I promise zat I vill not hurt you. Come out bitte." You gulped and kept quiet and shook a little in fear and managed to keep your breathing in check so he wouldn't hear you breathing. You watched him through a small hole in the closet and Medic was searching everywhere he could for you. "I know zat you are still in here darling. Please come out." You stayed in the closet and Medic kept searching for you "Ze closet maybe." He said and your heart sank. You found a small space in the wall and hid in it by curling yourself into a ball. Medic opened the door and looked around for you and closed the door. You sighed in relief and got out of your hiding spot and stood and looked out the hole to see if you could find him. "Where did he go?" You muttered to yourself and then you found yourself pinned to the wall of the closet with your wrists over your head. "Vhy vere you hiding from me?" Medic asked softly and you could tell his face was close to yours because you could feel his breath ghosting across your lips. "I-I" you began "Save it for later love. All zat matters now is zat ve are together, ja?" You were afraid of what he would do to you if you disagreed or tried to escape so you nodded and you were wondering if he saw you since it was rather dark in the closet. Suddenly you felt soft lips on yours kissing you softly. "I care about you a lot (Y/N)." Medic said breaking the kiss "I noticed." You replied "Vould you mind if I did somezing?" "Depends on what that something is." "Nozing you vould not like." Medic said and you gave him a questioning look and you could feel his breath on your neck "Just zis." He said and he started to kiss your neck and eventually started to gently bite down on your neck. Not hard enough to draw blood though. "What do you think you're doing?" You asked "I vas just leaving little love bites on you my dear." "But we're not a" was all you could say before Medic smashed his lips onto yours and he shoved his tongue in your mouth and explored his territory. Your lungs started to burn for air but Medic wouldn't break the kiss. You tried numerous times to free yourself but Medic wouldn't let you go. "Air! I NEED AIR!" Your brain and lungs shouted at you and then strangely you could still breath but Medic was still making out with you. "How am I able to breath? I'm not even gonna question it." You thought. "Okay Medic enough is enough, let me go now." You thought but Medic only attempted to deepen the kiss. It was obvious he didn't want to let you go and you didn't expect to be freed anytime soon. "Let me go please." You thought but instead Medic only deepened the kiss "I really need you to let me go." You felt Medic smirk into the kiss and he deepened the kiss even more. "Fine. I'm just gonna let it happen." You thought and you tried to kiss him back but failed. "Since he can read my mind apparantly, deepen the kiss until you can't deepen it anymore." You felt him grin and he kept kissing you. Eventually he released you and grinned "So vat vas your reason for hiding hmm?" Medic asked "W-well... I... Uh... I... I'm a bit shy is all." You said "Aww. Zat is cute." His statement caused you to blush and he chuckled and hugged you "You turn a cute shade of red vhen you are embarrassed babe." "Please don't call me that." "As you vish, baby." "Please don't call me that either." "As you vish, mein love." "Why do you keep calling me all these names?" "All vill be revealed in gut time liebeling." Medic said and you blacked out.
Flashback 6
You had gotten badly burned by an enemy Pyro and Medic was tending to the burns. "Let me know if anyzing starts to hurt. You haff second degree burns on your arm und lower back so you vill need to stay here for a little vhile. A few days at most, vhere do you vant to sleep?" You thought for a moment as Medic wrapped your arm and lower back to prevent further wounds or your current wounds getting infected or something. "Is there a bed I can use." "Ja but it is mein bed. Ve could share it if you don't mind." "I don't want things to be awkward between us. You understand right?" Medic smiled a little before answering "I vill not zink any different of you for whatever sleeping habits you have." "Do you want to know my sleeping habits?" "Sure." "(Sleeping habits) and I..." You trailed off and blushed darkly "You vat?" Medic asked curiously "I..." You took a deep breath and exhaled slowly "ItendtocuddlewithstuffwhenIsleep." You blushed darkly as you finishes your statement "I do not mind if you cuddle vith me." Medic said "How'd he understand what I said?" You thought "Okay." "After all you do not know vat you do as you sleep, correct?" "Yeah. What are your sleeping habits?" "Vell, I haff a bit of trouble sleeping so I go on walks at night und zen go to sleep." "That explains why he was walking around at night." You thought and you glanced at the clock 10:00 at night. "Here I vill help you to bed." Medic said and he picked you up bridal style and carried you to his room and carefully placed you on his bed and tucked you in and made sure you were comfortable before falling asleep himself.
Later that night
You tossed and turned during the night and crawled over to Medic and snuggled into his chest. He smiled to himself and wrapped his arm around you and you hugged his torso "Interesting." Medic said with a smirk as you cuddled with him. You smiled in your sleep and Medic observed your behavior and how you would on occasion have a fearful expression and cling to him and then relax and your eyes would dart around under your eyelids "Vat are you dreaming love?" Medic asked quietly as he traced patterns on your back. You then got up a little and then laid your head on Medic's chest and he held you gently. He gently turned your head towards him and kissed you and then you kissed him and he tensed for a moment and then relaxed and kissed you back. "Gut nacht mein love. I vill haff you one day. I don't know vhen zat day vill come, but you vill be mine. I vill see to zat."
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