Chapter 9
(Jaehyun Pov )
After Jeno collected Jaemin I made my way back to the hotel to see and hope Taeyong is still asleep.
As I enter the hotel room I can hear him sleeping soundly so I put a bunch of flowers and his favorite donuts on the table along with some coffee and make my way to the bedroom. Seeing him all wrapped up and snuggled in the bed I take my clothes and shoes off and climb in beside him.
Watching him as he sleeps I move a stray piece of hair that looks like it will tickle his nose away. I can't help but smile seeing his beauty and red cheeks.
"So adorable" I whisper as I keep watching him.
" I smell coffee" he says while opening his eyes
" I ran out and got us some, would you like it now ?' I sit up in the bed as he covers his head with the blankets.
"Yes please" I hear him mumble from under the cover.
" Why are you hiding?" I playfully pull on the covers as he holds it tight .
" It's first thing in the morning and I look awful at this time" he giggles
" You know I have seen you worse when you where hung over" I wait as he finally pulls the covers down
" Oh yeah" he sits up in the bed all red cheeked with his hair all over the place .
I climb out of the bed and go get the coffee doughnuts and flowers .
" I bought you some flowers as a sorry for lastnight " I pass them to him as he blushes and sniffs them .
" Thank you they are beautiful" he places them down on the bedside table and turns back to me as I sit back on the bed .
" Coffee?" I hold it towards him as he takes it and sips it .
"We could have ordered these on room service" he opens the bag and pulls out a doughnut.
" Yeah but it wouldn't have been nice plus I'm trying to make up for last night so getting you doughnuts from the place you like is better then any room service" I take a doughnut and start to eat it as he keeps blushing
" I should be doing this for you" he whispers making me wonder why he is saying something like that.
"Eh why, you have done nothing wrong" I put my cup down and finish my doughnut as I move closer to him taking his cup away and placing it on the table.
" Because ... because I said no to sex and stopped us " he hides his face as I can't help but smile
" You don't need to do anything. You were not ready for sex and I respect that"
" I'm sorry I guess I just got so nervous and chickened out"
" Hey don't say that, when you are ready we will but till then lets not worry about it ok" I Lean over him and kiss him softly on the cheek as he lets out a little moan.
" You may need to stop those sounds when I kiss you or I may have to pin you to something and have my way with you" I cup his cheek as he blushes more . " I can't help it your kisses are so good"
" My sex is good too but you have to wait for that" I wink and climb off the bed and head into the bathroom turning on the shower .
" Hey you tease" I hear him behind me making me turn around to see him with the bed covers around his body hiding it .
" I'm not a tease " I slide the only bit of clothing I have left on my underwear to the floor before I step into the shower .
" You just teased me there" he says as I watch him while the water runs done my body trying to make myself look sexy.
" I can tease too" he drops the bedding and slides his own underwear off but he does it so much better then me that I can feel myself getting harder. I turn my back to him and calm myself .
" Let me wash your back for you" I feel his hands touch my back and every little part of my body wants him right now.
"Taeyong, spend the day with me " I turn to face him as he holds the bottle of body wash in his hands looking so sexy and wet .
" All day, are you sure?"
" Yes all day. Let's go on a drive and just have some alone time. Unless you have plans of course " I take the bottle of body wash from him and pour it out onto my hand before I move closer and start to rub it along his chest.
" Mmm that feels good" he closes his eyes to my touch and I have to admit it is very sexy and I really do want him.
" What about this ?" I rub my hands down his front and cup his semi hard cock in my hands covering it with bodywash.
" Oh yes" he opens his eyes and reaches to hold on to the glass door of the shower
Moving closer I lean in and kiss his neck with passion as I can hear his heartbeat racing .
" How's this?" I ask him as he moans out loud
" Don't stop please" he wraps an arm around my shoulder for balance as he throws his head back while I keep stroking his cock
" I won't stop till you tell me too beautiful" I whisper in his ear till he lets out another moan .
"I want you so badly but I am afraid you will think I am easy " He says with a weak breath making me look in his eyes .
" You are not easy I would never think of you like that beautiful" I look deeper into his eyes until he lowers his head.
" I want to I really do, I'm also embarrassed. I have never done it before maybe I should go" He pushes away from me and steps out of the shower grabbing a towel and running away
Turning off the shower I follow him making sure not to slip on the wet tiled floor. Finding him in the bedroom trying to get dressed I grab him and pull him close to my chest and hug him tight .
" Tae please don't go just stay here for minute. Lets just calm down a little and then if you want to go I will drive you home"
I feel him relax as he starts to hug me back.
" Lets get you dried before you catch a cold" I help dry his hair with the towel as he smiles and blushes at me.
" You are naked worrying about me you could catch a cold also" he smiles before moving away to get dressed.
"I cant die" I move to get dressed myself as he lets out a laugh. " How, are you immortal or something?. Let me guess you are a vampire or drink an elixir to help keep you alive" he looks at me and my insides want to tell him the truth .
" Something like that " I smile and quickly get dressed. Grabbing my car keys I wait for him in the sitting room .
" I'm ready " he says so softly looking so blue. " You sure you want me to drop you home ?"
" I would rather spend the day with you Jaehyun. I know I am making things difficult for you changing my mind so much "
" Hey .... shhh I would love to spend the day with you . Come on lets get out of here" I reach my hand out towards him as he takes it .
Leaving the hotel we make our way down to my car and his phone rings
" Sorry I need to take this" He lets go of my hand and walks to the back of the car to take the call as I wait by the drivers door.
" Oh god no please, Mark no please " he starts to cry as I quickly make my way to him since I can hear the person on the other end of the call. I cant let him know I can hear what's going on so I wait till he hangs up the call.
" Johnny and and ...... Ten..... where in a car crash they are in the hospital I need to go to them what if they die " he starts to sob and shake.
" Wait ok take a deep breath for me" I hold his hands in mine as he does what I have asked of him.
" I can take you to see them. Lets just get you into the car first " he just nods his head and climbs into the car as I rush around to the drivers side and climb in.
" There are some tissues in the glove compartment" I start the car and head in the direction of the hospital that I heard Mark tell him.
" I am so sorry about all of this" He sniffs wiping his eyes.
" Why are you saying sorry for?" I look towards him as he looks so lost all of a sudden. I decide to pull the car over.
" What are you doing I need to go to the hospital" he starts to panic.
" I just want to know why you keep saying sorry to me for"
"Something seems to come up every time we try have some alone time. Plus I keep leading you on and doing nothing about it in the end. Why are you here with me, why haven't you left yet?.
" Hey hang on a minute take a breath. I am here because I want to be and your my love, right ?" he looks up at me with red eyes and sniffs again.
" Maybe you need to be with someone who can just drop their underwear for you" he tries to climb out of the car but I stop him.
" What has gotten into you. I told you not to worry about anything like that. I want to be with you because I like you, ok. Its not about the sex"
" Why me then, you could have had your pick from all my friends" he says trying to get out of the car door.
I start the car and it stops him from trying to get out . I just keep quiet as I drive him to the hospital ignoring what he just said to me.
As we arrive at the hospital I park the car and climb out following him but I stop and sit on the bonnet of the car and watch him walk ahead and not look back. I let out a sigh knowing this is going to be so hard with him. Maybe I should just give up on him and let him go. I let out a deep breath and just decide to head off on a drive to clear my head.
to be continued .....
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